Why You Want to Avoid Using Chemical Disinfectants
Here is something interesting I read in a forum that you may find helpful! ... are commonly used in cleaning hospitals and home environments, sterilizing medical equipment ... go on cleaning frenzies in their own homes, using disinfectants on their kitchen countertops, bathrooms [more...]
Date: 2008-11-09 17:10:23
Blog posts
(44) |
WHO Named Safe Melamine Levels
With the death toll in the China melamine scare now officially up to 6 infants from consumption of tainted baby formula, ... in the United States. Melamine—an industrial chemical—is found in cleaning supplies, used as fertilizer, used on processing plant equipment and often found in plastic packaging and tubular containers [more...]
Date: 2008-12-10 15:49:56
What Type of Equipment is Used in a Carpet Cleaning Franchise?
As may be expected, you will need a commercial grade vacuum cleaner, as well as a number of specialty attachments. If you are going to offer steaming and other types of carpet cleaning franchise, deep cleaning ... a van. Today, many business owners also use their vans for advertising purposes by painting the name [more...]
Date: 2008-06-22 02:42:39
How to Care for Cleaning Equipment
As a cleaning business owner, how many times do you walk into a janitor closet and find dirty equipment, filthy mop buckets, ... for your equipment? Use this checklist to keep your supplies and equipment in top working condition. Plastic [more...]
Date: 2008-06-08 04:54:59
13 Things Your Car Mechanic Won’t Tell You
Interviews by Fran Lostys Real mechanics give you the inside scoop on the tricks of the trade. 1. “Watch out for scare tactics ... of equipment used. Look for a clean garage. A floor cluttered with empty oil cans, worn tires ... I don’t need fancy equipment’ should be avoided.” 6. “Synthetic motor oils may cost more, but you’ll [more...]
Date: 2008-06-12 17:28:12
Repair Equipment - High Quality Stuff Available Online
What do you do if your mobile gets damaged by liquid or due to a fall? You may think that getting it repaired might be bothersome ... by liquid, an Ultrasonic Cleaning Fluid is used. However, working with these products is better ... you a good amount of money. Repair equipment, used to repair accessories, can be used for a large range [more...]
Date: 2008-10-15 04:16:05
6323: Seeking Writers With Leadership Skills.
This actual job listing from craigslist was mistakenly published in the Writing/Editing category ... accepted methods of retail cleaning of buildings• Knowledge of products and equipment used ... retail store maintenance, including, but not limited to: trash removal; dusting; cleaning [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 05:21:00
Evaluating Food Safety on Cooking Shows
A touch of the face here, a lick of the finger there. We've all seen TV chefs do it before ... . According to the researchers, positive behaviors included hand washing, cleaning equipment, washing ... the use of food from the floor, failure to refrigerate perishables, failure to wash fruits [more...]
Date: 2008-09-17 17:28:30
Washing Walls
Washing Walls 2 December 2008 – 2:53 am If you’ve ever got into spring cleaning or needed to paint, ... if you have the right equipment. If it is a light cleaning, you can use liquid laundry detergent and water ... and again with a rinse. A flat headed mop or a wall mop from a janitorial supply company is a good [more...]
Date: 2008-12-02 01:53:27
19 Months Old
Listening to music on the pcIt's been 11 months since his last weighing and height measuring session. After many queries about his weight ( ... in what we say and do in front of him. He copies us in driving, dressing up, cleaning, reading, writing, talking on the phone, using electrical equipments, dancing, locking and unlocking doors [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 12:44:00
Pothole Killers to Introduce Their 'Green' Solution to Pothole Repair at The National League of Cities Exposition in Orlando
Pothole Killers Presenting New Eco Friendly Spray Injection Pothole Repair Technology MORRISVILLE, Pa., Oct. 10 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) ... . Using the PK2000 Patcher, equipped with an environmentally designed HPA re-circulation cleaning ... using recycled materials, with existing application, to create an environmentally safe product [more...]
Date: 2008-10-10 14:29:37
Eco-friendly products or eco-friendly attitude
Ok, so whats the most important? Hello my name is Peter Sweeney and I am a carpet & upholstery cleaner that uses independently certified eco-friendly cleaning solutions. Do I use water, power and do I drive a van? Is some of the equipment I use made up of parts that come from non [more...]
Date: 2008-07-08 10:14:14
IW Council Leader Gets Hands On Graffiti Removal
Specialist cleaning equipment is being used across the Island to remove graffiti. Isle of Wight Council's Community Safety Service asked people to ring a special graffiti hotline to report any street tags they wanted to be removed... Copyright © 2008 This feed is provided [more...]
Date: 2008-10-22 23:00:03
Tips on Finding a Pilates Studio
Tips on Finding a Pilates Studio July 21st, 2008 When it comes to buying a house, a car or anything that involves a major investment, ... environments, but are particular about which type of equipment they prefer to use, or are more comfortable ... for a studio. After a class you should be directed to clean off the equipment or mats with disinfectant [more...]
Date: 2008-07-21 17:33:24
“The Tides” - A poem
With plans heating up for tidal power here in the Bay of Fundy, I thought you might find this poem amusing ... , we've given up on that idea, but, recently, equipment used to assess tidal power potential here ... the shores clean and never once shirked If you did half as much you would feel overworked [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 13:41:00
HABITAT Trademark Case
Gerrit van de Meent, is a Dutch citizen living in Jakarta where he work as the Director of PT. ESPI Swintad Pacific ... of High Technology Equipments to be used for Oil Exploration and Cleaning of Oil Tanks [more...]
Date: 2008-12-15 11:30:00
47 Steps to a Greener Chattanooga
Last Thursday, the Chattanooga Green Committee presented the Chattanooga Climate Action Plan (PDF) ... the use of clean, alternative energy by, for example, investing in “green tags,” advocating ... to conserve energy and save money Purchase only Energy Star equipment and appliances for City use [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 17:54:36
CleanoSonic W A Brown Industrial Sales Inc - USA
A wide range of ultrasonic cleaning equipment and supplies is offered The site is e-commerce enabled The quot Ask Captain Cleano quot section answers many technical questions about ultrasonic cleaners and their use in jewelry cleaning and microelectronics Visit website [more...]
Date: 2008-12-28 20:39:03
Bargain Bags
Sunday was spent fussing on a new dog, getting early Christmas gifts, ... and other sports equipments being sold are old stocks. Some are good as new and look clean. The others need some cleaning up before being used. There were also binoculars, flashlights, tent, rain gears [more...]
Date: 2008-11-09 23:38:10
Maintaining Your Pool’s Tiles and Grout
by Qandishah Brown Living in Austin can make owning a swimming pool a great thing ... the right tools for cleaning can make the job easier. You can also use special equipment to facilitate ... who can get the grout in between your tiles looking like new once again. Austin tile cleaning company saves [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 16:44:34
Quick Take: Darling International - Still Dirty Sexy Money
Darling International (DAR) is the only nationwide supplier of rendering and grease trap services to restaurants, butchers, grocery stores, ... used in the production of feed, soaps, chemicals, and bio-fuels; and hides used to make leather goods ... grease trap services (pickup and cleaning), as well as specialized equipment for making the job [more...]
Date: 2008-10-09 15:03:52
Skate on Plastic Instead of Ice at Japanese Eco Rink
Those who want to go ice skating at the new Eco Rink in Toyama, Japan will notice one important element missing - the ice ... meter floor. So what makes a temporary, plastic Eco Rink so environmentally friendly? Owners claim that 1. Since it doesn’t use ice, the rink does not need ice-generating (or cleaning) equipment [more...]
Date: 2008-12-12 01:24:47
How to Start a Cleaning Business on a Shoestring Budget
No matter where you live, there is always a need for cleaning services. After all, life is messy! ... your supplies and equipment, and you can use a spare bedroom or small corner of any room ... with only a small investment in supplies and equipment. As your business grows and you offer [more...]
Date: 2008-06-08 06:17:52
Start-up Costs For Maid And Janitorial Services
While most cleaning service owners in the industry admit to using personal finances and savings to capitalize on their cleaning business, some choose to take out loans. Especially for bigger or expanding cleaning businesses, it is sometimes essential to borrow money from various financing firms to buy equipment, rent larger spaces [more...]
Date: 2008-12-16 03:51:04
LHC: License for Huge Coverage
If you don’t like particle physics look away now. In fact, if you don’t like particle physics turn off all electronic equipment, ... be a useful rule if applied to the rest of life:Successful cleaning of house (vacuum cleaner plugged [more...]
Date: 2008-09-10 10:23:01
Keep These Pointers In Mind
Keep These Pointers In Mind Author: HikerGang January 16, 2009 ... that your tent is ventilated properly. ~ Clean and dry the tent thoroughly right after use. ... Along with sleeping bags, camping tents are standard equipment for campers. No camper would [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 16:40:15
Wind energy for the home
by Ermine James With the current state of our environment today, now more than ever do we need to turn to using such renewable energies ... as disadvantages. Other than providing a clean, infinite energy source, other advantages include inexpensiveness. After equipment and installation expenses, wind turbines will last for about 20 years and requires [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 15:32:35
Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning
Keeping your home clean and well maintained is essential in feeling good about yourself, your life, and where you live ... is not exactly an easy task. Professional carpet cleaners use special equipment to accomplish ... there are many so-called carpet cleaners and shampooing machines on the market, very few of them [more...]
Date: 2008-07-24 10:57:00
Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning
Keeping your home clean and well maintained is essential in feeling good about yourself, your life, and where you live ... is not exactly an easy task. Professional carpet cleaners use special equipment to accomplish ... there are many so-called carpet cleaners and shampooing machines on the market, very few of them [more...]
Date: 2008-07-24 11:22:18
The Case for Daytime Cleaning
I have heard a buzz for a couple of years about switching housekeeping services - typically a nocturnal activity - to the daylight hours. If your company/building owner uses green housekeeping materials and equipment, this eliminates ... , but discovered the energy savings were enormous: about $100,000 per year. All janitorial, landscape [more...]
Date: 2008-11-25 19:43:55
Home update
I spent days cleaning up our rental unit. My whole body is very sore right now ... up on the carpet cleaning in the living room! My kids really messed up a lot on that part ... . I didn’t get the chance to use safety equipment like gloves because I felt that it slows me down [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 06:00:57
TimeMist Metered Aerosol Air Freshener Dispenser
TimeMist Metered Aerosol Air Freshener Dispenser is a unique programmable dispenser that lets you control spray intensity and frequency ... equipment is included with your purchase. There is a manufacturer's five year warranty when you use ... deals on all of our cleaning and Janitorial Supplies. We not only offer the best brand names [more...]
Date: 2008-12-23 18:03:52
Understanding Ergonomics and How it Affects Your Cleaning Business
Ergonomics has been a “buzzword” throughout many office buildings these days, ... were fifth most likely to be injured on the job. In the janitorial industry, many of the injuries ... forcing the worker to fit the equipment. The objective of using ergonomic products is to reduce stress [more...]
Date: 2008-07-28 03:57:47
Metal Shed For the Home
We have a lot of things stored at the garage. The car tools, gardening equipment and cleaning things are all in that area ... are ideal for agricultural, commercial, residential and industrial use. Steel buildings are very [more...]
Date: 2008-07-21 13:33:58
Wall Paneling Enhances Homes and Offices
Wall panels serve as descriptions of exhibits in museums and galleries. They are also used to show electronic equipments ... of the wall. Wainscoted walls are attractive and decorative, and require minimum cleaning [more...]
Date: 2008-12-11 10:50:54
Foreclosed: Postscript
Rumor has it that Dave’s Used Car Lot, Marina, and Weed Arboretum has already been auctioned off ... Reroof: $5,000 Replaster large pool and replace decrepit, probably broken pool equipment: $10,000 ... : $1200 Dishwasher: $500 Cleaning service: $200 (no one in her right mind would clean out the sty [more...]
Date: 2008-10-18 14:34:23
Home Entertainment Furnishings
Do you always unplug your TV, stero, VCR or home computer before cleaning them? If not, then you should start getting into the habit of doing so ... will do. For plastic exteriors, you can use milk soap and warm water. Always well wrung cleaning cloths ... . If you have metal cabinets or chrome shiny trims of home entertainment equipment, do not hesitate [more...]
Date: 2008-11-29 06:09:59
uhutponoznpza: air bag clip video
air bag clip video acetaminophen ibuprofen used together adult adultnewrelease.com college dvd rental sex video nod32 update crack abuse drug sports statistics adult adultnewrelease.com dvd movie porn star commercial carpet steam cleaning equipment gay jock strap inventor [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 08:51:36
Workers spend weekend using heavy equipment to build ice castle
SPICER - For the 14th time in 21 years, Spicer will have an ice castle for its Winterfest celebration. Advertisement: AFFORDABLE AIR AFFORDABLE AIR $10 Off Any One Service $10 OFF ANY ONE SERVICE- INCLUDING HEAT, AIRCONDITIONING, DUCT CLEANING, PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC. Expires Jan. 31, 2009 [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 05:59:01
Clean, Paint, Maintain as You Go!
THE GUARDIAN read the IPT article in the Saturday edition about Canyon County Jail problems and noted the photos used as visual aids ... , airplanes, tanks, trucks, and equipment are many years old before they are relegated to the scrap ... of a ship live anywhere but on the ship. Even in dry dock and yard overhaul cycles crews must live [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 19:42:00
Keeping Your Espresso Machine In Shape
By Fenton Wayne Recommended end of day cleaning procedures and basic maintenance for your espresso coffee machine During continued use coffee oils and residues bake on to the brewing equipment and if not removed will seriously affect the quality ... . It is imperative therefore that proper cleaning and maintenance procedures become part [more...]
Date: 2008-12-24 11:02:05
Bissell ProHeat Carpet Cleaner - Tougher Than The Stains
The Bissell ProHeat 2X CleanShot 9500 is a feature-packed carpet cleaner that is more than equipped to tackle stubborn dirt. You can use this cleaner for hardwood floors, tiles, linoleum, upholstery, stairs, and more. The system is designed to clean crevices and crannies that other systems may fail to reach ... [more...]
Date: 2008-12-06 17:56:49
Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Sundance.
Some questions are raised about the Sundance Film Festival’s Green credentials ... and equipment, while an oversize band bus, with trailer in tow, spewed fumes outside a soon ... Electricity used for all venues and theaters is offset by clean, renewable wind energy.” It explained [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 11:00:57
Identity Theft Using Second Hand Hard Drives
Identity Theft Using Second Hand Hard Drives By Andy Frowen on Jan 18, 2009 in Information Technology | comments(0) ... and wiped clean of all or any previous data. Without proper handling these hard drives, often sold ... . It is of course not just individuals who sell their equipment on auction websites; companies also sell [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 03:21:52