Green Product Recommendations
Here are a few of my favorite tried-and-true green home and body products:Organic deodorant is a tough one and takes a lot of trial and, well, error ... , I go to for non-toxic Acquarella nail polish, Organic Apotke face masks, and Nvey Eco cosmetics.I love cleaning with Method and Mrs. Meyers products from [more...]
Date: 2008-12-26 12:00:00
Blog posts
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Things have changed a lot in the last few weeks; for instance, ... was relatively filthy. I am now in the process of cleaning it (with the help of Mrs. Meyer, who makes fine cleaning products, and my recent discovery of microfiber cleaning cloths), and this involves [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 04:03:00
Kitchen Cleaning Supplies
I've posted about some of my favorite cleaning supplies before but I thought I would do an entire post about all of them by category. { ... Friend on my All Clad pans and anything Stainless Steel. It is designed to be gentle but effective ... cleaning product of all time, Mrs. Meyers Geranium all purpose cleaner. Use this on your floors [more...]
Date: 2008-08-20 12:38:00