Fantasy Friday - The Helpful Husband
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas day! Mine was great, lot of food, lots of gifts, and lots and lots of family! ... laundry behind her bedroom door and another on the floor in the junk... umm, dining room. The dining ... at gathering supplies for her projects at great bargains. When Joey bought her the house, one of his first [more...]
Date: 2008-12-26 05:01:00
Blog posts
(111) |
Remanufactured Dyson DC14 Full-Kit Upright Bagless Vacuum Cleaner - $249.99Sep 09 Expiration Date Unknown ... , efficient cleaning with no clogging or loss of suction. Effective for use on all floor types, the unit's ... , and a bare-floor tool that quickly attaches to the wand for gently cleaning bare floors. Item: [more...]
Date: 2008-09-09 16:38:42
Important Supplies for Your Faux Wall Finish Project
by Debra That Painter Lady Conrad The great thing about faux painting is that it’s a decorating technique that won’t break the bank - especially in these recessionary times. If you’ve ever painted your home, you probably already have many of the necessary materials and tools. You don’t need fancy accessories ( [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 13:42:11
Okay, before I start my next story, let me show you my new Crocs! From 2009 01 10 Southwest AsiaI guess Crocs is discontinuing their collegiate Crocs, since I could only find Penn State Crocs in their smallest adult sizes online. Oh well.The BX here had navy blue "Beach" Crocs, khaki "Professional" Crocs (no holes), and orange "Cayman" Crocs [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 07:54:00
Mr. Clean
Well, now that last week's craziness is over...We had our neighborhood New Year's Day party, ... 5 hours that morning cleaning up the house (not counting the hours I spent on Wednesday cleaning up the basement family room). Larry went above and beyond by cleaning out all the crap in our computer desk [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 04:55:00
What I Did Yesterday
In addition to a couple loads of dyeing, I cleaned off the tables out here in the office studio. Yikes ... to rip up the carpet and stain the concrete and put in area rugs, which I hope to find at Ikea in Dallas this weekend.But yesterday. First, in the mess of moving and cleaning and sorting, I forgot to eat [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 17:01:00
Ask and You Shall Receive
I didn't realize just how curious people were about island life until my last post. So, over the next few weeks I'll do my best to demystify it, but first let me answer a few questions.1. Have you lived on the island your entire life?No. I was born and raised in suburban Detroit [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 02:34:00
Guest Post by Jean Wang
(I met Jean on twitter...she agreed to a guest post about a book that changed her life! ... I will have less clutter to clean. I will save money from buying cleaning supplies to clean the clutter ... I have. I feel pounds lighter and I can see the floor when I do not have clutter on the ground. If you are a pack [more...]
Date: 2008-10-21 07:00:01
The Dining Room
So the holidays are almost over and assuming your decorations are down or you are in the process of doing so, let me tell you: ... and ahhhh... so much better!Or maybe that's the cleaning supplies... I think my dog is as high ... out, the room dusted, the table and sideboard polished, the baseboards scrubbed, and the floor vacuumed [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 02:29:00
Yes, I know there is a Divers in Greyhawk, I stole the name and that's all. I'm going to be running a new campaign using a combination of tools and modules, including excerpts from Raavnia and the old D&D Night Below campaign box.Town of Divers and EnvironsOur game world for the coming months will include a short exploration of the town of Divers [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 08:25:00
Harperston - A Fantasy Short Story By Kelly D. Tolman
I have always found it odd how a person never truly gets used to discomfort. I didn’t like starving any better after having starved, eaten, and starving again. I didn’t like fighting any better after having learned to do it properly either. In fact, I would go as far as to say I just don’t like being uncomfortable in any way, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 09:00:40
Goin' on a Mouse Hunt...
Oh wait, the song really goes...going on a bear hunt, doesn't it? All I know is I've got that line, plus the line I'm NOT scared running through my head. LOLI will have to come back and share the card I actually made yesterday...need to take a picture and it's too dark right now [more...]
Date: 2009-01-10 14:09:00
Swanky Dog Hotel?
Proposed Bill: Humans, Pets Buried in Single GraveBy Chantal Anderson - Seattle Times staff reporterSen. Ken Jacobsen and his cat Sam that died several years ago. The Seattle Democrat has filed a bill that would allow the commingling of human and pet remains. Forget the notion that dogs are man's best friend. To Sen [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 15:00:00
Cooperative Discardia!
You can see the floor in my living room and office now! Minnie came over to my house last week and helped clean and organize ... , and donations left the house. She worked all day cleaning my house and whipping me into paying attention! I was not allowed to slack! Here's my office, there was no floor here and the living room has open [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 22:05:12
Calendar and Announcements for January 18, 2009
Events on the ChargeMonday, January 19 • 8:00 AM Center Moreland Work Party• 7:00 PM DH Trustees and Admin Council ... at 8 AM. Repair and some remodeling and in the ladies bathroom, floor issues in the schoolhouse, kitchen cleanup and reorganization. Any and all help is welcomed! Bring your own tools or cleaning [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 16:53:00
Start the year clean: Engage the kids, repurpose old items
There’s something about the new year that brings on a cleaning frenzy in my life ... training with our kids will pay many dividends in getting the cleaning job done … together. Marlo ... this? I spoke with Amy Olson, spokesperson for THE MAIDS Home Services, to find some industry tips [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 18:04:09
How To Fix Your Xbox 360 Console Yourself In Under One Hour!
Please note this process involves dismantling your 360, which will void any and all warranties you may or may not have ... your console can get the dreaded 3 red lights is to do with the power brick. You see, when the problem occurs a commonly overlooked component is the power brick. A good way you can stop the power brick [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 18:54:45
Beautiful story - Powerful.
From My InBox:In September 1960, I woke up one morning with six hungry babies and just 75cents in my pocket.Their father was gone.The boys ranged from three months to seven years; their sister was two.Their Dad had never been much more than a presence they feared [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 07:07:00
Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/12/2009
The most entertaining story of the evening is the Turkish Carnival Association media hoax.The most sobering news alleges that the leaders of Hamas have holed up in a bunker in the basement of an Israeli-built hospital in Gaza.Thanks to Barry Rubin, C. Cantoni, Diana West, Fjordman, Henrik, Insubria, JD, RRW, ScottSA, Steen, VH, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 04:51:00
Well it looked good for a moment….
Today was MESSY!! Wallpaper is mostly down, plaster is down, sawdust is on everything! Yipee! Jess and I were back at the house today - taking down hardware and cleaning out the garage while Juan and his gang got right to work this morning and brought down both bedroom ceilings - plaster [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 03:51:33
Robot! Robot! Clean My House!
by Ned Dagostino Straight out of a Richie Rich comic book comes Irona, the robot maid! This time she’s here to help you do the floors ... the latest robotic techniques and logic to perform its job. It sees the dirt on the floor or the carpet ... . The floor robot vacuum cleaners that are available today [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 13:49:02
Modular Carpet for the Utility Closet
Hallway Closet I'm tackling the hallway utility closet and turning it into a walk-in closet storing my surplus of Method cleaning products, ... a pattern for the floor! Working Class Tile I'm testing this pattern called WORKING CLASS ... , gray tiles. Corrugated Rib Tile This one is called CORRUGATED TILE, because I think [more...]
Date: 2008-09-22 15:32:50
The Unseen Household Helper
The spooky story was revealed by world-renowned parapsychologist Dr. Leonard Kaufman who has verified the domesticated spirit's presence ... ' breakfast, get out her vacuum and cleaning supplies and take the kids to school. Then finally, before going [more...]
Date: 2008-06-29 08:16:04
Staying in the lines
Today Jack asked if he could color. I said sure, and grabbed a set of crayons he had gotten for Christmas ... for me, right? Because I have a stash of non-eco-friendly cleaning products in the house ... direct supervision, on the carpet downstairs. [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 04:38:40
Time To Get More Organized
Each January I spent some time organizing my desk and my computer files. It’s such a great feeling to start with a fresh slate and get off to a good start in the New Year. This year I was so motivated by the way my work area looked that I started reorganizing the kitchen next [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 16:16:08
Zone Cleaning Or Team Cleaning - Your Choice
Cleaning companies have different approaches in performing their tasks - all of them are intended to maximize employee efficiency for bigger company profit. Cleaning companies usually use either zone cleaning or team cleaning ... of employees the cleaning service has. First, we have to differentiate between zone cleaning and team [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 01:49:55
The Breakup
The Internet and I are on a break like Ross & Rachel ... minutes and run into overage charges. So now I have money for books and music and art supplies ... members for a belated Christmas celebration Kept up with laundry, dishes, meals, and cleaning [more...]
Date: 2009-01-11 15:42:15
Around The Room : Office Tour
With a new little one coming soon one of the big things that needed to happen around here was to move my office (you can see photos from that space here and a blog post here) from our spare bedroom into our additional room (basically a den or potentially second family room) [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 15:25:44
Tips to Keep Your Bathroom Organized Without Being Cluttered
Tips to Keep Your Bathroom Organized Without Being Cluttered Written by BlondieWrites - The Organizer Lady - Cindy | | January 10, 2009 | Bathrooms, ... extra towels and washcloths on the shelf. Cleaning supplies are usually stored under the sink ... supplies. You could even store the supplies with the other household cleaning supplies, leaving more [more...]
Date: 2009-01-10 11:13:23
Christmas Cards in a Flash
If you read my blog frequently, you might have seen this card in Tuesday's entry ... my card. Here are most of my supplies but guillotine, scor pal and ATG gun. There are things ... it as kitchen and I plan to later, have some cabinets changed and store some of my stamping supplies [more...]
Date: 2008-12-21 13:23:00
More on Babies and Church-Going
Thanks for all the comments and emails on my previous Baby Goes to Church (…or Doesn’t) post. We talked a lot and prayed a lot, and in the end wrote a letter to our church proposing a solution. We’re meeting with the pastor this afternoon to discuss it, and decide how to proceed [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 13:00:23
The 6 Most Disastrous Work E-Mails Ever Sent (NSFW)
From They say you should never write anything in an email that you don't want to see on the front page of the New York Times ... from Princeton he landed a sweet job with The Carlyle Group, complete with a fancy apartment. Chung soon [more...]
Date: 2008-10-24 18:24:00
Crazy-Busy Cleaning Shortcuts with Donna Smallin
Today I’m pleased to welcome a very special expert guest to The Home Know-It-All ... so you can clean on the fly. During a television commercial, you can dust in the living room. Cleaning ... . Donna Smallin is an organizing and cleaning expert and the author of eight books on—you guessed [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 16:24:15
A la French Maid! 1950s House Wife Cleans The Home… the sexy way.
What is wrong with aspiring to be a 1950s housewife? Some of my dearest friends (yes Emme this includes you) ... French maid costume makes the simple act of house cleaning ... is healthy cleaning products. I discovered these are just as easy to make as they are on the pocketbook [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 04:07:12
The Whole Deal™ on Homemade Cleaning Products
The whirlwind of the holidays (and my own post holidays travel schedule) ... . Pots and pans in my sink, spots on all my mirrors and a sadly neglected wall-to-wall carpet ... out carpet stains, freshening up the carpet and dog beds, and I’m sure there are countless other uses [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 13:00:36
The Whole Deal™ on Homemade Cleaning Products
The whirlwind of the holidays (and my own post holidays travel schedule) ... out carpet stains, freshening up the carpet and dog beds, and I’m sure there are countless other uses ... . Pots and pans in my sink, spots on all my mirrors and a sadly neglected wall-to-wall carpet [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 13:00:36
The Bathroom Trash
I’ve mentioned here before that we use abucket designed for holding mop water for a bathroom trashcan ... more and has a wider mouth, so less ends up on the floor. Ease of emptying- my 10 year old son empties ... the floor with emptying out the trash- this way you empty the trash, clean the trash can out, and mop [more...]
Date: 2008-12-05 12:00:30
In Depth: Understanding sick-building syndrome and the benefits of a green office (By Starre Vartan)
In 1984, the World Health Organization published a report determining the cause of sick building syndrome, in which the cumulative effects of bad ventilation, VOC offgassing, and certain building materials were found to make people who work in affected buildings sick. Main symptoms of sick building syndrome (SBS) [more...]
Date: 2008-08-28 14:00:23
Great-Great Grandmama Olene would be so proud (maybe)
I really have no idea if Grandmama Olene was crafty. I do know that she joined the Mormon church in Norway with her husband Andrew ... cleaners” without getting punctured or scraped). Stem and Bead Snowflakes Step #1: Buy chenille stems [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 05:35:53
Summarizing The Major Hotel Chains Pet Policies
If you’re contemplating taking your pet on a holiday vacation, you’ll want to find dog friendly hotels and know the policies of each company ... pet beds and other amenities, such as floor mats, food bowls, ID tags, and more. All guests checking [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 08:31:18
This is the week!
hospital #4 hospital #6 hospital #8 ... #1 Okay, my home cleaning schedule got all messed up because of the evacuation and working at the food ... now, I can now put art supplies in the art room that are cluttering the rest of the house! I can get [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 17:28:29
How to give your dog home-made enema
How to give your dog home-made enema January 3rd, 2009 Powered By CbproAds How to give your dog home-made enema Sometimes, you may need to do more than just giving solid or liquid medication to your sick dog. Depending on his condition and symptoms, you may also have to provide other kinds of nursing care, such as giving enemas [more...]
Date: 2009-01-03 05:53:17
January 14 - 4000 gone at Motorola - Pink slips for 500 at Oracle - Microsoft/IBM/ layoff rumors - Mount Carmel cuts 300 - Neiman Marcus exits 375 - Jaguar dismisses 450 in UK - Barclays axes another 2000 - bon voyage to 800 at Air Canada - Seagate deletes 2950 - Reebok runs out 300 - Plantronics -18% - 1000 done at Ecolab
Mike: Good day to all. - One of my pet peeves remains the rather quiet ride that the MSM is giving upcoming congressional pay raises. Congress enacted law that raises their salary automatically indexed for inflation - a COLA (cost of living allowance) increase [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 13:59:13
24 Ways to Pinch Pennies and Save Dollars
With the economy getting worse every day and many people unemployed or fearful of losing their jobs, ... perennial plants, ceramic tile, an electric foot bath, and a room air purifier. I’ve requested large [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 16:05:16
How to Fake Domestic-ness
When I started writing for Blissfully Domestic, I emailed a bunch of friends and family, ... handy-wipe-floor-mopping things to put a nice shine on the tile floor…but only in areas company [more...]
Date: 2008-10-09 14:00:47
Cleaning The Nursery – How To Make It Happen
Cleaning The Nursery – How To Make It Happen 11 January 2009 – 9: ... , as well. Another consideration is what type of cleaning supplies to use for cleaning ... . Now that you’ve got a little extra time, you’re thinking about cleaning the nursery. But - Good Lord [more...]
Date: 2009-01-11 20:48:48
House in Progress: Attic to Aerie
I just spent the better part of two days cleaning my 10-year-old daughter's room. You read that right -- two days. I love her dearly, but oh my god that girl is a slob. I found food under her bed [more...]
Date: 2008-06-12 16:36:44
It's true what you've heard: I live a very glamorous and exciting life.
Did I tell y'all I was going to take vacation this week? ... up and when I went to brush my teeth I discovered I had no water service. I made multiple calls to the City [more...]
Date: 2008-12-22 20:19:00
Pet Photos - Pet Nails - Pet Advice
'Adopting' 27 Dogs Leads Woman to New CallingBy Amy Lieberman - ZooToo.comSPARKS, Nev. -- Woman adopts 27 dogs ... 2-year-old pointer that was hit by a car in November. The loss was devastating for Spalione, who cradled [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 16:51:00
$’s saved due to HPGN????
Councilman Tim Pape at Monday’s City Council meeting, during the public comments section, ... they “earned” for the city as part of their jobs. The “revised” (September 30, 2008) contract between [more...]
Date: 2008-12-19 05:29:37
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