Did you do your chores today?
So did you? ~ Yes, today Sunday I did few household chores… We’re out the whole day yesterday so that’s why. What does your weekly chore schedule consist of, if anything? ~ Laundry plus general house cleaning. Also sorting out clothes in the cabinet, change of beddings and curtains every 2 weeks sometimes [more...]
Date: 2008-10-19 05:50:07
Blog posts
(5) |
Making Marriage a Higher Priority
rings Work, child care, quality time with the kids, paying the bills, cleaning the house, seeing relatives, caring for aged parents, ... , some couples I know schedule weekly down-time together and limit those conversations to emotional ... of your marriage during the daily juggle? Do you need to schedule time with your spouse – [more...]
Date: 2008-11-12 14:12:38
Making Marriage a Higher Priority
rings Work, child care, quality time with the kids, paying the bills, cleaning the house, seeing relatives, caring for aged parents, ... , some couples I know schedule weekly down-time together and limit those conversations to emotional ... of your marriage during the daily juggle? Do you need to schedule time with your spouse – [more...]
Date: 2008-11-12 17:11:00
Did you do your chores today?
My first time to play. Join HERE! :) What does your weekly chore schedule consist of, if anything? - Well, ever since I got pregnant, I never feel like doing any house chore so NO SCHED. I’ ... or leave everything until the house needs to be condemned? - The house gets cleaned only [more...]
Date: 2008-09-27 23:39:42
Supermom Series: THE WORKING MOM
This is my good friend Ali. We went to graduate school together. We are fellow graphic designers. I was in her wedding, she was in my wedding ... what she had to say:*****AROUND THE HOUSEThe biggest helper to keeping my house clean, shopping done, kids cared for, is a daily and weekly schedule: Meals, naps, shopping, cleaning, trips to the dump, play [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 23:45:00