What Type of Equipment is Used in a Carpet Cleaning Franchise?
As may be expected, you will need a commercial grade vacuum cleaner, as well as a number of specialty attachments. If you are going to offer steaming and other types of carpet cleaning franchise, deep cleaning ... a van. Today, many business owners also use their vans for advertising purposes by painting the name [more...]
Date: 2008-06-22 02:42:39
Blog posts
(89) |
Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning
Keeping your home clean and well maintained is essential in feeling good about yourself, your life, and where you live ... is not exactly an easy task. Professional carpet cleaners use special equipment to accomplish ... there are many so-called carpet cleaners and shampooing machines on the market, very few of them [more...]
Date: 2008-07-24 10:57:00
Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning
Keeping your home clean and well maintained is essential in feeling good about yourself, your life, and where you live ... is not exactly an easy task. Professional carpet cleaners use special equipment to accomplish ... there are many so-called carpet cleaners and shampooing machines on the market, very few of them [more...]
Date: 2008-07-24 11:22:18
The Important Information Starting A Successful Carpet Cleaning Franchise
When the carpet is full of dirt, such as dusts, fingernails, spills, ink, and other stains from coffee, milk, wine, pancake syrups, your carpet can start to deteriorate. The easy cleaning of dirts is possible when the houses and building lay the floors with carpets. Generally, no piece of furnishing or electronic equipment [more...]
Date: 2008-10-18 10:07:24
Fighter Brands
Sometimes you come across an article that seems to have been written with much bigger companies in mind but that really is applicable to your ... : Riccar and Simplicity Vacuums Fighter: Fuller Brush and Carpet Pro Flagship: Tornado Commercial Cleaning Equipment Fighter: Powr-Flite and Piranha Flagship: Baby Lock sewing machines [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 17:14:41
Housekeeper Husband Reviews: BISSELL PROdry Carpet Cleaner
This is a picture of the great room in our very first house. Notice the carpet. It’s incredible - no spots, no stains, no dirty streaks. Just pure cream-colored softness. Fast-forward to today. We have tile in our whole house, except ... products and it allows the user to clean carpets without the equipment of a professional… [more...]
Date: 2008-11-10 15:40:47
Manufacturer Takes Aggressive Steps To Make U.S. Plant More Efficient
U.S. Products, manufacturers of professional floor, carpet, restoration, and auto detailing/ cleaning equipment, ... , the Advantage Series of extractors and hard surface cleaners. The line includes many of the features ... development. About U.S. Products a Nilfisk Advance Company U.S. Products has been manufacturing carpet [more...]
Date: 2008-07-07 13:32:00
Foldari Case Study
Foldari wanted t clean the carpeting in his apartment. He went to Acme Rent=All, which advertised that it rented carpet cleaning equipment and explained ... . The daily rental on the X-7 was $16. Foldari thought... [more...]
Date: 2008-07-12 04:44:47
There’s this new carpet-shampoo-broom-thing commercial that comes on TV all the time ... and all the cleaning equipment and kitchen accessories purchased for MY mom come rushing back.I remember really ... , a clean carpet DOES make me insanely happy, but that doesn’t mean I actually ENJOY cleaning [more...]
Date: 2008-12-24 04:53:35
uhutponoznpza: air bag clip video
air bag clip video acetaminophen ibuprofen used together adult adultnewrelease.com college dvd rental sex video nod32 update crack abuse drug sports statistics adult adultnewrelease.com dvd movie porn star commercial carpet steam cleaning equipment gay jock strap inventor [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 08:51:36
Tennant Company (TNC) Provides Sure Footing
Founded in 1870 by George H. Tennant as a Minneapolis sawmill producing wood products and flooring for local businesses, ... and scrubbers, carpet extractors, burnishers, vacuums, polishers, and outdoor cleaning equipment. Their Service [more...]
Date: 2008-08-13 14:20:14
So You’re Going to Teach Kindergarten, pt.1
Yay! Good for you! On the first day you can get in to the school (and presumably, your classroom) ... empty room. You could walk in to find a mish-mash of furniture, equipment, and curriculum ... so that the janitorial staff can clean the carpets around it. Once several more furniture shifts take place [more...]
Date: 2008-07-25 22:46:52
While You Were Packing Up Your Cubicle At Lehman Brothers
Lehman Brothers died and Merrill Lynch sold to Bank of America on Sunday, after the government refused to bail either of them out ... of red carpets and grocery stores, risking their own equipment and faces to photograph every moment ... Steemers over to thoroughly clean Punk’s genitals. (Get it? They’re tough on dirt, gentle on [more...]
Date: 2008-09-15 13:30:01
Protect Your Cleaning Business With the Proper Insurance
Too many companies don’t think about their insurance policies and what they cover until after something happens — and unless you have prepared ahead ... include rental property, such as carpet cleaning or floor care machines. *Theft of customer property ... of the things that can occur: lost keys, chemical spills, employee theft, damaged equipment and [more...]
Date: 2008-11-24 06:52:17
Christmas presents and more plagiarism
This morning I see that another one of my press releases has been published online by the same sneaky journo who took credit for the last one ... , I do not mean the new carpet I'd love to buy for the floor in the living room or the gorgeous scatter cushions I spotted at Boardmans - I mean stuff like cleaning equipment and other such joy-inspiring [more...]
Date: 2008-12-10 06:54:00
Home update
I spent days cleaning up our rental unit. My whole body is very sore right now ... up on the carpet cleaning in the living room! My kids really messed up a lot on that part ... . I didn’t get the chance to use safety equipment like gloves because I felt that it slows me down [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 06:00:57
Avoid These Simple Mistakes When Selling Your Home
New year, start off fresh when it comes to selling your Twin Cities home ... . Pay a professional for carpet cleaning if it can’t be done. Drive By Have the yard in peak shape ... clear the counter tops and throw the exercise equipment in the closet. By putting some things [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 03:50:47
Bissell ProHeat Carpet Cleaner - Tougher Than The Stains
The Bissell ProHeat 2X CleanShot 9500 is a feature-packed carpet cleaner that is more than equipped to tackle stubborn dirt. You can use this cleaner for hardwood floors, tiles, linoleum, upholstery, stairs, and more. The system is designed to clean crevices and crannies that other systems may fail to reach ... [more...]
Date: 2008-12-06 17:56:49
Eco-friendly products or eco-friendly attitude
Ok, so whats the most important? Hello my name is Peter Sweeney and I am a carpet & upholstery cleaner that uses independently certified eco-friendly cleaning solutions. Do I use water, power and do I drive a van? Is some of the equipment I use made up of parts that come from non [more...]
Date: 2008-07-08 10:14:14
The Price Is Wrong
I'm sick. It snuck up on me. Unlike a normal cold that starts in your nose or throat, this beast started in my chest and I'm wheezing and coughing ... on my ribs.I did manage to get some cleaning done but mostly I did what I love to do when I'm sick: watch ... or years supply of Godiva chocolate. Now, I'm like..."that car doesn't have enough room for [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 18:10:00
Beware, Some Rust Removers Are Toxic
by Gary Homesetter Rust removal is one of the most difficult household tasks to carry out. Learn how to remove rust safely in this article. Home ... these days that there are cleaning agents which allow our household furniture, fixtures and appliances ... up during rust removal. Studies have shown that indoor pollution is mainly caused by household clean [more...]
Date: 2008-11-07 16:26:41
Two Dozen Roses
Would have never thought two dozen roses would have caused so much damage to a person, but thats where it all started. I’d never gotten flowers from someone before. Phone calls, going out to eat at fancy restaurants you cant even spell, but held on to the doggy bag for like 2 years..maybe more.. its all kind of a blur at this point. [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 07:00:59
Starting Up A Cleaning Service - The Three Basic Types
Setting up a cleaning business is like any other endeavor – one of the first things you need to do is to choose which specific area you could start ... prudent of all three is residential cleaning. The skills and equipment involved in this area ... that it has created an individual niche in the cleaning industry. Also, there are special equipment [more...]
Date: 2008-12-10 03:56:49
Beware, Some Rust Removers Can Cause Cancer
by Gary Homesetter Rust removal is one of the most difficult household tasks to carry out. In this article, you can learn how to remove rust safely ... and our investments in them. We are lucky these days that there are cleaning agents which allow ... caused by household cleaning agents and have been known to be carcinogenic as well. You may need [more...]
Date: 2008-11-06 18:05:28
A Different Way of Working
Friday night I worked as a drone building a temporary competitive gymnastic facility on a local high school basketball court ... of work hours to be completed. These hours are mostly spent setting up, cleaning up and staffing ... of carpet velcro-ed together), as well as setting up the uneven parallel bars (stablized [more...]
Date: 2008-11-23 19:23:13
Water Damage
water damage is a serious problem for home owners. If you have a water leak or even worse a flood you need to contact a professional company ... buildup after water damage occurs. Many homeowners don’t, either. They think a quick steam cleaning or drying fans will do the trick. That’s not always the case. If a carpet, baseboard [more...]
Date: 2008-12-22 06:29:02
The (Freakish) Things We Do When Family Comes to Town
My father and step-mother live in a preternaturally clean house.I'm not casting aspersions, just stating facts (enviously). Their house is many shades of tan, and cream, and beige, and off-white -- with lovely dark wood furniture and color on the walls in the form of paintings. There are never any spots on their cream carpet [more...]
Date: 2008-12-14 20:46:00
How To Remove Rust Without The Risk Of Cancer
by Gary Homesetter Rust removal is one of the most difficult household tasks to carry out. In this article, you can learn how to remove rust safely ... and we need to enjoy it while it is still there. For this reason we are lucky that there are now cleaning ... that indoor pollution is mainly caused by household cleaning agents and have been known to be [more...]
Date: 2008-11-12 21:15:29
Carpet Cleaning Tips For Better Looking Floor Coverings
rugs and carpets In the average home, once a year passes from the time that you have new carpets installed or last have your carpeting ... them looking new and fresh is to routinely rent a carpet cleaning machine or hire the services ... , then you might notice this after only 6 months, or even less. But, with a few simple carpet cleaning tips [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 03:29:36
Cheap Carpet Cleaning 14
VALUE: On the other hand, if you want your carpet to look good and last for years - then you need to have it cleaned by a qualified professional ... thoroughly, as only a powerful hot water extraction machine can do. A Clean Carpet or a HEALTHY Carpet? Cleaning for health is the number one reason for regular carpet maintenance. Even the appearance [more...]
Date: 2009-01-11 07:58:21
Carpet Maker Beaulieu of America Sees a Healthier Future
In a carpet industry that has seen shrinking market share and endless “me-too” claims among competitors, the No ... surface choices in hardwood, tile and vinyl, though its popularity has suffered. This is due, in part ... and cleaning carpet is a healthy flooring choice. Beaulieu of America, the No. 3 flooring manufacturer [more...]
Date: 2008-11-24 20:16:11
Is Your Rust Cleaner A Carcinogenic Product?
By Gary Homesetter Removing rust is one of the most difficult household tasks to carry out. Learn how to remove rust safely in this article ... it is still there. For this reason we are lucky that there are now cleaning agents that allow our household ... that indoor pollution is mainly caused by household cleaning agents - including rust removers [more...]
Date: 2008-11-06 18:11:00
The Lansbury Estate 1951 - It's what Labour Council's do
An excellent post here about this famous Tower Hamlets housing estate. Check out the paragraph about the three-piece. I don't think that you will get such stuff in modern day Co-op press releases:-"The Lansbury Estate in Poplar was one of the largest post war municipal housing schemes undertaken by the Labour controlled London County Council (LCC) [more...]
Date: 2008-12-01 19:27:00
Mallet Finder
We didn't do much yesterday except go clean clean and clean. It was a day of domestication ... isn't as interesting as me cleaning toilets and carpet stains. After she sprayed Windex all over coffee ... . I was in charge of cleaning inside the house while Brian tackled on organizing the garage [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 02:57:00
Pet News - Pet Advice - Pet Photos
Advice for Pet Ownersby Arden Moore - Washington PostInexpensive Pet CareWhen money is less available, humans aren't the only species that suffer. Financial setbacks often effect the companions we love most -- pets. But animal expert Arden Moore can give advice on how to provide your pet with sufficient care without going into debt [more...]
Date: 2009-01-11 17:45:00
Please, No Pets for Christmas!
Puppies for the Holidays are a Very Bad Idea The Companion Animal Protection Society Explains Why the Holiday Gift of a Pet is actually no Gift at All(Boston, MA) - A puppy under the tree with a big red bow around its neck seems like the perfect image for many families; but Deborah Howard, President of the Companion Animal Protection Society ( [more...]
Date: 2008-11-07 12:20:00
Cheap carpet Cleaning 13
If your carpet cleaner isn’t a close friend, you may not know whether they have the knowledge or experience to clean your carpet properly ... cleaner, you’ll discover a wide variety of cleaning methods and prices. All major carpet ... is capable of producing hot water up to 250 degrees. 2. It shoots the cleaning solution into your carpet [more...]
Date: 2009-01-11 07:58:21
Something old is new again... perhaps
I just ran across an article from this media outlet, talking about the old local theater on Stockton Hill Road opening again in December ... the old theater back into a movie house."We’re cleaning the place up," Daugherty said. "We're putting in new carpet, new tile, new concessions, new digital sound, new drapes [more...]
Date: 2008-10-30 20:47:00
weirdest vacuum cleaner sales experience ever
Settle in...this is a bit of a long one, but I think, worth the read.A couple of weeks ago, I got a telemarketing call from Kirby, wanting to peddle their new carpet cleaning system in return for the chance to shampoo the carpet in two rooms of my house. Normally [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 07:01:00
Sick Furniture, John Travolta and Me
You’ve heard of Sick Building Syndrome? It’s when a new building furnished with carpeting, ... disease because of exposure to carpet cleaning chemicals. Since 1982, scientists have debated whether the connection between carpet cleaning and Kawasaki is real. But I can tell you this: I got [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 16:14:17
Make the familiar strange. Make the strange familiar. Give ‘em exhilaration.
The challenge – the thing that separates the men from the boys in this game – is to deliver exhilaration and still tell the truth. This is not impossible; in fact doing so is the job of any honest business person. But to do so, you have to take the higher road. Let me explain.There is a LOT of snake oil in the audio business [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 19:39:47
Are Carpet Cleaning Company Services Worth It?
Persian carpets Rugs and carpets in a living space can help to turn a house into a home and can make the room a more pleasant and inviting ... of cleaning carpets professionally, yet not all carpet cleaning companies are set up to provide ... to cleaning carpets is carpet shampooing. While there are many carpet cleaning services that offer [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 15:07:05
Home Office Pioneer: Domainer Recalls ‘Outing’ by Daughter
Kelly Lieberman is a serial entrepreneur, domain strategist and a devoted mom ... as an entrepreneur. She’s had a successful carpet cleaning business, overseen vast commercial and agricultural ... selling commercial real estate. I hated the hours, and being at the mercy of the agency. I talked [more...]
Date: 2008-12-01 10:33:23
Life Lessons...Redux
3 Pet Businesses You Can Start For Under $10,000by Cash MillerBusiness should be about doing what you love to do. And if you love being around animals then there are business opportunities that can allow you to do just that. And really what more can a person ask for except to make a good living while doing something you enjoy [more...]
Date: 2008-11-25 20:25:00
Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning - Gets Results Like Absolute Magic
Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning - Gets Results Like Absolute Magic Carpet manufacturers and carpet cleaning technology have made tremendous advances in recent years. These considerable improvements have come in equipment as well as substantial advances in the chemicals used to clean as well. Too much water in your carpet can cause mold [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 06:10:25
Water Damage
water damage is a bad and sometimes a real serious problem for home owners. If you have a water leak or even worse a flood you need to contact a professional company ... after water damage occurs. Many homeowners don’t, either. They think a quick steam cleaning or drying [more...]
Date: 2008-12-22 05:57:00
Even More Home-Based Biz Ideas
All Business: If you are thinking about starting your own home-based business, the available options can be overwhelming ... . CleanNet-USA and JaniKing are two of the largest franchisers in the cleaning market. 3. Carpet cleaning service. There are many popular franchises that allow you to start your own carpet cleaning [more...]
Date: 2008-06-06 22:45:32
Philadelphia Carpet Cleaning Solutions
Philadelphia Carpet Cleaning can be complicated, with so many solutions and methods to choose from. No matter what the job is, whether commercial or residential, Main Line Carpet Cleaners is ready ... . When hiring Main Line Carpet Cleaners you can be assured that our well-trained certified [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 22:55:46
Beware, Some Rust Cleaners Are Carcinogenic
Beware, Some Rust Cleaners Are Carcinogenic Posted By Gary Homesetter on @ 12: ... do what we can to preserve our homes and our investments in them. We are lucky these days that there are cleaning ... that indoor pollution is mainly caused by household cleaning agents and have been known to be carcinogenic [more...]
Date: 2008-11-06 18:00:27
Doing Flood Damage Cleanup The Right Way
Before doing actual flood damage cleanup, be ready with your protective gears, your cleaning equipment and materials, and your cleaning products. Read carefully the label of each product before using it. The product may contain allergy-triggering chemicals, or chemicals that can affect the material the product is used on. Some carpet [more...]
Date: 2008-11-25 04:45:04