Cleaning my entrance door
I am going to share more cleaning tips .. I 'm not saying I am a neat freak!!! because I'm not .. I am not a Domestic Goddess too. ... .. So get all your cleaning equipments ready .. I also have a basket ready so I can put all the things that does ... ... I read a lot about anything like speed cleaning, getting organized,, and getting much needed tips [more...]
Date: 2008-10-29 12:13:17
Blog posts
(2) |
New Year In The Kitchen? Clean Out The Refrigerator!
It's January. Standing in line at the supermarket check stand, nobody can deny that we're on the dreary downside of a new year. Tabloid headlines scream the weight-loss secrets of the stars, while traditional women's magazine covers sing siren songs of money-saving, belly-busting, speed-cleaning tips, tricks and techniques [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 11:58:02