Lives in Pieces: Vale et memini (Goodbye and I Remember)
January 17, 2009 in Friends and Family, Life or Something Similar, Our Writing Selves, The Big Things, The Small Things, Writing blogs | Tags: ... and a firm handshake, and she seemed to be all business. Quite frankly, I was intimidated ... different breed from the Virginia Beach office. It was the time of dress for success. Business suits [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 04:07:54
Blog posts
(141) |
Lighten Your Tax Load
Small business owners can benefit from numerous tax deductions, provided all business related expenses are legitimate and well documented ... business tax deductions. Cleaning services, office supplies/equipment, and a portion of the phone ... tax burden. If your home office is used exclusively for the business then the percentage of space [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 02:23:59
Crazy over Maisie
Yesterday, TCM ran a marathon of eight films from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s Maisie series—a popular film series from 1939 to 1947 that starred glamour gal Ann Sothern as a bold-as-brass Brooklyn showgirl whose frequent forays into unemployment often put her in the center of wacky adventures as she toiled in odd jobs [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 21:45:00
Marc Rich! Again??
Matthews: Bush is Like the Cop Who Shoots an Unarmed ManBy David Neiwert - Crooks and LiarsDiscussing the Bush legacy Friday, Chris Matthews on MSNBC's Hardball came up with a good metaphorMatthews: I found it interesting that the president, who admitted he was wrong about WMDs as a justification for war, called it a "disappointment [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 18:23:00
Building Your First Website: Day 8
(This series of articles is geared for the mom and pop business owner who is building his online storefront for the first time and other newcomers ... banners or linking codes within the affiliate program in order to promote the vendor and its products ... Product or Others’ Digital Products. Digital products include ebooks, online videos, audios [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 16:15:05
Jan 18 2009
Dear Readers,Why is our society not doing what they can to make a positive difference and turning things around? Do not give me money as an excuse either.-Homeless shelters turning away homeless, when you know darn well that organization has enough money to partner ship with opening churches, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 07:36:00
Organize: Checkup
It’s been a week and a half since my first post on organizing goals. I thought I would post a check up for my own use ... our first priority. Studio & Office- We went crazy at Target buying a lot of bins for our bookshelves. About 80% of our supplies organized, and I’m currently cleaning out my bins of scrap paper [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 15:48:54
This has really been bothering me
Folks, I believe that the majority of American’s are basically good people and I don’t believe that they will deliberately try and cheat people. But I have as a major interest of mine, investments in real estate and stocks and commodities. No I don’t currently trade or invest as I have no money to do it with, but still I watch CNBC, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 18:52:04
Review: Making It All Work
Every other Sunday, The Simple Dollar reviews a personal development, personal productivity, or entrepreneurship book. As I’ve mentioned many times before, I’m a huge fan of David Allen’s book Getting Things Done. That one simple volume (which I identified as one of the ten books that changed my life) [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 20:00:20
Cover of the Week 11
Tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Or as this guy I used to work with would call it, “Martin Luther, the King Day ... t get out of it. He was happy to have someone competent to run the place while he, the laziest business owner ... (with the business card to prove it), could spend the day. I would have gone into law from there if it weren [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 16:44:00
Can California’s cement industry walk the fine line between regulation and innovation to fight global warming? BY CHRIS AMICO CUPERTINO, California — From the lip of the quarry at Hanson Permanente cement, all of Santa Clara stretches out in panorama. Few plants in California are this close to this many people [more...]
Date: 2008-12-17 17:29:44
Chapter One
This is the first chapter of my novel "Georgia." You guys are the first people in the entire world to read this - I'm not kidding. I have to read it aloud at my first writer's group meeting on Tuesday so I thought I'd try it out on you guys first. I posted this the other day - thank you so much to Amy who read it and sent along a sweet comment - [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 13:02:54
Every Day in Basic Was a Story
/danielmode on In Air Force basic training, there are many roles and responsibilities for the trainees ... he was so good at it, the LQ offered to let him out of cleaning his assigned stall if he polished the LQ’s boots. Natch, he took the trade. Eventually, the Boot Polisher did no bathroom cleaning, no bed making [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 15:25:48
We get email: DHS asks for modification to blog post
Like other media outlets, from time to time we get email — some of it angry, some of it appreciative ... service that hired illegal immigrants. The DHS Press Office would appreciate it if you would consider ... published last week, in regards to illegal immigrants cleaning Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff’ [more...]
Date: 2008-12-15 17:40:29
Kristol, Cohen and Krugman
That bloodthirsty festering boil on the ass of humanity Bloody Billy Kristol has excreted a thing called “The Next War President.” He says like President Bush before him, Barack Obama knows he, too, will be a war president and that the decisions he makes as commander in chief will be his most consequential [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 11:19:48
And, LO, a potty chair!
Interesting few days in the Small World.On the Snowy front:The immediate help from the advent of Hospice joining up with us has been amazing. The very next day after Nurse Mary was here, Chick got a call from a fellow hollering into a cell phone, “I’ve got a potty, here. Are you going to be home? [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 15:08:51
A post for all the MEN
#fullpost{display:inline;}I sometimes wonder if husbands really understand the amount of stress mothers can feel. I think its a different stress than a business woman or man feels.. We dont really have dead ... your job is done.. you get to close your laptop or office door.. and thats it. You even get to take DAYS [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 04:48:00
Gates of Vienna News Feed 12/2/2008
Check out the South Asia section for the latest fallout from the Mumbai atrocities. Also, Pakistan is having its own entirely separate problems.Thanks to ACT for America, C. Cantoni, Conservative Swede, DK, Insubria, JD, KGS, Nilk, Steen, TB, VH, and all the other tipsters who sent these in. Headlines and articles are below the fold [more...]
Date: 2008-12-03 04:55:00
Let a Dental Hygienist Cover Letter Work For You
Let a Dental Hygienist Cover Letter Work For You If you’re in the market for a job cleaning teeth and teaching patients about oral hygiene, then draft well-written dental hygienist cover letter examples and send it out to dental offices where openings exist. Be sure to include references to your training and experience with more details [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 17:10:27
Carpet Cleaning Monroe NJ
All Natural Carpet Cleaning Monroe NJ When you have your carpet cleaned, it is important for your home to be left in a healthy condition ... the traditional use of toxic chemical protectors, hazardous cleaning ... , or fumes in their home and office. We are a reputable carpet cleaning company which takes great [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 22:53:58
Swanky Dog Hotel?
Proposed Bill: Humans, Pets Buried in Single GraveBy Chantal Anderson - Seattle Times staff reporterSen. Ken Jacobsen and his cat Sam that died several years ago. The Seattle Democrat has filed a bill that would allow the commingling of human and pet remains. Forget the notion that dogs are man's best friend. To Sen [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 15:00:00
"Law Firm Layoffs Continue," LEGAL INTELLIGENCE - Time to start thinking outside U.S. law
We knew that law firm powers-that-be would probably wait until after the holidays to do reductions-in-force . But now that those RIFs are occurring and in relatively large numbers, they're, well, shocking. Black Rome and Neal Gerber have recently laid off associates [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 19:46:51
How to become a Birthmother: Chapter 1
Some people have read this already, some have not.It's the whole damn thing.. how I came to be a birthmother. How I ended up in that place where I was open to adopiton to save me from this situration I got myself in. This is the story of getting myself in it.Oddly enough, 22 years ago today....just occuring to me this is me.. [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 05:13:00
Living In - Woodhaven, Queens - Diversity Under the El by Gregory Beyer -
Read original...View Photo Slide-show...Today Schmidt's glass cases, lined with chocolates set by hand upon pale wax paper trays, are the province of the founders' granddaughter, Margie Schmidt. She grew up in Woodhaven in a house on 94th Street, about a block south of the family shop [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 15:03:00
How To Start An Office Cleaning Business
It is very common for several different business establishments and offices to go in search of cleaning services depending on their needs. You might want to realize how much you can actually earn by starting your own cleaning business ... with a more stable financial income. Starting your own cleaning business could be very easy [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 00:52:53
10 Time Management Can-Do Tips by Gloria-Jean Brown
10 Time Management Can-Do Tips by Gloria-Jean Brown 15 Jan 2009 Author: admin In: Education, Time Management 1 ... ). 3. Set out the suit/dress/shirt-tie you want to wear (does it cleaning, do they need to be mended, any buttons missing). Have you gotten directions? (Either call the office of your appointment [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 13:18:37
Just because you're a woman
....don't you think i can't smack you!Today, i'm pissed off. I mean, mad, angry. For some collaborative business trip that i will be heading in few days from now, this woman ... . Thing started when i need to discuss with her on the details of the collaborative business trip [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 13:31:00
Organizing Your Finances part one
I have been working with women and money for quite awhile, and, while it is my profession, it is also my passion. Numbers are my thing ... is a term for cleaning up the business-type clutter around your house; examples include letters, bills [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 02:07:59
Obama's first plan
Obama's first plan The House Appropriations Committee introduced its version of the Obama administration's American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan of 2009 yesterday. The New York Times reports that this is expected to be in the final stimulus bill. See the Committee Chairman, Wisconsin Representative David Obey's memo here [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 22:16:25
Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/12/2009
The most entertaining story of the evening is the Turkish Carnival Association media hoax.The most sobering news alleges that the leaders of Hamas have holed up in a bunker in the basement of an Israeli-built hospital in Gaza.Thanks to Barry Rubin, C. Cantoni, Diana West, Fjordman, Henrik, Insubria, JD, RRW, ScottSA, Steen, VH, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 04:51:00
Artificial Photosynthesis - Titanium Dioxide Coatings Needed For Electronic Pens at Retail Stores by Lance Winslow
Artificial Photosynthesis - Titanium Dioxide Coatings Needed For Electronic Pens at Retail Stores by Lance Winslow 19 Jan 2009 Author: admin In: ... the restroom because you want to make sure you do not contract some disease. But you may have heard ... that we ought to borrow some of the technology used in the self-cleaning window industry [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 10:26:25
Posts about Home business as of January 19, 2009
In, but not Settled - 01/19/2009 So we’re in. The new building is lovely, and our stuff is still everywhere — though it’s gradually starting to look like a real home where civilized … intended. Anyway. It’s time for me to log off and return [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 19:13:07
The Full List of Suppliers to Ask for Links
Posted by willcritchlow I sometimes feel that I don't write about basic fundamental SEO techniques often enough. Particularly here on the SEOmoz blog where I often try to save my "deep", "thoughtful" posts, in contrast to the Distilled blog where I write more widely and Twitter where I talk about any old rubbish [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 10:32:23
How Lawyers Can Grow Billings Using Online Networks and Internet Marketing
I’ve been engaged lately in several projects for attorneys and law firms, ... Europe and Asia and Plaxo is another recommended service with 40m subscribers, in which you receive ... firm, or Salesforce for a larger, multi-office practice (see this LinkedIn Question & Answer Chat [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 22:44:50
Time To Get More Organized
Each January I spent some time organizing my desk and my computer files. It’s such a great feeling to start with a fresh slate and get off to a good start in the New Year. This year I was so motivated by the way my work area looked that I started reorganizing the kitchen next [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 16:16:08
EPA's Love Affair with Carbon About to End
The Environmental Protection Agency is, yet again, not doing the very thing its name implies. For the umpteenth time in the past few years, the EPA is simply turning its nose up to carbon emissions, as if it shouldn't and couldn't regulate them. And that's bologna [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 08:39:23
10 Things To Do When You Have Nothing To Do
photo credit: sunshinecity One piece of advice that I give to every up-and-coming administrative assistant is this: ... t write, clean your keyboard, monitor and phone (in my experience these always need cleaning), move [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 17:32:56
The Full List of Suppliers to Ask for Links
Posted by willcritchlow I sometimes feel that I don’t write about basic fundamental SEO techniques often enough. Particularly here on the SEOmoz blog where I often try to save my "deep", "thoughtful" posts, in contrast to the Distilled blog where I write more widely and Twitter where I talk about any old rubbish [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 01:30:24
Blagojevich Arrest Muddies Illinois Political Waters
Blagojevich Arrest Muddies Illinois Political Waters The arrest of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich on corruption charges has far reaching political implications. (Amanda Rivkin/AFP/Getty Images) Update, 5:10 p.m. ET: A special election to fill the Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama appears to be growing more and more likely [more...]
Date: 2008-12-09 15:59:25
Posts about Home Sales as of January 18, 2009
NUS card strangeness - 01/18/2009 I mentioned on here a couple of weeks ago that I’d tried to do a registration with NUS for this year’s student card, … since it requires you to go through all the process such as home address, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 14:29:44
THE WORLD today!
———————————————————————————1. Barack Obama wins Presidential Election and becomes the 44th President of the United States starting January 20 - Hope for a Change - Yes we can -130 Million Americans, more than in any other election since 1960, voted for a change and choose Obama, [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 00:33:08
How to Take Care of Your Office Carpet
Do you have a home office in Philadelphia? The home office has become very common with people beginning to work more and more from home ... will give you some tips on carpet cleaning Philadelphia, and how to keep your carpet in good ... carpet cleaning will remove. Chair mats are a cheap investment in the health of your carpet [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 23:56:05
The Biggest Stock Investment Scam In History: How Does It Affect Us?
What’s the fallout on the biggest stock investment scam ever? How will these stock fraud schemes affect us? More than you think. I found this incredible. The Madoff saga is far from over. The consequences continue to ripple through the financial world, with more developments that continue to bug [more...]
Date: 2008-12-27 20:02:25
The Biggest Stock Investment Scam In History: How Does It Affect Us?
What’s the fallout on the biggest stock investment scam ever? How will these stock fraud schemes affect us? More than you think. I found this incredible. The Madoff saga is far from over. The consequences continue to ripple through the financial world, with more developments that continue to bug [more...]
Date: 2008-12-27 20:02:25
Ask Unclutterer: Exhausted after work
Reader Juliana submitted the following to Ask Unclutterer: ... for a maid/house manager/fairy godmother. My first piece of advice is to set aside a weekend to simply catch up with all of the stuff around your house. In the days leading up to this weekend, tell [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 14:31:39
Laying Out A Blueprint For Your New Cleaning Service
Any new business is exciting; the fact that you are venturing into unknown or fresh territory can send shivers down your spine ... but it is a needed job and as long as there are places to clean, then a janitorial service will never [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 16:51:25
Starting A House Cleaning Business On A Tight Budget
Before starting a house cleaning business you have to make sure that this is right for you because you do not plunge into something that you are ... on that you made a terrible mistake. In starting a house cleaning business, you have to be sure ... , and cleaner all at the same time. It is therefore necessary that before you start your house cleaning [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 01:51:11
Business Calls in the Hotel Travel Tip
Business Calls in the Hotel Travel Tip I went to the Pucallpa, Peru airport yesterday; they are going to call me when a flight is arranged to Breu, Peru, the plane needs to land on a grass strip in the Jungle. Oops, I am expecting a business call, I went into evaluation mode of my Hotel, and can it deal with a Business Call? Hotel chains [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 15:08:46
THE ENTERPRISE--Incredible Uncertainty
THE ENTERPRISE--Incredible Uncertainty THE ENTERPRISE--Incredible Uncertainty A "LOST WEEK"--BUT PART OF THE "CIRCLE OF LIFE" I had this edition all written a week ago... ready to send out. Then we got the call on Sunday that if my wife wanted to "say goodbye" to her Mother (age 92), we'd better get to IL FAST [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 20:10:15
Tracker Offices Burn Down
Tracker is a national vehicle theft recovery and tracking service. Their head office building is next door to where I live, and they used to run a 24 hour call centre from the top floor. At 2:50 am today my wife woke me to say that the building was on fire [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 03:46:00
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