Janitors, Mafia, and Backpay
The Sicialian Mafia and janitorial services might seem an unusual pairing, but it’s at the root of nine years of litigation ruled on today by the U ... Air Base near Catania, Italy. The janitorial services company was owned by Carmelo La Mastra ... U.S. Court of Federal Claims Judge Emily Clark Hewitt’s ruling that the Navy awarded the contract [more...]
Date: 2008-06-27 21:26:31
Blog posts
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Once Almost Invisible in California’s High Rise Buildings, Janitors Make Visible Progress for Service Workers
What the Justice for Janitors Campaign Means in a State Where Blue Collar Wages are Stagnant and Costs are High ... coverage for the first time. We also united janitorial contracts within regions, which will help [more...]
Date: 2008-07-11 15:55:05
"Urban Sprawl" is Bad?
There rages a heated debate regarding living conditions in our country among those in the architecture industry referred to lovingly as "Urban Sprawl ... is desirable to even the lowliest janitor. I am not saying that janitorial service is a menial ... , a janitor is not on par with an anesthesiologist.Why do supposedly intelligent people deny [more...]
Date: 2009-01-03 17:35:00