Worldchanging Interview: Kevin Danaher of the Global Citizen Center
This article was written by Britt Bravo in January 2007. We're republishing it here as part of our month-long editorial retrospective. Kevin Danaher is the co-founder of the nonprofit Global Exchange which co-sponsors the Green Festivals with Co-op America [more...]
Date: 2008-09-11 21:50:45
Blog posts
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Insurance Considerations for RV Owners
Insurance Considerations for RV Owners Posted by Dark Spider at January 18, ... their Recreational Vehicle to their car insurance policy. Adding an RV to your regular auto policy ... your car. Also it has a kitchen, a bathroom, heating and cooling systems and an electric panel, in other [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 18:07:27
Flick to Distraction: iPhone Apps Review
Recently Apple announced that they’ve reached 10,000 apps in their Apps Store. Who has time to download and play with all of these nuggets of code? ... game which doesn’t lend much to game excitement, but the satisfaction of winning is like cleaning [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 14:00:33
Body cleansing and weight loss
Body cleansing and weight loss By David Rodgers | January 17, 2009 by Dave Rodgers People are asking us all the time, ... are starting to hear more and more about body cleaning and the “Isagenix Nutritional body cleanse” ... part is your energy and mental clarity literally go through the roof. Also, with Isagenix [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 21:25:15
Tracker Offices Burn Down
Tracker is a national vehicle theft recovery and tracking service. Their head office building is next door to where I live, and they used to run a 24 hour call centre from the top floor. At 2:50 am today my wife woke me to say that the building was on fire [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 03:46:00
If every one of you read back all my previous posts especially about my part-time job, ... injured my own lips because of the litchi can… having no fun sitting at home… fed-up being mad by a friend [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 14:37:08
A Guide to Winterizing Your House
Winter is approaching and in much of the United States, that means very cold temperatures, snow, and ice ... the temperature low. Get a programmable thermostat. Minimize or eliminate use of vent fans. Turn off [more...]
Date: 2008-11-02 14:00:40
State of the enterprise tech economy
State of the enterprise tech economy Posted by Larry Dignan @ 5:00 am Categories: General, IT Management, Software Infrastructure, Hardware Infrastructure, Gartner Symposium, Microsoft, SAP, IBM, Cisco, Oracle, Innovation, Cloud computing, Gartner Symposium 2008 Tags: Information Technology, Gartner Inc [more...]
Date: 2008-10-20 12:00:30
Most Haunted Places in Tennessee
Halloween isn't the only time of the year when ghosts come out to play. If you know where to look, ghosts and demons are not too far away. Take the time to see what ghosts haunt some of Tennessee's most haunted places. Reports of strange and unexplainable noises, [more...]
Date: 2008-10-19 12:06:46
Meta: Gimpy Gams
Image copyright The Yorkshire Knee ClinicWell, we're back from viewing MRIs of the troubled knee and off to court tomorrow to fight once more for the ... . For example, when he fell through the roof, landing on the car on his head, scalping himself quite [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 04:56:00
Apparently, Times Square's Seedy Side Moved To Eugene, Oregon...
A recent post in the Rants 'n Raves section of Craig's List Eugene alerted us to the fact that there are places called "sex arcades" where, ... one roof these days, and that they are happening in small cities like Eugene, Oregon, for starters [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 15:48:00
Posts about Mortgage Market Report as of January 18, 2009
Twitter Tweets about Real Estate Report as of January 18, 2009 - firsthomeservice ... Grubb & Ellis issues more downbeat report on office real estate market (The Delaware Business ... a weaker performance in the New Castle County office market than reports from other companies. Source [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 12:25:43
Landleases: When The 'Worst Case' Scenario Happens
Picture this: you know that the land rent for your doorman co-op building will increase in 2009 but you don't know by how much. You know you bought your apartment for below the market value of comparable apartments in the neighborhood because of the uncertainty of being in a land-lease building [more...]
Date: 2008-12-17 21:04:14
Wag the Blog: Is the Obama Cabinet Too Conservative?
Wag the Blog: Is the Obama Cabinet Too Conservative? Is Obama's Cabinet too conservative? Photo by Jim Watson of AFP Earlier this week, Steve Hildebrand, one of the key field generals in President-elect Barack Obama's presidential campaign sparked a firestorm among the liberal commentariat when, in a piece for Huffington Post, [more...]
Date: 2008-12-11 18:10:49
Lance Armstrong's Hill Country Hideaway
SELLER: Lance ArmstrongLOCATION: Deadman's Hole, Dripping Springs, TXPRICE: $12,000,000SIZE: 4,241 square feet, 5 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms (total0DESCRIPTION: Spectacular resort like ranch with 447.8 acres (hcad). Ownership in Deadman's Hole & 1886' of Pedernales frontage (per survey) [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 15:10:00
Harvesting rain water
This small 500 litre tank holds water for pot plants on the verandah and vegetables in the front yard. We bought it for $49 on sale at Bunnings.It hasn't rained here for about six weeks. Our large green water tank on the front verandah ... months.This is the first tank we installed here, it holds 5,000 litres. We use this water [more...]
Date: 2008-10-09 18:16:00
Reap the Wild Wind
Reap the Wild Wind by ThevinaStory NotesAuthor email: thevina33@gmail.comSpoilers: None exactly; set pre-Enchantments, in the early, early years of WraeththuCanon Character: Cobweb (all others original characters)Summary: Níl gach uile fhánaí caillte— Not all who wander are lost. (J.R.R. Tolkien) [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 02:40:25
Making a Green Cleaning Kit To Clean Everything in Your Home
More eco-friendly cleaning tips from This time, Annie B. Bond wrote a grat piece on making an environmentally friendly, eco-conscious green cleaning kit that you can make today and use to clean everything in your home in a child safe, planet safe way! By Annie B [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 05:37:36
Small Steps Today, Big Earnings Tomorrow
With the economy in a downswing, people are searching for ways to recoup their losses ... out your laundry duties, cleaning chores, or other things on your to-do list, you're spending a small [more...]
Date: 2008-12-19 16:18:35
Natural Pest Control
It is a fact of life that insects exist, and that they go to where the food is ... to vacuum thoroughly, following up with a good cleaning. Other tips include placing traps high above [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 13:41:43
Torte Clementine
It’s been bitterly cold here the past week or so (I know, when it’s below zero in the double digits up north, ... : my estrogen levels are through the roof. As in, more than twice the upper end of the normal range [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 04:04:54
Chugging back from the holiday train
Chugging back from the holiday train Sunday, January 18, 2009 Wow. It has been a month! A little over actually and I could apologize but that’s getting old, so I’m just gonna say Wow how time flies when you’re having fun! Most of it has been fun actually [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 19:53:32
THE BOMA ADVOCATE BY KEN CLEAVELAND BOMA Leaders Meet with Mayor Gavin Newsom to Oppose Congestion Pricing Mayor Gavin Newsom met with our BOMA SF PAC leadership earlier this month. At this meeting BOMA stressed its strong opposition to congestion pricing, [more...]
Date: 2008-12-22 23:29:22
Some Thoughts on the Small House Movement: Is It Something Worth Considering?
Over the last week, several readers have written to me with various comments, suggestions, ... resources than a large one, both in the construction and in the maintenance (energy use, for example [more...]
Date: 2008-11-13 14:00:34
Squirrels are having a party on my roof, scurrying around and then jumping back and forth to the oak tree.. ... for the RV show in Tampa so he'll be gone all day and I have the cleaning lady coming today so I'll [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 12:50:04
Snow, books, and an MP3
Brrrr... I feel just like Big Bird when he was asked if he was okay (after spending a night on the roof) and he said "I think I may have frozen my giblets".* One of my all time favorite movie lines [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 16:33:00
If Dr. Suess designed downspouts
Rain downspout made up of pipes and funnels If you hate cleaning gutters and downspouts, be thankful you don't live here ... pipes and large funnels that carry rainwater from the gutter at the roof's edge down--eventually [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 23:18:31
My Heart’s Surrender Loves Her Natural Flowing Water
A dog barked at the top of his lungs as I arrived on the rooftop at 9:46. The air was freezing ... her virgin ripples in the pond. My airy submitting loves her antenna experiment. My window open overflow [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 04:17:19
Residents returning to Lafitte, Barataria, Crown Point
Residents returning to Lafitte, Barataria, Crown Point by Allen Powell II, The Times-Picayune Monday September 15, 2008, 9: ... into Lafitte Monday to check on there homes and begin the cleaning process. Despite driving rain [more...]
Date: 2008-09-16 03:03:57
Cheers and Jeers: Monday
From the GREAT STATE OF MAINE... "The name's Bond. Bonddad Bond ... . He currently practices tax law in Houston when he's not hunkering down and cleaning up from hurricanes [more...]
Date: 2008-09-29 12:07:41
Obama Victory May Be Bittersweet for Napolitano’s Staff
Apologies for continuing to harp on the possible appointment of Arizona Gov ... through the roof. And, for good measure, the Republicans who are now totally in control of the state [more...]
Date: 2008-11-21 00:01:25
What Goes Into Peanut Butter – Besides Salmonella?
January 12, 2009The first recorded Salmonella outbreak to be linked to commercial peanut butter occurred in Australia in 1998. The peanut butter, which was contaminated with Salmonella Mbandaka [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 15:46:00
The Vision for the Future of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church
On Sunday morning, January 18, 2009, I launched God’s vision for the future of Pleasant Hill ... . Pleasant Hill will catch on fire, and everyone around us will feel the heat, and this building [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 16:35:49
Five Songs That Could Save A Life
From BBC News, Oct.18, 2008: Bee Gees hit could save your life ... about keeping the correct rhythm. He said CPR could triple cardiac arrest survival rates [more...]
Date: 2008-10-19 01:19:28
Keeping Warm in a Cold Home
Copyright © 2006-2009 Clever Dude. All Rights Reserved ... of running the furnace makes a difference [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 16:31:19
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