We Covet Sparklingly White Christmases
The holidays are nice and all, what with all of that family togetherness, gift-giving and pie, ... ? You guessed it—effective stain removal. And for my stain removal dollar, nothing works better than ... stains—but seriously, when it comes to reversing the damage done by spaghetti, dirt, wine [more...]
Date: 2008-12-10 14:00:00
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Stain Removal Tips
I have never had laundry problems until I had children. If I had a stain, I sprayed it with shout and it came out ... , I was spending more and more time in my laundry room. Here are some tips on stain removal I learned along the way: Red stains like spaghetti sauce or blueberries: These types of stains must be bleached [more...]
Date: 2008-12-08 15:14:56