Clean House, Clean Planet
My girlfriend, who is very environmentally friendly (she puts most of us to shame) ... such as vinegar, club soda, water, liquid dishsoap, etc. Not only are the products natural, hence ... in a spray bottle. That's it. Club soda - go figure.For an all-purpose cleaner:2 Tbsp distilled vinegar1 tsp [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 14:28:00
Blog posts
(163) |
Weiman Products
We’re having family over this week for Thanksgiving, so you know what that means…lot of cleaning! I’ve tried out a lot of wonderful eco-friendly cleaners before, and thanks to the Family Review ... leaving floors and grout spotless and streak-free. This all-natural, plant-derived cleaning [more...]
Date: 2008-11-24 15:26:00
Decor - Easy, Eco-Friendly Bathroom Cleaning
You know how after you clean your bathroom with harsh chemical products it reeks for days? ... your tub fresh, the Green Mandarin and Leaf shower cleaner by Seventh Generation is non-toxic ... Enzymes’ natural drain opener. This eco-alternative is a non-caustic, non-toxic and biodegradable way [more...]
Date: 2008-07-28 16:37:00
Review: Baby Girl Products (contest and review, 29th)
When I was searching for things that would be neat to have for our green month here at Momdot, my Mom told me about a couple of local girls (in the Tampa area) that had created these all natural, non chemical, earth friendly cleaning ... a glass cleaner and an all purpose cleaner at my house for myself to review! What service [more...]
Date: 2008-09-24 19:45:56
Cancer in Cats and Alternative Treatments
Cancer in Cats and Alternative Treatments January 18th, ... if you are not watching. These products are deadly to him when he gets into cleaning supplies, fertilizer, poisons ... . It can be effectively treated with antibiotics and supplements which restore the natural PH [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 15:01:29
Interesting Things You Should Know About Natural Gas
Consumption of natural gas in the united states has remained relatively stable for the past 35 years ... domestic production potential, but the potential costs include access to clean drinking water for millions [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 08:15:24
30 Days to Natural
Not long ago I posted about using Green Work products… as I started using them. Most recently mentioned, the anti-allergen spray ... + becoming greener! I think I’m worn out tho… from cleaning. Good thing I enjoy naps! I’m a bit under [more...]
Date: 2008-10-29 18:05:06
Experience Inexpensive and Stunning Results With Natural Skin Care Treatments
Women all over the world spend billions of dollars on skin care products every year, in an effort to keep their skin soft, smooth and lovely, ... is the least drying, is hypo-allergenic and does an excellent job of cleaning the skin. Rinse your skin well ... pharmacy and costs about $1.50 for a bottle that will last for months. Next in our lineup of [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 17:34:02
How to Fix Dry Skin Naturally
Everyone wants smooth, beautiful skin glowing! How many of us can say that we actually have them? We buy many products, expensive treatments and still with a dry, flaky or ashy skin. To see a long ... vegetables, whole grains and clean water in your daily diet. Your skin is a living body. Give [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 12:53:17
Detoxification and Weight Loss
by P. Valentine Have you heard about this natural healthy way to lose weight fast? I know of some one who has devised just such a plan ... do I do it”? Well your body needs a major spring cleaning and that begins with your bowel which in 80 ... ; parasite ridden but also may be so encrusted as to prevent regular movement of waste products! The first [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 19:12:10
I’ve been meaning to write this list for some time: my thoughts on what proved to be lifesavers for me during pregnancy and the first few months of Harriet’s life. It’s more to remind me for next time (yes, I am a crazy woman!) than to guide others; to stop me sprouting advice to others in an effort to remember things myself [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 01:05:09
Image by bill barber (off flickr for a bit) via Flickr Krystle Shapiro, Touchstone Massage Therapies (208/290-6760) ... , such as poison ivy, metals, cleaning products, dyes, and often latex, thus causing a reaction by the immune ... or ingredients in processed foods, such as dyes, preservatives, and chemical flavoring additives. Many [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 19:06:33
The 5 Lamest Forwarded Emails (And Why Your Mom Loves Them)
Since the dawn of time, man has sought ever-easier means of communicating. Smoke signals gave way to the Pony Express. Then came telegrams, then singing telegrams, and eventually the naked ones we all know and love today. But we now find ourselves in a digital era, one where it’s possible to send messages around the globe in seconds [more...]
Date: 2008-11-19 13:00:31
Eco-friendly post
I was browsing blogs yesterday and came across a bunch of sites. Some of which got me thinking. We are a wasteful country. We use and dont think of the consequences. I try not to be much of a pro-world activist. I mean I do have my mind in the matter but I try not to be over powering on the thought of it. Maybe thats part of the problem these days [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 13:36:00
Toxic Gifts: Read the Ingredients before Slathering on that Smelly Lotion
So, you’ve opened all your gifts and among them are some cologne, lotion, body wash or other personal care products loaded with fragrance ... without actually listing the chemical. From the Environmental Working Group: Companies ... and trade-secret formulas are exempt. An analysis of the chemical contents of products reveals [more...]
Date: 2008-12-25 11:00:19
Pet Advice - Pet News - Pet Photos
Bitter Cold Weather Tipsby Mary Bushnell, St. Louis Pets ExaminerThe weather in the Midwest has been about as unpleasant as it can get. As bad as it is for people, think how it affects the thousands of animals left outside.Temperature and wind chill will kill. Here are a few ideas on winterizing your pet accommodations if you have outside pets [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 15:24:00
Uhma Spa
No vacation should be complete without some pampering so when I decided to hit up South Beach, I immediately booked an appointment ( ... . Practically everything in the spa and store are 100% natural and organic. The walls and furniture are made from sustainable wood, the paint is VOC free (non environmentally damaging) and even the cleaning [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 17:45:06
How to Live With Your Favorite 'Fur-Ball'!
Bitter Cold Weather Tipsby Mary Bushnell, St. Louis Pets ExaminerThe weather in the Midwest has been about as unpleasant as it can get. As bad as it is for people, think how it affects the thousands of animals left outside.Temperature and wind chill will kill. Here are a few ideas on winterizing your pet accommodations if you have outside pets [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 18:06:00
Identifying Candida Symptoms
Candida is nearly an epidemic in our society and is responsible for many of the chronic illness categories we see so frequently. Candida symptoms are vast and all encompassing and can even incapacitate the individual.Most people are unaware that it even exists, because most main stream doctors are uneducated about its impact on our health [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 15:47:31
Holiday Wellness Gifting
This E - Newsletter comes to you because either you requested it, gave me permission to send it to you or I thought you might find it of interest. If for any reason you'd like to no longer receive this monthly communication - please reply accordingly. I have great regard for your time - thank you for allowing me to be a resource for you [more...]
Date: 2008-12-08 11:03:40
Enjoy Fresh Breath With These Bad Breath Eliminators
By Darren WumoultWhen you're attending a party or any social function, you will surely be talking to your companions ... and using natural remedies that can cure halitosis. Before tackling the natural treatment methods ... or halitosis. You can avoid this problem by regularly cleaning the tongue to prevent the growth [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 00:07:00
More breaking news regarding Mold cleaners
A new home smell is something that leaves a memory in your mind forever. Sometimes owning a new home will give you a new outlook on your life ... they are settled in their home is even better. You are always going to need the help of a cleaning service or a top notch cleaning product to clean your home if you are doing it yourself. Have a look [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 14:51:58
Skin Care on the Cheap: 5 Tips (and a Giveaway!)
Ballin’ on a budget? Yup, I hear ya. If you’re trying to think of ways to save money on your beauty and skin care routine, ... products can’t get the job done,” says Dr. Welch, “but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Not only are you saving lots of money by avoiding the department store for similar products, but you’ll find [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 04:49:02
November 20, 2008
rites of passages for boys where they became men over their fresh kill. These days, that rarely happens in a suburban cul-de-sac, but you do have the opportunity to grant your son responsibility in front of a family gathering. When you decide the time is right for your son to carve the turkey – and that may come because of age, [more...]
Date: 2008-11-21 05:37:45
Natural Teeth Whitening Alternatives
Natural Teeth Whitening Alternatives Most people will agree that having a brilliant white smile is complimentary to their appearance ... at some time or another. Using natural teeth whitening products is a simple, inexpensive way ... to go to a dentist for professional bleaching products, which usually contain peroxide to bleach [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 12:34:19
MODERN WONDERS of an Ancient Art Part II (Jul, 1936)
You can read part I here. view additional pages MODERN WONDERS of an Ancient Art Part II By H. W ... iron for architectural purposes makes such a home both possible and practical. As a building material ... for a lifetime of service. In the past six or seven years, several types of buildings have been designed [more...]
Date: 2008-11-11 04:22:08
The Little Green Schoolhouse
The sixth-graders in Marti Goldstone’s science class at Horace Mann Elementary are working on a project that could save their D.C. public school a lot of money. They are conducting an energy audit of their entire school. They calculate how much energy each classroom, gym, cafeteria, office, etc [more...]
Date: 2008-12-03 11:00:17
Detoxification and Weight Loss
by P. Valentine Want to hear about the Best Weight Loss Program ? ... what to I have to do and how do I do it”? Well your body needs a major spring cleaning and that begins with your bowel ... & parasite ridden but also may be so encrusted as to prevent regular movement of waste products [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 18:36:14
The magical wonders of Household cleaning products
A new home smell is something that leaves a memory in your mind forever. Starting over in a new living environment is also a great experience ... cleaning products. Maybe Going Green strike your mind?the use of these products have made it safe ... these janitorial cleaning products. Could you believe that rust removers can get ris of rust [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 19:48:54
10-Point Furnace Safety and Efficiency Checklist Helps Customers Save Energy and Money A chilly cold snap is forecast throughout northern and ... for alignment and rigidity; a small earthquake is all it takes to loosen the flue and allow the products ... that the thermostat is in the off position prior to cleaning. – Clean or replace your furnace [more...]
Date: 2008-12-15 22:59:30
Tested: POM Wonderful Pomegranate Juice
Even if you have absolutely no interest in health and nutrition, I’m betting you’ve heard of acai berry, goji berry, ... for us, there are a number of reputable companies making products with these juices. The biggest name is POM Wonderful ... lists the ingredients as: Pomegranate juice from concentrate and natural flavors. And [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 19:05:25
Do Acne Blackheads Natural Treatments Work?
acne can be very stressful; our skin can say so much about us they do not see our best that can affect many areas of our lives ... . The same process can be used with garlic juice, mint juice, and many other natural products. A simple ... to the doctor; landlords acne treatment which requires only natural ingredients that often can be found [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 06:03:46
Borax Flea Control - Learn How To Protect Your Pets From Fleas
by Ferdinand Mekinsy Borax flea control is a good way to aid remove a flea infestation once it has started ... cleaning your carpets after it has had time to set, you can kill fleas in a somewhat short period ... and foremost, Borax is a toxic chemical that should be treated with deference. If you have children [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 20:44:01
5 Minutes Around the Blogosphere - Week 64
ANNOUNCEMENTS Beloved Mama is hosting a New Year’s Resolution Contest, starting January 1st. Stop by her blog, post your resolution, and you will have a chance to win an inspiring audio course developed by Arlene from Losing Weight After Baby as well as a fabulous onesie for your baby [more...]
Date: 2008-12-21 07:24:48
Going Green – A Gamer’s Guide to Reducing Energy Consumption
“Energy” is an enigma. We use in nearly everything we do and consume it in ever growing quantities. When I sit in my room, power-up my TV, turn on my gaming system and transport myself a way from reality, I never think about how much power I’m really using [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 06:45:55
Pick a natural mold removal product
Busby SEO Test Cleaning mold up for the holidays is a chore that every person should take care of rather than the guests come to the house ... your family members or your pets to be in front of. Natural mold removal products are in safe hands and easy, and now and then — most of the times — do a improved job. Natural cleaning products are really [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 14:25:58
Saturday Spotlight: Merry SITSmas
Bissell Vacuum, right? We all need a little SITStaly love today. Go comment on the two people above you in roll call. Just give them a quick cyber hug. We have some preliminary details about our Merry SITSmas celebration!!! Oh, this is some exciting stuff packed full of prizes just like Santa's sleigh [more...]
Date: 2008-11-15 06:34:41
Depo-Provera caused my Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and chronic UTIs
Wow, it’s been a long time since I wrote anything here. I cannot sleep so I thought I may as well get something done.First of all, my sensitivities are nowhere near what they used to be and the only reason I can think of is that I went off my birth control. No, I’m not trying to get pregnant [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 10:27:10
What You Need To Know About Borax Flea Control
What You Need To Know About Borax Flea Control by Ferdinand Mekinsy Borax flea control is a great means to help remove a flea infestation once it ... , then soundly cleaning your carpets after it has had time to set, you can kill fleas in a somewhat short ... in mind. First and foremost, Borax is a toxic chemical that should be treated with respect [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 08:18:10
Detoxification and Weight Loss
Detoxification and Weight Loss By P. Valentine | January 19, 2009 by P. Valentine Want to hear about the Best Weight Loss Program ? ... and weaken and debilitate us. Though other “natural” MDs have expanded various parts of the included ... with us. So how do we decide where to start taking back our body, doing major house cleaning [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 18:18:45
Best Deals for Friday 1/16/09
By Linsey Knerl Cold weather is sweeping the country, but several retailers are offering unadvertised in-store only specials. ( ... You DVD” with form and Proofs – Buy 3 Earth’s Best Baby Food products, mail in the form along ... ! Download form for details. Ends 4/7/09. 4. iRobot Looj 120Gutter Cleaning Robot $49.99 at [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 14:20:40
Can California’s cement industry walk the fine line between regulation and innovation to fight global warming? BY CHRIS AMICO CUPERTINO, California — From the lip of the quarry at Hanson Permanente cement, all of Santa Clara stretches out in panorama. Few plants in California are this close to this many people [more...]
Date: 2008-12-17 17:29:44
Baby Development - UC Berkeley Studies Find Longer Maternity Leave results in Fewer C-Sections and Increased Breastfeeding
Splash Bottle Drying Rack - Poppy SPLASH is a modern bottle drying rack that is the perfect addition to any kitchen. Its space saving circular design keeps all of baby’s feeding accessories off the counter, and the included brush makes cleaning quick and easy. The unique shelf is perfect for nipples, straw [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 18:42:02
Biodiesel and Its Impact on the Environment
Matt Oconnor asked: Biodiesel has been getting its share of interest among people in the search for alternative fuels ... diesel products. That's why fuel filters becoming clogged with residue particles as the biodiesel does its work of cleaning the engine has become so common. A change of filter after running 600-800 miles [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 18:51:35
Protecting Your Health and the Environment, at the Same Time
Before our hiatus, I was exploring some of the connections between the new ecoawareness and some growing efforts to improve our health ... doses - react with each other over years of time. So is it hard to reduce your chemical exposure ... it. There have always been "green" cleaning products, but the new ecoawareness has spawned new [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 22:36:24
Get Rid Of Your Acne
by Lucy Collins Saying good-bye to acne is possible and it’s a lot easier that what you may believe ... towards cleaning your pres and getting all of that dirt and grease out, and you will be preventing any ... and remove dead skin cells from your face. Avoid oily type products that you would normally apply [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 09:49:05
The 90 Day Deep Tissue Detox
The Raw Divas in Association with Proudly present: A 90 Day Deep Tissue Detox! Finally Experience the Health-Boosting Effect of a Meaningful Detoxification by Safely, Comfortably Eliminating Toxins You’ve Built-Up From Years of Pollution, Stress, Unhealthy Eating and MORE! [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 01:46:50
GET Green - Organic Car Care
Green seems to be everyone’s favorite color now-a-days ... products that promise to save the environment. “Organic” has become a buzzword in everything from food to laundry detergent. Not wanting to fall behind, the car care industry has seen a few “green” [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 23:56:56
5 Minutes Around the Blogosphere - Week 60
ANNOUNCEMENTS Mamanista has the Hottest Toys for the Holidays 2008! They’ve included the deluxe and the moderately priced, the indie handmade and the mass-produced, and some new toys mixed with old classics. Their 12 Days of Giveaways will feature thousands of dollars’ worth of toys–including a Learning Tower and Chalk Board valued at $270 [more...]
Date: 2008-11-23 09:38:43
Decor - Adding Greener Laundry Products to the Fold
Sure, you've switched to greener cleaning products, but how eco-friendly is the storage and folding apparatus in your laundry room? ... choices for the oh-so-natural laundry maven. Roll out the bamboo because it's a better way ... , from The Container Store is a natural in the laundry room. Take stock in how you've been schlepping [more...]
Date: 2008-11-18 12:00:00
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