Jewish Telegraph graffiti article is utterly misleading
An article in today’s edition of the Jewish Telegraph has made me very angry ... Grosskopf’s efforts to clean up graffiti in Prestwich. It has numerous errors, uncorroborated slurs ... that other Councils remove graffiti free of charge.” The truth of course is that a small number [more...]
Date: 2008-09-12 12:23:53
Blog posts
(429) |
How Does Graffiti "Hurt"?
How Does Graffiti "Hurt"? Graffiti vandals believe their actions harm no one. The reality is graffiti hurts everyone.. ... , Caltrans and Metro in Los Angeles County on graffiti removal found the cost was about $28 million ... injury, violence, and arrest. Transportation, property, and retail sales - "Graffiti contributes [more...]
Date: 2008-10-23 12:46:00
Rarely pure and never simple
I don’t know whether any of my old (not so much of the old, please) sixth formers at Blackfyne recognise the title of this piece ... , so the graffiti removal team cannot sort them until a disclaimer is signed by the land-owner ... me to two bits of graffiti and a new road sign needing dealing with. I thought I could sort them [more...]
Date: 2008-11-16 14:14:21
Lambeth launches E-Petitions service
A new online service will give Clapham and Stockwell residents a chance to have a say about issues in their communities - at the touch of a button ... elsewhere, they have focused on issues such as planning developments, care home closures, graffiti removal and airport extensions. They allow local people to raise issues and give a good indication [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 10:47:00
Heritage Web Solutions In A Cleanup Drive
I was reading some news online when I got a glimpse of a cleanup drive in Utah participated by Heritage Web Solutions. I was like surprised! ... in and brought this trail back to its original beauty. The cleanup project included graffiti removal in the two tunnel portions of the trail section, vandalism repair, as well as litter and debris removal [more...]
Date: 2008-10-28 00:36:00
New warning system will make graffiti history
Researchers at Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia, have developed a computerised system that can prevent unnecessary graffiti, the removal of which involves huge costs. Project leader Seng Chu Tan has revealed that the new system is particularly aimed at curbing graffiti that is scratched into surfaces, such as Perspex [more...]
Date: 2008-09-12 10:48:19
A Photographer's Graffiti point of view
Some of us call it urban blight, some of us call it street soul, some of us call it a shame, while others of us simply call it, “beautiful.” Is there a city or town in the world that doesn’t sport its share of graffiti? Our city in central Alberta is no different. And while our city has sent out its graffiti-removal brigade, thank [more...]
Date: 2008-09-16 22:44:00
Corporate Community Activisim
It is always refreshing to see a company actually mean what it says about being "active in our community" ... included graffiti removal in the two tunnel portions of the trail section, vandalism repair, as well as litter and debris removal along the trail. The HIT Good Works Committee conducts bi-weekly [more...]
Date: 2008-10-28 02:05:00
Banksy talks about his endangered piece in London
Pretty funny and profound stuff. It turns out the Royal Mail is the complainant and the defender claims it's theirs and it's advertising. Banksy is not amused. On Oct. 23, the Council of Westminster in London ordered the removal ... that it encourages graffiti. In an exclusive statement to TIME, the mysterious guerrilla prankster has responded [more...]
Date: 2008-10-30 22:47:24
Giving Back to our Community . . .
The Citizen's Patrol for the Sheridan/Kakaako area is composed of a dedicated group of volunteers and police officers who work to patrol the neighborhood 1-2 times per week. The evening patrols consist of graffiti cleaning, sticker removal and observations of illegal activity. Following each patrol, a report is given to the HPD [more...]
Date: 2008-09-30 19:51:37
Red tape bollocks
It seems that the margins in which a person is labelled a criminal are getting smaller and smaller ... were given new powers to order the removal of graffiti from private, yes private, premises even ... who are criminals is ever expanding, to now include Graffiti artists, people from minority backgrounds [more...]
Date: 2008-11-11 09:41:18
Not in OUR DC! Pledge to Keep the Capital Clean
In recent years, graffiti and litter have become common sites in the District of Columbia ... ) for graffiti removal rose from 1,760 in 2005 to 3,169 in 2007, more than an 80 percent jump ... proliferation of graffiti and litter in DC. According to Connect with Kids, less crime occurs [more...]
Date: 2008-07-23 17:08:06
Commuter rage
Hell hath no fury like a commuter scorned. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board surely anticipated the anger it would evoke by approving ... personnel dedicated to power and communications maintenance, station maintenance, and graffiti removal.… “ [more...]
Date: 2008-12-18 20:57:47
Reverse Graffiti
I love this. Reverse Graffiti takes the elements of graffiti that highlight the hypocrisy of council policies, ... in its pure expression of the clumsiness of policy to deal with public art. Reverse Graffiti is the removal of dirt or cleaning away sections to “paint” a picture: “Instead of applying an image [more...]
Date: 2008-10-16 18:15:45
Excitement* at Commissioners Court
11/23/08 08:55 PM | Houston Miscellany | Technorati | Comments (2) ... experiment: A PLACE that is covered in graffiti and festooned with rubbish makes people feel uneasy ... at Rutgers University, initiated what became a vigorous campaign to remove graffiti from New York City [more...]
Date: 2008-11-24 02:55:32
Dennis Rodman Gets 3 Years Of Probation!
Carmen Electra's ex husband and actor/reality TV star Dennis Rodman has been sentenced to 36 months of probation and 45 days of roadside graffiti removal after pleading no contest to spousal battery. The former basketball bad boy was also ordered to undertake a year of domestic violence counselling, and six months of drug and alcohol [more...]
Date: 2008-06-25 19:45:01
Seen on the Street
I was forwarded this image of what the sender claims to be graffiti in suburban Mitchieville ... the removal of freedoms and benefits they've long taken for granted. Combined with the rancour ... from it all.Still, I can't tell whether this graffiti is meant to scare me into voting for Lisa, or scare [more...]
Date: 2008-09-27 11:12:00
Giving Back to the Environment.
In our world today of computer era where everything is so technologically advanced, nothing’s more affected and overwrought than our environment ... the trail, vandalism repair and graffiti removal in some tunnel portions of the trail. Their contribution [more...]
Date: 2008-10-28 08:07:54
Another Slap on the Wrist
Posted by Bossip Staff Another figure from the world of sports had his day in court. Dennis Rodman pleaded “no contest” to spousal battery this morning: “In exchange for his plea, the Worm was sentenced to 36 months of probation, 45 days of roadside graffiti removal, one year [more...]
Date: 2008-06-24 13:55:54
Links o’ Interest
Humor 50 greatest Charles Barkley quotes LeBron James gets whupped in Horse. We’re not that different South Park in Virginia Telemarketer Fax JuJitsu The worst job in the world Evolution Pie chart done right Graffiti removal Ricky Gervais takes his Emmy back [more...]
Date: 2008-09-22 12:23:58
NYC - Park Volunteer Day (07.26.08)
Solar1 Park Volunteer Day Park Manager Melissa McDonald and Gardener Daisy Hoyt will help you get your hands dirty while leaning about the history and maintenance of Stuy Cove Park. Activities include weeding, mulching, plant care, pruning, clean-up, graffiti removal and general beautification. Pizza lunch provided by the Stuyvesant Cove Park [more...]
Date: 2008-07-27 00:42:49
The two-state-solution family blues
By John Grant The Sebastian Scheiner image on the front page of The New York Times Friday December 5 hit the jackpot in Henri Cartier-Bresson’s ... stars of David to their clothing, and some called the Israeli soldiers “Nazis.” Hebrew graffiti ... , ordered the removal of the settlers after failing [more...]
Date: 2008-12-07 20:37:19
Street Art
Takes awhile to load, but it is worth the wait. Most Beautiful Graffiti Film: Subconscious Art of Graffiti Removal [more...]
Date: 2008-09-17 17:06:57
We love making our clients happy! Below are testimonials for how we've helped business professionals introduce themselves with high impact - either ... ." -Paul Watts, Owner Graffiti Removal Services [more...]
Date: 2008-09-19 15:31:48
Another year, another city budget–this one made perhaps more interesting by what they’re now calling a projected $16 ... , such as the Redevelopment Agency, to help do things like graffiti removal; eliminating redundant services (currently [more...]
Date: 2008-07-02 01:04:06
Zoo mural tagged - again
Just two months after the city paid for specialists to restore the zoo mural underneath the N. 57th St ... s Graffiti Prevention & Removal tipline, so we’ll have to see what happens next. ... . bridge, which had mistakenly been painted over, it’s been tagged again. Here’s the graffiti [more...]
Date: 2008-09-19 23:25:05
Wake and bake
I'm having such a lovely lazy day off. The last week has been mental, culminating in a four day Slow Food festival on the Southbank ... when the slab of darkness slunk free from the tin.Then I was rescued by the graffiti removal squad [more...]
Date: 2008-09-22 15:44:00
Caught Red-Handed
One for the good guys! A little bird at the courthouse tells us that yesterday was the hearing date for the tagger who painted Wilson Avenue red in ... of "guilty," and requested 100 hours of community service, preferably doing graffiti removal. The final [more...]
Date: 2008-07-10 15:56:57
Inside the MTA Budget: Long Island Rail Road
... personnel dedicated to power and communications maintenance, station maintenance, and graffiti removal. The LIRR would eliminate almost all bridge painting in the operating budget, dedicate less money [more...]
Date: 2008-12-02 19:09:14
UPDATED: Israeli Settlers Say "Muhammad Is A Pig"
#fullpost{display:inline;}Updated: Islam & The West Videos now has a video news report on this incident in Hebron ... with graffiti:"An escalating stand-off between the Israeli Army and a group of extremist Jewish settlers ... to leave the property in Hebron, said it had removed the graffiti "Muhammad is a pig" from a local mosque [more...]
Date: 2008-11-20 23:21:00
Surrey Regional Economic Summit Report
As is my practice when I attend a conference, I have provided a memo to Council outlining the recent Surrey Regional Economic Summit ... graffiti removal program and the hiring of Community Safety Officers are important steps, but the Township [more...]
Date: 2008-09-29 21:58:41
You Decide!
Wirral Borough Council has allocated £250,000 to be shared out among the 11 forum areas through a new project called ‘You Decide’ ... on. Suggestions so far have been new trees, new street lighting, additional litter bins and graffiti removal [more...]
Date: 2008-09-04 06:24:48
BUKET sentenced
BUKET sentenced Posted on December 23, 2008 Filed Under Uncategorized | Leave a Comment From the LA Times: Cyrus Yazdani, ... sentenced the 25-year-old San Jose State graduate to 10 months in county jail, 256 hours of graffiti removal and five years formal probation. But with time served and credits for work and good [more...]
Date: 2008-12-23 15:24:26
Dave the Chimp in der ViciousGallery
Searching For The Perfect Line – Dave the Chimp / Vicious Gallery, Hamburg, July 26th – August 16th 2008″. Links, Flyer und mehr Infos im Anhang [ ... buff” – the removal or covering of graffiti by city employees and property owners. A photocopy ... of writing graffiti, and looking for flowing lines and letterforms that are quick and stylish to paint [more...]
Date: 2008-07-23 10:03:28
Columbus is 4th Cleanest City in the US
Reader’s Digest America’s Top 5 Cleanest Cities By Derek Burnett Reader’s Digest compared data on our 50 most populous metropolitan areas to come ... painting, graffiti abatement, bulk trash pickup and litter removal. READ MORE ... pitiful.” And finally, the late 1990s were marked by a sudden increase in ugly graffiti on both public [more...]
Date: 2008-06-06 22:01:20
Taggers target East Reading
We have noticed a big increase in graffiti tags around Redlands, over the past few months, and despite reporting them many times to the Council for removal they had a nasty habit ... Graffiti Clean Up Campaign' The Police confirmed publicly this week that East Reading, notably [more...]
Date: 2008-09-21 10:47:15
The Not In My Neighbourhood week
A community lead campaign to help drive crime and anti social behaviour of the streets of Knowsley will see a blitz on everything from car crime to ... clean ups Graffiti removal projects Community meetings and police surgeries Multi-agency enforcement [more...]
Date: 2008-10-08 10:26:45
MD181 - Graffiti, Tagging, and Removal in L.A. City
Download: MOV | MP3 | M4V Watch: Blip | Break | Viddler | Yahoo Subscribe: YouTube | iTunes <-- View our previous episode! ... Subscribe to Mahalo Daily View our next episode! – Graffiti and tagging is a huge ... from Pacific Graffiti Solutions, and spoke to the CEO, Yvette Neal about the problem. We saw how [more...]
Date: 2008-08-07 03:38:51
Tagger Buket sent to county bucket
Cyrus Yazdani, better known as "buket" the tagger who posted his exploits on YouTube, pleaded guilty to 32 counts of felony vandalism and admitted a special allegation that the damage exceeded $50,000. As a result he'll get 314 days of county jail time, 256 hours of graffiti removal [more...]
Date: 2008-12-23 02:47:42
Paint your store, get two years in jail
Paint your store, get two years in jail August 13, 2008 by elcap From the annals of absurd city bureaucracy: ... on contracts for graffiti removal. Full story here. Posted in This is bullshit! | Tagged ... A mom-and-pop grocery store in Los Angeles has a problem with kids spraying graffiti [more...]
Date: 2008-08-14 02:46:53
Glen Canyon NRA Event Scheduled in Celebration of National Public Lands Day
Page, Ariz. - In recognition of National Public Lands Day on September 27th, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (NRA) will host a graffiti removal effort and is looking for volunteer participation. This project will take place at The Coves at Wahweap on Tuesday, September 23rd. Volunteer sign-up will begin at 8:30 ... [more...]
Date: 2008-09-19 23:28:39
L.A. YouTube vandal sentenced
Tagger pleads guilty to almost 3 dozen felony vandalism counts: You may remember the story of Buket. He’s an L.A ... . He also received 256 hours of graffiti removal community service. If he’s caught tagging again [more...]
Date: 2008-12-24 01:21:25
Dennis Rodman Enters Deal
Former NBA superstar and Carmen Elektra’s ex-husband, Dennis Rodman, ... for his plea, Rodman was sentenced to: (a) 36 months of probation; (b) 45 days of roadside graffiti removal; (c) one year of domestic violence counseling; and (d) six months of drug and alcohol treatment [more...]
Date: 2008-06-25 11:15:14
Young people with criminal convictions have been helping to create safer and greener communities across Leeds ... groups and has been involved in a number of very worth while projects, graffiti removal, community [more...]
Date: 2008-12-09 14:56:10
Rodman Pleads No Contest To Spousal Battery
In this March 21, 2007 file photo, Dennis Rodman poses backstage before the Christian Audigier Fall 2007 fashion show during the Mercedes Benz ... of graffiti removal or road cleanup work for the California Department of Transportation or a similar [more...]
Date: 2008-06-25 19:40:33
Attorneys deliver closing arguments in Mt. Baldy sword attack trial
By Will Bigham, Staff Writer Article Launched: 09/18/2008 08:48: ... on Sept. 30, 2007. The attack was meant as retaliation for Gregory’s removal of graffiti left ... . Gregory said he woke the next morning and painted over the graffiti. Wesley Brockway said he visited [more...]
Date: 2008-09-19 16:06:57
Mesa recycling program Saturday, Dec 13
Mesa residents who wish to get rid of unwanted paint cans, old batteries, pesticides, electronics, ... the city runs for residents. It’s also used in community services projects like graffiti-removal. “ [more...]
Date: 2008-12-13 01:02:44
Anti-Sprawl Direct Action in Montana
Anti-Sprawl Direct Action in Montana International 'unnecessary development' sabotage wilderness defence Stop Sprawl!Flathead Valley, Montana, U.S. - A group calling itself Americans Stopping Sprawling Development (ASSD) has taken credit for a rash of incidents involving the removal of surveyor stakes and graffiti [more...]
Date: 2008-06-24 20:03:21
Anti-Sprawl Direct Action in Montana
Anti-Sprawl Direct Action in Montana International 'unnecessary development' sabotage wilderness defence Stop Sprawl!Flathead Valley, Montana, U.S. - A group calling itself Americans Stopping Sprawling Development (ASSD) has taken credit for a rash of incidents involving the removal of surveyor stakes and graffiti [more...]
Date: 2008-06-24 20:03:21
RE-GIFTING SEASON BEGINS TODAY December 26th, 2008 Now that all the wrapping paper and boxes are out for recycling we can really see what we got ... for Seniors” and the “Changing the Face of Staten Island” Graffiti Removal programs. Last year [more...]
Date: 2008-12-26 16:36:04
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