10 Ways To Green Your Life
Inspired by feedback and discussion, I've built upon my previous pondering list. If you are in the mood, it is a list worth reading! ... -changes, air-filter changes, and spark plug replacements lengthen the life of your car and improve fuel ... products from companies that use recycled paper and non-chlorine whiteners. If buying plastic items [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 19:50:40
Blog posts
(6) |
Just What I Need!
_3890 More large sheets of paper to hoard. I ordered these from a paper shop in Michigan. They are produced in Budapest oh heavy paper ... ? You know the guy who was producer for the Godfather? His production company is called American Zoetrope (which [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 23:45:14
Companies that Carbon Offset
I have been doing carbon offsets of various sorts for 2 years now, trying to make sure my family is carbon neutral or better ... Homegrown Foods Stoneyfield Farms Seventh Generation (we buy lots of their paper and cleaning products) An Inconvenient Truth Here is the list from Carbonfund.org. There are, quite wonderfully [more...]
Date: 2008-12-13 17:09:39
Conference Call Highlights: Alcoa on Commercial Paper and China
Aluminum manufacturer Alcoa lost $1.19 billion in Q408. The company is cutting production and headcount to brace for further declines in demand next year. Alcoa generally kicks off the earnings season each quarter, and the industry bellwether sheds [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 10:55:07
Importance of Surveillance Camera Systems in A Poor Economy
by Marcelo Oleas Safeguarding any business in this day and time is made easier with surveillance camera systems ... from common product or cash theft, add up and make a significant impact in a company’s profit margins ... times employees steal pens and pencils to paper and other supplies in the office. Also retail [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 17:19:59
Letter to the editor
I'm writing this to the Mille Lacs County Times, the paper in Milaca, where my kids go to school ... when it sells advertising to a company like Pepsi, which survives by addicting children to unhealthy products, habits and lifestyles.I've read the PR on the PepsiCo website about the company's [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 02:54:00