Breakin’ It Down: Greywater
Greywater is water that flows down sink, shower, and washing machine drains–but not the toilet. Greywater may contain traces of dirt, food, grease, hair, and household cleaning products. While greywater may look “dirty,” it is a safe and even beneficial source of irrigation water. If released [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 15:24:42
Blog posts
(4) |
The magical wonders of Household cleaning products
A new home smell is something that leaves a memory in your mind forever. Starting over in a new living environment is also a great experience ... cleaning products. Maybe Going Green strike your mind?the use of these products have made it safe ... these janitorial cleaning products. Could you believe that rust removers can get ris of rust [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 19:48:54
The positives of using Household cleaning products
Being able to sign the contract on a new home is a wonderful feeling ... remover can destroy rust without using toxic chemicals. Its pretty cool how a non acidic product ... Green remind you of something? most of these cleaning products are safe to use. Toxic chemicals [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 16:06:51
Simple Green Simply Greenwashing Consumers for Decades
How safe are household cleaners? One of the first “green” cleaning products I ever used was Simple Green. I would clean carpets, cars, bathtubs, floors, etc. with this green liquid. I even converted my mother to a Simple Green user. As I became “greener”, I switched to homemade cleaning products [more...]
Date: 2008-12-05 04:20:58