EOC Tip of the Week
Facility support: You can end up with literally hundreds of people working multiple shifts in a large EOC activation ... in the bathrooms, extra janitorial service for weekends and holidays that you are activated, maybe rescheduling cleaning so it can be done in the evening hours when things are not so hectic. Ordering office [more...]
Date: 2008-11-02 00:52:57
Blog posts
(3) |
10 Time Management Can-Do Tips by Gloria-Jean Brown
10 Time Management Can-Do Tips by Gloria-Jean Brown 15 Jan 2009 Author: admin In: Education, Time Management 1 ... ). 3. Set out the suit/dress/shirt-tie you want to wear (does it cleaning, do they need to be mended, any buttons missing). Have you gotten directions? (Either call the office of your appointment [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 13:18:37
How to get a Publishing Deal #3
by The Lone Ranger As Kathleen pointed out last week's tip on how to get a publishing deal only made it to the lift of the ... to be: The publisher's window to his office. Remember just posting off blind loads of letters, a synopsis ... that is likely to be interested in your type of work, you also need to find out which window cleaning [more...]
Date: 2008-11-11 16:00:49