Mold Remediation: Hey, You Can Do It Like A Pro!
The toxic mold is known not just as an infrastructure wrecker but even more famously, as a notorious source of various diseases ... . If you live in a home with a high level of moisture, mold contamination is not, in any way, impossible from happening. The only consolation you get is that mold contamination can be ... [more...]
Date: 2008-12-06 06:55:05
Blog posts
(4) |
Disaster Strikes! Now What?
Disaster Strikes! Now What? Look, there are a lot of things someone needs to know to own a house and keep it in good working order ... really dry and eliminate the contaminants which can cause mold and mildew. Sustaining Water Damage ... to be concerned with the lasting effecting of water like black mold and bacteria. This is where the pros really [more...]
Date: 2009-01-03 23:46:22
How To Choose A Whole House Air Purifier
By Ray Lam Before purchasing an air purifier for your home, ... it with your household air duct system, allowing the air flow from the entire building ... gas and clean the air of other contaminants. If you have a problem with dust, mold, or mildew [more...]
Date: 2008-07-03 04:45:00
How to Stop and / or Prevent Mold from Growing in My Attic
Mold growing in the attic does not necessarily cause your house air contamination. However, it usually becomes an issue when discovered during the home inspection. In addition ... be able to see some kind of a pipe/duct (galvanized steel, aluminum, or plastic) between the attic floor [more...]
Date: 2008-12-30 11:45:40