How to Look Fabulous, Frugally: Part Three
So you have learned what kinds of clothes you need as well as the specific garments that make your now streamlined wardrobe go further ... does dry cleaning cost too much money, but I find taking things to the cleaners and remembering ... fresh longer. And although I hate hanging my clothes out to dry, doing so keeps them in much better [more...]
Date: 2008-11-10 10:00:01
Blog posts
(134) |
Business Model Drives Security
Gunnar Petersen (What's Your Business Model?) quotes Ian Grigg (What's Missing in Security: Business - see footnote) ... liability for a dry-cleaner is based on the likely cost of replacing any damaged item, rather than just the cost of the dry-cleaning service.But the asset perspective is not the only way of thinking [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 10:58:00
Refresh'n Dryer Towel
The Refresh'n Dryer Towel is a VERY cool product. It is a chemical free, eco-friendly, recyclable version of Dryel. Product Description (taken from One Refresh'n Dryer Towel will save you $365 on your dry cleaning costs ... without the need for washing. Non-toxic, chemical free, and reusable up to 25 times, recyclable [more...]
Date: 2008-11-21 21:26:38
Mens Fashion…stylish topcoats are practical, too!
A few weeks ago, my eyes went wide as I spied a handsome full-length topcoat, dangling on a hanger at a bargain-basement price! ... maintenance end, what with dry cleaning costs and extra caution required to avoid nasty spills [more...]
Date: 2008-12-30 06:05:34
How to Change a Dress Code Policy—in 24 Hours
Often, decision-making in corporations crawls along at a snail’s pace. Or so it seems ... at their discretion would do both. It would certainly reduce dry cleaning costs for most staffers, and it would [more...]
Date: 2008-10-28 11:06:34
Weekend money report
The reason I didn't spend much this week is because DH paid for everything. Here's what I spent: $8 Dry cleaning$1 ... , but those seem to cost $300-$500 and who knows how it had been cared for. There could be serious [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 15:02:00
Newspaper Chasers
Opinion Research Corporation has just announced a poll which tells us that 77% of Americans blame the media for making the economic crisis worse ... who ran the dry cleaning store in the Great Pants Suit. The “win” cost them $64,000 in attorney’s fees. (Generous donors held a fund-raiser and covered this cost, but would anyone do that for The New [more...]
Date: 2009-01-01 20:03:58
The Two-Income Trap
There’s still a lot of life happening but it’s time to blog again ... middle-class families are seeking bankruptcy protection at such high rates. The first of many startling ... , internet access, cell phone), those costs are mostly offset by reductions in things like dry cleaning [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 20:47:43
Smart shoppers
Smart shoppers Posted by admin on December 25, 2008 at 8:15 pm Smart shoppers 101: Five terrifically easy ways to tame that budget! ... of the dry cleaners, try home dry cleaning kits for good results and big savings. 3.Ardent smart ... six weeks. Use coupons and rain checks to save even more. 2.Clothing costs can add up quickly [more...]
Date: 2008-12-26 04:15:09
Couple Sues Hotel After Sprinkler Ruins Ceremony
When Brookyln couple Svetlana and Yuriy Orishchenko wed on August 9th 2008, ... by lightning, and says he offered to compensate the couple for their trouble and to pick up the dry cleaning bill for anyone who attended. The wedding cost the couple close to $20,000, but the lawsuit they filed [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 15:30:31
The iPhone Hotel
Fashionfunky writes up The Malibu Beach inn which is iPhone-friendly ... a wake up call, request dry cleaning, extra blankets or replace forgotten toothbrushes, check ... is on tap, too. Cost to the hotel is about $10 per room. quotesmarksleft.jpg Add this this entry [more...]
Date: 2008-10-20 17:14:58
Clutching at straws: Tools for eco-friendly sipping
I've never been a fan of straws -- due to vanity, not concerns for the environment ... trade business in Laos called Kopnoi, these straws do have one major downside: The cleaning process ... then lay to dry. The set of twelve, complete with a handwoven cotton bag, costs $16.95 at Global [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 22:41:27
The Scuttlebutt on Blair House
From the time I first heard about the Obamas not being able to utilize Blair House, I’ve found the entire fiasco infuriating ... , four dining rooms, kitchen facilities, laundry and dry cleaning facilities, an exercise room ... of the less than trailer trash Bushes, as well as the additional cost to the American taxpayers by having [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 23:20:08
Costume Hire
When people think of Fancy Dress they tend to think first of renting a costume, after all its a one night affair and they don’t need one to keep ... 4. Dry Cleaning is expensive 5. Every costume returned has to be manually checked for damages ... : 1. Costume Rental Companies have much higher running costs 2. They tend to rent out costumes [more...]
Date: 2009-01-11 18:52:34
Costume Hire
When people think of Fancy Dress they tend to think first of renting a costume, after all its a one night affair and they don’t need one to keep ... 4. Dry Cleaning is expensive 5. Every costume returned has to be manually checked for damages each ... : 1. Costume Rental Companies have much higher running costs 2. They tend to rent out costumes [more...]
Date: 2009-01-11 18:52:34
Batik--Water Soluble and Low Cost
It's been a long time since I got out the fiber dyes...I'd like to get back to it. A new (to me) ... , but if you need to really get every last bit of wax resist out of your project, dry-cleaning chemicals are the way to go. Here in the country, there are no dry-cleaners, and no shipping or delivery [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 17:07:00
A Different Approach to Laundry
Yesterday even my tolerance of dog hair on the comforter on our bed had run out. Shaking it outside seemed to have little effect. I didn’t want to take it to the dry cleaner’s because it would cost a lot and we would ... me to “la mujer limpiando los vidrios” (the woman cleaning the windows). For $6.25 she started [more...]
Date: 2008-12-30 12:59:00
Jeans Just For Curves - GroovyJeans.Com
It’s frustrating to look for new jeans for myself. And this has been going on for years since I was 13 ... my blood and that only happens when it’s fresh from laundry or back from dry cleaning. Because it’ ... or yeah just nice. Ok ok, so whenever I found a perfect jeans, no matter how much it will costs [more...]
Date: 2008-12-25 07:45:00
Nice Work If You Can Get It: Estranged Wife Says She Needs $53,000 A Week To Survive
Let’s get this out of the way right off. Yeah, I’m jealous. I want $53,000 a week, too. There. Now, moving right along.... Holy matrimony, Batman! ... care ($1,000), dry cleaning ($650), flowers ($600) and a trainer ($250). A personal assistant ... for restaurants and entertainment? 8 grand a week for travel? Where does she go in a week that costs [more...]
Date: 2008-12-19 21:25:18
The iPhone Hotel: Check In, Tune Out, Room Service
A California Inn is dubbing itself the world’s first “iPhone hotel ... to hotel services: order room service, set a wake up call, request dry cleaning, extra blankets ... , eating and cavorting info for the area is on tap, too. Cost to the hotel is about $10 per room [more...]
Date: 2008-10-13 11:30:01
Experience Inexpensive and Stunning Results With Natural Skin Care Treatments
Women all over the world spend billions of dollars on skin care products every year, in an effort to keep their skin soft, smooth and lovely, ... is the least drying, is hypo-allergenic and does an excellent job of cleaning the skin. Rinse your skin well ... pharmacy and costs about $1.50 for a bottle that will last for months. Next in our lineup of [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 17:34:02
Eater Tastings: Press Club Opens, Resto Scams Go Wild
Another week, another serving of Eater SF. 1) ... 20-course dinners at Per Se, Alinea and the French Laundry. Cost: a mere $1500. Want. Now. 4) Week in Scams, Creative Writing Edition: Las Vegas Gucci blouse dry cleaning letter scam; group dining [more...]
Date: 2008-09-19 20:47:54
Fiji Flooding: “The economic costs will be massive”
The sun peeked from behind the mass of clouds in parts of the Fiji island group Thursday morning, ... villages, have begun cleaning up, drying their homes out and taking stock of their damaged property, crops [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 20:12:26
Appliance Tune-up
Back when fuel prices were up around $4.00/gallon, the mere anticipation of winter energy costs was enough to send a shiver down people’s spines ... . Keep the coils well ventilated and clean so that heat doesn’t build up. Washers & Dryers Almost ... filter clean and separating your loads by thickness of material (i.e. don’t dry towels with bed [more...]
Date: 2008-11-10 07:02:38
Gotta love those Olefin rugs...Just another Public Service announcement from "At Home"
It's rug cleaning time at the At Home compound..and I wanted to move a rug from storage back into the big dining area redo... ... our gazebo.Most of the time it's dry. No fancy rug services, no toxic chemicals and no extra cost. Dirty rugs ... are made out of, it's just woven differently, and they recommend hosing for cleaning.. That means [more...]
Date: 2008-07-19 03:46:00
Clutching at straws: Tools for eco-friendly sipping
I’ve never been a fan of straws — due to vanity, not concerns for the environment ... then lay to dry. The set of twelve, complete with a handwoven cotton bag, costs $16.95 at Global Exchange ... business in Laos called Kopnoi, these straws do have one major downside: The cleaning process seems [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 21:54:01
5 (Free!) Ways To Start Your New Year Off Healthy
No, Protein Enhanced (look closely!!) Salad is not on my list.A few days ago I was lounging around in my pajamas ( ... are going to stitch for me after they finish cleaning my kitchen.Just like their idea of loungewear ... will it lower your blood pressure? Lip butter is a bonus for dry skin but unless you have psoriasis [more...]
Date: 2008-12-29 03:05:00
Your Weekly Moment of Sven
Howdy, fellow netizens! The time has come to flex our fix-it muscle again!First, I'd like to thank everyone for their warm welcome ... to let dry on the car too long and took hours to remove. If you have a piece that has some wear marks ... more than a good wax will make the piece take on a whole new look. Apply it and let it dry, only [more...]
Date: 2008-08-07 15:51:00
Could the Satyam/PwC fraud be the visible part of an iceberg? Where are India’s “Generally Accepted Accounting Principles”? Isn’t governance rather poor all over corporate India? Bad public finance may be a root cause
In a March 5 2007 article in The Statesman, I said: “Our farmers are peaceful hardworking people who should be paying taxes and user-fees normally but should not be otherwise disturbed or needlessly provoked by outsiders. It is the businessmen wishing to attack our farm populations who need to look hard in the mirror – to improve their [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 07:40:36
Why palm scanning is the new fingerprinting
It's quite simple, actually: you don't have to touch anything. I can say from experience that every time I put my right index finger on the little glass window of my hospital's Pyxis machine to check out drugs for a case, I wonder just what's on that little window after scores of people have done the very same thing earlier that day [more...]
Date: 2008-12-11 17:01:08
favorite products of 2008
I've been meaning to post this for two weeks now. I discovered some products in 2008 that really are fantastic and really do make your life easier, ... . It takes vomit and pee out of mattresses and carpets, and blood stains out of pillows, and it's relatively cheap. We buy it at WalMart--bottom shelf half-way down the cleaning stuff aisle. It beats car [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 07:15:00
U.S. Consumers Are Being Taken to the Cleaners
In May, I posted about tariffs on hangers from China, enacted to protect the only remaining domestic supply of hangers, M&B Hangers in Leeds, ... Line: If you thought your dry cleaning bills were high in the past, well "hang on," because ... of higher dry cleaning prices. Tariffs, which are simply taxes on Americans buying imported goods [more...]
Date: 2008-09-29 14:11:19
Go green when dry cleaning says Press Release Service
A carcinogen called perchloroethylene is used during the dry cleaning process and has been reported to have harmful effects on both dry cleaner ... , that means sending the Calvin Klein and Gucci suits off to the dry cleaners for a heavy starch ... to get that sauce stain out of your favorite party dress is recycled, the captured by-product of various ind [more...]
Date: 2008-12-30 21:58:23
Dresser makeover
Over Labor Day weekend I got to work on my nursery by doing a dresser makeover. I started out with a dresser I picked up for free off Craiglist ... -o knifedecorative paperMod Podge (I used Matte-finish)new hardware1. After cleaning your piece of furniture ... fronts. Lay the decorative paper down on the drawer front and smooth out any bubbles. Let dry [more...]
Date: 2008-09-07 19:27:00
Keep Your Sewing Machine Like New
by David Trumble Have you ever visited a luxury automobile showroom? The cars sparkle with a sheen so bright you can almost see to comb your hair by ... between services by cleaning out the bobbin area frequently. A recent national survey of sewing ... you do that consider how you can reduce your costs simply by keeping your machine working properly [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 17:35:09
Pet Advice - Pet News - Pet Photos
Bitter Cold Weather Tipsby Mary Bushnell, St. Louis Pets ExaminerThe weather in the Midwest has been about as unpleasant as it can get. As bad as it is for people, think how it affects the thousands of animals left outside.Temperature and wind chill will kill. Here are a few ideas on winterizing your pet accommodations if you have outside pets [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 15:24:00
Top 10 Home Automation Projects [Lifehacker Top 10]
You've got a computer that backs up vital documents, launches applications at the tap of a key, ... to have their paper towels, baby needs, or other dry goods delivered to them on a regular schedule, but for those of us who end up making last-minute drives to the store for something as simple as a cleaning sponge [more...]
Date: 2008-09-05 16:00:00
Economist Versus Idiot: Bastard In A Basket
The World Last Week -Bill Richardson won't be America's next commerce secretary--he's under investigation for possibly giving one of his donors a state contract. -That wasn't the only stumble for Barack Obama's relatively smooth selection process, as Joe Biden called the secretive nature of the nomination of Leon Panetta ( [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 08:54:33
FlexJobs Bring Employers And Work At Home Employees Together
When you’re a parent, flexibility is important. Children have needs, emergencies come up and kids seem to always have an appointment for one reason or another. If your work schedule is not flexible enough, it can cause a problem which might result in the lost of your job. Even if your family comes first, the loss of income can be disastrous! [more...]
Date: 2008-11-11 02:03:48
How to Live With Your Favorite 'Fur-Ball'!
Bitter Cold Weather Tipsby Mary Bushnell, St. Louis Pets ExaminerThe weather in the Midwest has been about as unpleasant as it can get. As bad as it is for people, think how it affects the thousands of animals left outside.Temperature and wind chill will kill. Here are a few ideas on winterizing your pet accommodations if you have outside pets [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 18:06:00
Paint a Room and Wash Your Face: More Uses For Powdered Milk Than You Ever Imagined
By Nora Dunn “Yick. Why on earth would you drink powdered milk?” I used to think. “It must taste horrid,” I surmised. I never drank that much milk anyway, so the cost savings of having powdered milk on hand didn’t come into the picture either. However, when I inherited a bread maker and started making my own [more...]
Date: 2008-08-18 06:26:33
Lifestyle - What Does That Bargain Really Cost? What It Takes to Make 10 Everyday Items
An aluminum can costs about a cent. Almost worthless, so it’s easy to toss it in the trash. It's like a magic trick, if you think about it. The thousands of stages in the manufacturing process, the material costs and the human stories, disappear into the air when we only have to spend a cent. It’s how environmental catastrophes happen [more...]
Date: 2008-11-30 20:00:00
The 10 Things I Won’t Give Up Just To Save Money
By Julie Rains Times are tough and they may be getting tougher as inflation and unemployment rates rise. There are 10 things that I could cut out of my expenses to save money right now but these measures will likely cause my earning power to shrink and my cost of living to rise in the long term [more...]
Date: 2008-10-07 13:00:38
here. Pocket diapers are advertised as “daddy and daycare approved;” meaning, I suppose, that once they are stuffed with an absorbent liner, ... about $1.25 each, whereas a Fuzzibunz costs about $17 new and $7 used. Now I’ve had the chance to try ... are easier to handle with prefolds. Cleaning out dirty pocket diapers is a mess if you don’t use diaper [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 03:00:20
Great Green Giveaway: Ecostore USA
What better way to start the second full week of the new year than with a great review and giveaway for some helpful green home and beauty ... -based household cleaning products are as effective as the leading supermarket brands, and their body ... and plant-based ingredients (making it ideal for washing your and your children’s clothing-no chemical [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 08:38:18
Greenopia: Eco-Consciousness for the Rest-Of-Us
If you’ve ever sat around and thought, “Gee, wouldn’t it be cool if there was a Zagat-style guide to local green businesses?” then wish no longer concerned citizen, because a small, ambitious group called Greenopia publishes just such a guide for Los Angeles, San Francisco, and as of April - New York City’s Big Green Apple [more...]
Date: 2008-07-11 19:02:41
Choosing natural cleaning products for your home
The supermarket shelves are lined with bottles and jugs of cleaners for the home. “Lemony fresh!” with “scrubbing bubbles!” the labels shout ... in household cleaning. Ammonia Many name brand cleaners contain some amount of ammonia, and ammonia ... for cleaning greasy spills on countertops and stove tops. It can also be used to remove grease stains [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 16:36:57
It May Market Organic Alternatives, but Is Your Cleaner Really Greener?
Alternatives to Dry Cleaning However strong the smell, though, he wanted the antidote to be gentle on the planet. Mr ... -cleaning stores have increasingly sprouted signs reading “organic” or “green,” as environmentally conscious consumers look for alternatives to traditional dry cleaning and its use of the solvent [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 04:51:40
To discuss an oral exam, and that's not a sexual reference
The last time I was at a dentist, he ripped four wisdom teeth out of my mouth, two days before Christmas.The time before that, it was to take off braces after three painful years during high school.The time before that, I had 11 baby teeth removed. As a ninth grader. I would have made a great prison bitch for an inmate out there [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 04:23:00
When Cleaning Clothes Destroys Homes
When Cleaning Clothes Destroys Homes Posted by Cynthia Hash under For Buyers, For Sellers, General Information, first time buyer, Service, ... a yearly dryer vent cleaning. Properly maintained dryer vents save their owners money. Fires caused ... ignite during permanent press. Install the Correct Dryer-Vent Tubing. Property owners should replace [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 13:50:58
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