How to Make Natural Cleaners Work Better
natural cleaners As much as I like using natural cleaners in my home, sometimes they need a little oomph ... a stronger defense against germs. Isopropyl rubbing alcohol is an alternative to harsh cleaners with bleach ... to push the dust around. All of my other cleaners are safe and natural except for that…” I thought [more...]
Date: 2008-08-07 14:01:19
Blog posts
(695) |
You Just Can’t Have Enough Green Cleaning Products
No matter how much you want to go green, there may be times when you don’t feel you have that option ... a shower cleaner, bathroom cleaners, glass cleaners, and even carpet cleaners. Other products ... from natural ingredients. Their line of household cleaners are all water based, with several plant [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 01:07:58
Vacuum Cleaners News - Vacuum Cleaners Parts
Colonist Tom Oreck leads fight against English account The Tennessean, TN - Jan 11, 2009 His company, which manufactures and sells vacuum cleaners and cognate household products, moved here in stages ... & Co. as a chief designer on appliances such as sewing machines and vacuum cleaners. Smiley [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 21:02:43
Best Picks in BBQ Tools
By Jason Greening When you're looking for BBQ tips, you might want to start with some advice about the accessories that will make the experience more ... , spray it with oven cleaner and scrub it over a large sink. Oven cleaner is a lot easier to use ... experience the next time, since any oven cleaner used on a grill has to be thoroughly removed [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 16:05:23
McCulloch MC-1275 Heavy Duty Steam Cleaner
About a year ago I moved into an apartment in SF that has some problems ... Heavy Duty Steam Cleaner is a major part of my plan to fix up the apartment. I’d used steam cleaners before, but nothing of this size and power. FOr those of you who don’t know, a steam cleaner [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 16:39:12
Lifestyle - Solay Simple Makes Cleaning Easy and Eco-Friendly
solay simple cleaning products We’ve all purchased household cleaners that weren’t as effective as their commercials led us to believe, ... of salt. This natural cleaning agent is mixed with additional non-toxic ingredients like purified water ... of green cleaners also includes a fruit and veggie wash, laundry soap, dish soap and glass cleaner [more...]
Date: 2008-09-26 11:00:00
Best Rated Vacuum Cleaner
by Matt Peters Any consumer can easily find himself lost in the number of choices he has for vacuum cleaners ... vacuum cleaner comes in the form of a canister vacuum that is designed for both carpets and bare floors ... that is pushed back into the room is clean and dust free. Since it is not very heavy, one doesn’ [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 20:14:22
The Vroom: A voracious vacuum cleaner
The Vroom: A voracious vacuum cleaner January 16th, 2009 | Category: Hardware It’s a little troubling that I must declare that publicly, ... cleaners. I’m more of a plunge router kind of guy. With that said, I confess that I was immediately ... table turbo lighting flooring bathroom carpet synth clothes project Repairs kitchen cabinets [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 13:28:00
Bagless Vacuum Cleaner Review
by Matt Peters One very important yet difficult to maintain in vacuum cleaners is its bag ... vacuum cleaners, you will find the dirt vessel right on top of the cleaning head. This makes it even ... that is collected from the carpet and various floor surfaces. And once the cylinder is filled [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 10:18:14
Data taken to the cleaners
In another startlingly self-serving but amusing piece of research, ... their clothes to the dry cleaners. Now guess what you can do to prevent this from being a problem? Well ... claims 9000 USBs were lost last year; except they weren't really. It interviewed 500 dry cleaners [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 17:06:37
A week with an iRobot, reflections on our Roomba
So its been a week since we brought home Herbert (or Wall-E, or ‘the robot’) - our 530 series iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner ... is that its actually a quite effective vacuum cleaner - that may sounds a bit odd, but I’ve been living my life with the expectation that a vacuum cleaner needs to be big, loud and have thousands of watts [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 10:20:02
Carpet cleaning, eco-DIY style
To reuse is better than to recycle, which is why I decided to deep clean my existing carpet over buying new eco-friendly carpet — though I put off ... , and dyes. Step 2. Rent a carpet cleaner at Home Depot. A full-day rental cost me $24, though ... much dirt the carpet cleaner pulled up! Both the shampoo and the cleaner worked amazingly [more...]
Date: 2008-12-01 22:13:53
Domotec Vacuum Cleaners, Steam Cleaners
From compact sweepers to Combined Steam and Vacuum cleaners is included with a fantastic value HEPA filter to remove the dust.Vacuum cleaners provide great performance and fantastic value to make cleaning your house as easy as possible. read more [more...]
Date: 2008-09-16 05:21:38
Beate's Weekend Sketch with Elzybells
Good morning! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Our weekend was pretty relaxing... the big news... we bought a new vacuum cleaner! lol. Vacuum cleaner shopping turned out to be quite funny. We walked into aisles full of vacuum cleaners and I was instantly lost. It's been a good five years since we bought a vacuum and back [more...]
Date: 2008-11-03 17:09:54
Bissell ProHeat Carpet Cleaner - Tougher Than The Stains
The Bissell ProHeat 2X CleanShot 9500 is a feature-packed carpet cleaner that is more than equipped to tackle stubborn dirt. You can use this cleaner for hardwood floors, tiles, linoleum, upholstery, stairs, and more. The system is designed to clean crevices and crannies that other systems may fail to reach ... [more...]
Date: 2008-12-06 17:56:49
A High End Cleaner Machine
A High End Cleaner Machine Posted in January 17th, 2009 Category: ... Industrial Mechanical Bulk debris could be a menace to the public or would slow down traffics inside an industrial environment. Applying highly workable vacuum cleaners for exclusive industrial [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 09:33:40
Tube Cleaners Go On Strike
Tube strike approaching, but not that kind... 700 London Underground cleaners will walk out for a 24 hour strike scheduled to start at 6.50pm ... for cleaners who are sacked, and according to RMT leader Bob Crow, there is no sick pay, travel facilities [more...]
Date: 2008-06-26 11:47:33
Recommend a vaccum cleaner ask
Recommend a vaccum cleaner ask Posted by Jack 19 January 2009 A popular question, ... and one that regularly populates forums of all description is ‘recommend me a vacuum cleaner’– and after Jellylegs1968 announced that his “Dyson had just gone bang” in popular sports forum [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 11:44:55
Ladybug Steam Cleaner to the Rescue
Ladybug Steam Cleaners I hope you are not sick of hearing about all the cleaning uses I keep finding for my Ladybug Vapor Steam Cleaner ( ... and neighbor whose husband had just spilled red wine all over their couch, cushions and carpet the night before [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 14:50:47
Death of a Vacuum Cleaner
I don't know if I can adequately describe to you the sorrow that filled my heart when my vacuum cleaner died earlier this week. How could I have fallen in love so deeply with this machine? We have just been through so much ... my carpet lies spotted with the remnants of daily living, and I am waiting to hear the hum of a dear old [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 18:45:00
Get Crafty: How green is your clean?
If I asked you how you know something is clean, what would you say? I have always judged cleanliness first and foremost by smell ... seemed to be making the switch to healthier, all-natural cleaners. Which usually, goes hand-in-hand ... was born, suddenly I found myself worrying and questioning all these cleansers, cleaners, detergents [more...]
Date: 2008-11-05 21:06:17
Whew, made it through....
The night! I almost turned the burglar alarm on, but since we've never used it, I figured I would just set the thing off if I messed with it, ... to be a hard freeze last night, we left the pool pump on which meant the cleaner was going too. Every time the cleaner comes to the surface, it sprays water either on the doors or my bedroom windows. Even [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 17:39:00
H2Oy vey… water is complicated
All right, I finally got around to my official (and yet completely NOT official) water taste test ... Sustainability: 8/10 General comments: On the “clean” side of things, it doesn’t get much cleaner than ... t leach anything, but what’s really interesting is this article, which seems to imply that the cleaner [more...]
Date: 2008-12-05 20:19:29
steam cleaners meant for household cleaning
steam cleaners are provided with some cleaning heads so the product provides superb results, cleaning carpets, fabrics, work surfaces,tiles etc.steam cleaners use a method of cleaning that is quick, hygienic, and doesn’t use household chemicals. read more [more...]
Date: 2008-06-19 04:21:32
Selling Is A Performance Art
I spent one whole day in the vacuum cleaner business. And it was long enoughto learn one of the best lessons ... a very tidy house, don’t you? “I try!” she beamed. Unlocking the back door of the hot dog shaped ... it to say, he sold her this Cadillac of cleaners, and I walked with him to the curb, in a daze [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 05:11:14
A strange-sounding illness leads to speculations and misinformation
The tragic loss of Mr. and Mrs. John Travolta’s son, Jett, has led to endless media speculations ... to have been believed by Travola, it is not an environmental illness caused by exposure to carpet cleaners or other ... to do with carpet cleaners. It’s more likely from an infection, she said.She also addressed another popular [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 23:16:00
So as I am anxiously awaiting our new.. old fashion.. unusual… vacuum cleaner.. I thought some of these little tid-bits would neat to share. ... for vacuums.. patenting things like the beater bar & the head light for a vacuum! I do find every ... what a chore! For me the unknown of dirt gives me the creeps! Vacuum Cleaner History… (Wikipedia) [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 18:10:15
Green Holiday Gifting
Fellow sales leader Moyra shared the poem below with me. She thought it was too darn cute - she said Larry Jolly wrote it ( ... , Go with a gift that's NOT like the rest. You can give them a whole house of safe cleaners to use, And help them ... you will get Cleaners safe for you, your home and your planet. As you know, our quest is to provide [more...]
Date: 2008-12-04 12:08:56
Eddy the Suction Excavator
Take a look at this picture to the left. This is Eddy, a concept device by European company 3KNT. See if you can’t guess what it is ... up a whole lot more. Eddy also has another advantage over other vacuum cleaners, as it can operate ... . If you said “vacuum cleaner”, then you are only half-right! You see, Eddy is more than [more...]
Date: 2008-12-23 18:11:03
I just had to pass on this information about a truly great safe, non-toxic, USDA certified organic, effective, new product, Greenology, makes them special?“We make kill claims. There is no ORGANIC cleaner that we are aware of in the marketplace that is making kill claims. Many of the “safe” cleaners [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 01:57:44
Best Roomba Vaccum cleaners|Steam Cleaners|Irons
New Romba 500 Vaccum cleaners allows you to clean the entire floor without supervision. There are other products like steam cleaners, Domotec, Simac,Irons, Roomba, Presses which helps you to save valuable time. read more [more...]
Date: 2008-12-08 05:53:05
TerraCycle: Green cleanliness in a waste stream bottle
If you're not ready to make your own green cleaners -- but cringe every time you throw out another plastic spray bottle ( ... as a degreaser and drain maintainer. All products are non-toxic and biodegradable; they're also free ... into the recycling bin, but still), TerraCycle has a solution for you: Green cleaners packaged [more...]
Date: 2008-06-09 17:51:05
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things (So Far)
My sweet friend NK and I went to lunch Saturday, and afterwards we walked over to a few of our favorite local stores ... I share them with you, a brief aside. As some of y’all know, my love of a certain kitchen cleaner ... s a little more in tune with my budget. While I was standing there I saw a new kind of kitchen cleaner [more...]
Date: 2008-11-10 19:22:11
How to Clean a Diamond Ring
I want to come clean with a sparkly scenario. Let’s say you have a diamond ring ’cause you’re engaged, married, or have inherited something blingy ... answer to keeping diamond rings spotless is to use something called an ultrasonic cleaner. These ultrasonic cleaner things seem to be all the rage in larger city centers where diamonds are as big as [more...]
Date: 2008-06-17 20:58:20
Backlinks Can Be Harvested Quickly and Easily
By Chuck R StewartLet me take a moment and describe a moment in every website owners life - the site you worked hard to build has been up and running ... is searching for vacuum cleaners and your site has a good number of backlinks to it with the term vacuum cleaners embedded into them, then the search engines will say to themselves, Wow, this must [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 21:45:00
Community support wins higher wages for lowest paid cleaners
Community spirit is not yet dead, bringing about positive changes like winning higher wages for some of the London's lowest paid ... clean. Contract cleaners employed in just one building at Canary Wharf were found to come from 29 ... in the cleaning industry, but were often more dissatisfied with a perceived lack of respect. They highlighted [more...]
Date: 2008-11-05 06:27:28
Review: Baby Girl Products (contest and review, 29th)
When I was searching for things that would be neat to have for our green month here at Momdot, my Mom told me about a couple of local girls (in the Tampa area) that had created these all natural, non chemical, earth friendly cleaning ... a glass cleaner and an all purpose cleaner at my house for myself to review! What service [more...]
Date: 2008-09-24 19:45:56
How Much Does Carpet Cleaning Cost?
If you have never had your carpet cleaned before, you might be a little in the dark as to what to expect ... . The first is by the room. This is probably the most popular method of pricing used by carpet cleaners ... quotes and choose wisely. The author operates a carpet cleaners directory website. Find companies [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 20:50:58
How Much Does Carpet Cleaning Cost?
If you have never had your carpet cleaned before, you might be a little in the dark as to what to expect ... . The first is by the room. This is probably the most popular method of pricing used by carpet cleaners ... quotes and choose wisely. The author operates a carpet cleaners directory website. Find companies [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 12:51:09
How Much Does Carpet Cleaning Cost?
If you have never had your carpet cleaned before, you might be a little in the dark as to what to expect ... . The first is by the room. This is probably the most popular method of pricing used by carpet cleaners ... quotes and choose wisely. The author operates a carpet cleaners directory website. Find companies [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 20:51:08
The big clean before Christmas
Tomorrow evening, my mom and stepdad will arrive from Denver to spend the Christmas holiday with our family ... now by blogging and weeding worthless cleaners out of my caddy of cleaning supplies. So here’s my thumbs-up, thumbs-down review of cleaning products and a recipe for an all-natural cleaner: (more…) [more...]
Date: 2008-12-20 22:58:23
Stan Kann - Organist and vacuum cleaner collector dies
Stan Kann died a couple of weeks ago at the age of 83. Stan spent more than twenty years playing the famous Wurlitzer organ at the Fox Theater in St. Louis. He also made 77 appearances on the Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson with his collection of vacuum cleaners that seemed to always malfunction during the broadcast. Here is a segment done [more...]
Date: 2008-10-13 22:33:33
Steam cleaners-vaccum cleaners-Domotec
The domotecspecialist of uk are giving the best type of steam cleaners and these steam cleaners machines use only an ordinary tap water so there are no longer harmful,toxic chemicals are used [more...]
Date: 2008-11-06 06:47:38
Auto Alliance CEO has another cash for clunkers idea
Filed under: Etc., Legislation and Policy, USA Photo by Bien Stephenson. Licensed under Creative Commons license 2.0 ... that are more efficient and cleaner than older cars. While McCurdy uses at least one slipperly line ... emissions is to purchase a new car. Why? Because today's vehicles are 99 percent cleaner than vehicles [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 16:38:00
Sheffield journalists vote for action
News & Reports » Striking to fight attacks on pay Workers at a South Shields double-glazing company went on strike last Friday over pay » Industrial action on Arriva trains The Transport Salaried Staffs Association (TSSA) said 27 ... with a flurry of ballots for action over pay and conditions » Cleaners leaflet Oval Cleaners working [more...]
Date: 2008-09-05 09:50:39
Service Providers Need To Look For Options
If there is one thing that is clear because of the worldwide economic crunch, ... or bushes trimmed? Call a gardener. Need the house cleaned? Call a house cleaner. Need to have a light ... beauty salons, dry cleaners, landscapers, dog walkers, nanny services and restaurants experienced [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 07:29:47
Giveaways 1/16
Well I didn't get the 18th and 19th done because there was a lot more than I thought there was so I will be posting the rest today and taking the ... - a choice from an assortment of handcrafted polymer clay jewelry from PeachBlock - Enter here ... Of Me - Dapple Toy Cleaner Spray and Toy Cleaner Wipes - Enter here - ENDS JAN 25The Mud Bug - Tippy Toe [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 21:30:00
Ultrasonic Eyeglass Cleaner
By Jonathan Kimak Here’s a story I’ll share even though it will make me seem a tad stupid. I wear glasses( ... t be touched by anything. The Ultrasonic Eyeglass cleaner cleans glasses(and jewelry, CDs and many other items ... . And the cleaning box is large enough to hold two pairs of glasses. You can order this online [more...]
Date: 2008-10-23 07:17:38
Flexicord bends for efficient cable management
We all have our own ways of dealing with cable management and some are more thorough than others ... all those cables from turning into a tangled mess beneath your desk. Flexicord has a thick pipe cleaner ... a couple of other cables to help out the ones that do not have the pipe cleaner inside. Flexicord [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 18:00:20
U.K. Nanny State Roundup: Mastering the Broom and Binge Drinkers
The Weekly United Kingdom Insanity Report The Nanny State: Off The Tracks pat ... . “This advice it totally off the wall. Industrial vacuum cleaners are expensive and they aren’ ... vacuum cleaners and air purification systems which can cost thousands of pounds. So, not even [more...]
Date: 2008-07-19 21:38:20
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