Box of Possibilities
I've got company coming in 3 hours, I have to make dinner for 12-15, and I'm running out of steam ... . I should be cleaning the bathrooms.Anyway, the other day I mentioned my Box of Possibilities. It is a marvelous bottomless cavern, picture Mary Poppins' carpet bag. It looks like this, and you might think [more...]
Date: 2008-12-07 22:23:00
Blog posts
(128) |
The Weight of Smoke
I quit smoking five days ago. I guess you could say it was a late start to a New Year's resolution ... to Goodwill. Still on my to-do list is renting a steam cleaner for the carpet and painting ... spent a few hours in the tub. By the second day I was on a cleaning frenzy getting the smell [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 23:44:00
True Confession
I spilled a significant amount of red wine on our white carpet last night. Not a party foul, just an accident ... that spilled.Thanks to 409 carpet cleaner, it all came out. Miraculously. Clean up on Aisle 6 continues...I forsee needing to buy a steam cleaner in our future. [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 18:09:00
SEO Company Hired to Boost The Steam Team Online Visibility -
Dallas SEO 1 Services has been retained by the leading carpet cleaning and restoration firm in the DFW area. The Steam Team aims, with the move, to i 1 Vote(s) [more...]
Date: 2008-11-20 10:44:52
Some Funny Title That I Can't Come Up With Right Now
I think my brain froze. It is c-c-cold!! Hubs said there is no work the rest of the week. Wheee ... ; cleaning, mopping and airing the place out. Vents were checked for dead rodents and carpets were steam [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 06:06:00
Impromptu Shorty: Fraud and…Redheads
Last night, a company came to my house. They called themselves Ladybug Steam Cleaners Inc ... . For normal people, this should be a red flag. They said that in order for them to clean the carpets [more...]
Date: 2008-12-10 17:36:37
Ladybug Steam Cleaner to the Rescue
Ladybug Steam Cleaners I hope you are not sick of hearing about all the cleaning uses I keep finding for my Ladybug Vapor Steam Cleaner ( ... and neighbor whose husband had just spilled red wine all over their couch, cushions and carpet the night before [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 14:50:47
Dirt Devil MCE7350 Vision Easy Steamer - $63 Shipped
Before you know it your carpets are stained and your dropping cash. Get the Dirt Devil MCE7350 Vision Easy Steamer for a cheap deal at Amazon. It’s $130 - $67 instant savings + free shipping = $63 shipped! Features: Full steam cleaner with a 5-1/5 amp motor 11-inch cleaning path, and includes starter shampoo and cleaner [more...]
Date: 2008-10-28 06:21:15
Here’s A Hint
I have a 9 year old son, so it’s difficult to keep things clean around my house. One thing that suffers the most is the carpet and furniture ... to get out. So, when I was asked what I wanted for Christmas, my answer was a steam cleaner. Ideally, I’d like one of those Ladybug steam cleaners because I’ve heard nothing but great things about them [more...]
Date: 2008-12-04 21:35:19
This is my life.
August 21, 2008 I tried out the new steam cleaner last night - got it with my visa card points or something. Probably only had to spend $4.6 trillion to get that $150 steamer, but hey! It’s FREE. So. Back to the cleaning. I was excited, considering how often Miss Goldie has had her “accidents” on the upstairs carpet. I cannot [more...]
Date: 2008-08-22 05:01:02
The (Freakish) Things We Do When Family Comes to Town
My father and step-mother live in a preternaturally clean house.I'm not casting aspersions, just stating facts (enviously). Their house is many shades of tan, and cream, and beige, and off-white -- with lovely dark wood furniture and color on the walls in the form of paintings. There are never any spots on their cream carpet [more...]
Date: 2008-12-14 20:46:00
aww poop
I have come to realize that everything I say will eventually leak out my beautiful daughter’s little mouth ... been an issue for me mostly b/c I never really thought about it, but I would clean my floors ... . So what do I do? I found a steam cleaner for $40 at Target that I’m gonna get and I think I’ [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 12:49:19
Sparkle, Sparkle, Little Floor....
Sure, you vacuum, you sweep, you mop... but when is the last time you really gave any thought to the correct way to clean your floors? ... can be updated. Carpets: Many of our homes have carpet on the floors - We do (although I longingly dream ... hardwood.) To keep your carpet looking great, it's important to vacuum regularly (daily in the traffic [more...]
Date: 2008-07-21 21:44:15
Find Out Important Information For Upright Steam Cleaners
It is safe to say that the market is literally flooded with Hoover Canister, especially uprights ... or hard to get to places. How To Choose An Upright Vacuum Upright vacuum cleaners have a power rating ... vacuum is the right choice for you and your home. This has become even more difficult in recent years [more...]
Date: 2008-12-19 05:15:10
How to Green Your Carpet Cleaning
Bare feet on green carpet Whether it’s wall-to-wall carpeting or area rugs, your floor coverings will eventually need a good cleaning ... and chemicals from other people’s carpets through your home. Invest in your own steam cleaning unit ... on non-toxic steam extraction methods. There are also green carpet cleaning solutions available for home [more...]
Date: 2008-11-26 10:46:54
Things to Consider Before You Sell
If you’re ready to put your house on the market, you know what you’d like to price it at and how to advertise, ... for an afternoon and tackle your carpets to leave them clean and fresh before you invite strangers in to look ... in a while, hose them off along with the home exterior. If you have a pool, it should be clean [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 12:40:04
10 Ways To Get Your Home Ready For Fall
The days are getting shorter, the air is crisp and cool in the mornings and the sound of crunching leaves under your feet rings like music in your ... all summer? Call and schedule and appointment, or drag out the steam cleaner before you have a house full ... the house to get ready for all the excitement that is just around the corner. Unless you've [more...]
Date: 2008-09-22 17:36:40
Carpet Cleaning Monroe NJ
All Natural Carpet Cleaning Monroe NJ When you have your carpet cleaned, it is important for your home to be left in a healthy condition. Most home owners and office managers would prefer to avoid harsh chemicals, cleaners, abrasives, or fumes in their home and office. We are a reputable carpet cleaning company which takes great [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 22:53:50
Carpet Cleaning Monroe NJ
All Natural Carpet Cleaning Monroe NJ When you have your carpet cleaned, it is important for your home to be left in a healthy condition. Most home owners and office managers would prefer to avoid harsh chemicals, cleaners, abrasives, or fumes in their home and office. We are a reputable carpet cleaning company which takes great [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 22:53:59
Hoover F5914-900 SteamVac with Clean Surge
Product Description Hoover F5914-900 SteamVac with Clean Surge powerful home steam vacuum saves you the expense and hassle of having to rent a ... upright handle, this deep cleaner releases the included carpet/upholstery cleaner and hot tap water ... steam cleaner and keeps rugs, upholstery, and bare floors (other than hardwoods) looking like new [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 01:00:32
Carpet Cleaners in New Hope Pa
All Natural Carpet Cleaning Bucks County PA When choosing a carpet cleaner for your home, Please keep your families Health in mind ... from food-grade ingredients, and in combination with steam cleaning machines and safe carbonation ... power of oxygen, steam, and food-grade cleansing solutions to brighten and clean your carpets [more...]
Date: 2008-12-02 20:43:52
Are Carpet Cleaning Company Services Worth It?
Persian carpets Rugs and carpets in a living space can help to turn a house into a home and can make the room a more pleasant and inviting ... of cleaning carpets professionally, yet not all carpet cleaning companies are set up to provide ... to cleaning carpets is carpet shampooing. While there are many carpet cleaning services that offer [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 15:07:05
Carpet cleaning for 7 year old boys
So how does one get their carpets cleaned right before his 7 year birthday bash? Evidently, you take down the side fence ... is out and the dog is IN. A lethal combination for rugs, carpets, blankets, upholstery in general ... cleaner out of the shed. Clean the stem cleaner since it has lived in the shed/chicken coop [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 16:11:13
Carpet Cleaning Monroe NJ
All Natural Carpet Cleaning Monroe NJ When you have your carpet cleaned, it is important for your home to be left in a healthy condition ... the traditional use of toxic chemical protectors, hazardous cleaning ... , or fumes in their home and office. We are a reputable carpet cleaning company which takes great [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 22:53:58
I Resolve
I put a lot of thought into my New Years Resolutions for 2009 ... of started working on this mid 2008 but lost steam when Wes became mobile (which is pretty much the story with ALL my projects). I'm recommitting to a clean, organized house with less junk. The day [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 19:37:00
Stupid Lungs or Why I Have to Just Watch
The boys are out raking the yard with their dad. Thin autumn light filters through the leafless trees, ... pink from the crisp air, as their little strong bodies help dad clean up the mess of autumn leaves ... need later- Do I know where the Nebulizer is? Do I have enough Albuterol? Are there clean filters [more...]
Date: 2008-11-22 23:15:08
view additional pages SPIN YOUR GLOBE TO LONG ISLAND Only Six States Have More People than the Insular Empire that Ranges from a World’s Fair Through Potato Patches, Princely Estates, and Historic Shrines By Frederick Simpich With Illustrations from Photographs by Willard R [more...]
Date: 2008-09-12 06:20:31
Spic And Span Floors With A Robot Vacuum Cleaner!
by Ned Dagostino Of all the routine tasks which have to be done everyday, vacuuming is the most brain-numbing! ... designated for cleaning is covered. No more getting down on your hands and knees to clean under ... -cleaning robots do an almost perfect job of cleaning the floor, leaving it spick and span [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 08:22:40
Water Damage
water damage is a bad and sometimes a real serious problem for home owners. If you have a water leak or even worse a flood you need to contact a professional company ... after water damage occurs. Many homeowners don’t, either. They think a quick steam cleaning or drying [more...]
Date: 2008-12-22 05:57:00
You Cannot Beat Bissell Carpet Cleaning Products
The origins of the Bissell Carpet Cleaning Products are in a family shop, and the need to solve a problem ... a solution. He designed and constructed a carpet sweeper machine that he hoped would put an end ... that they are worth every penny. Many wouldn’t trade their Bissell Carpet Cleaning products for anything else [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 15:32:43
You Cannot Beat Bissell Carpet Cleaning Products
The origins of the Bissell Carpet Cleaning Products are in a family shop, and the need to solve a problem ... a solution. He designed and constructed a carpet sweeper machine that he hoped would put an end ... that they are worth every penny. Many wouldn’t trade their Bissell Carpet Cleaning products for anything else [more...]
Date: 2009-01-11 14:27:07
Essential Carpet Cleaning Repair Tips and Tricks
by Nikki Rowd Cleaning carpets can be hard and rigorous both for the carpet cleaner and the carpet itself ... of cleaning, most carpets found in ordinary homes are of average quality. It is not surprising therefore that after only a few cleaning, these carpets can look as though it has been around for centuries [more...]
Date: 2008-11-17 20:02:49
Carpet Cleaning Jamesburg NJ
Carpet Cleaning Jamesburg NJ All Natural Carpet Cleaning Jamesburg NJ When you have your carpet cleaned, ... managers would prefer to avoid harsh chemicals, cleaners, abrasives, or fumes in their home and office. We are a reputable carpet cleaning company which takes great pride in using non-toxic cleaning [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 00:16:06
Carpet Cleaning Jamesburg NJ
Carpet Cleaning Jamesburg NJ All Natural Carpet Cleaning Jamesburg NJ When you have your carpet cleaned, ... managers would prefer to avoid harsh chemicals, cleaners, abrasives, or fumes in their home and office. We are a reputable carpet cleaning company which takes great pride in using non-toxic cleaning [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 00:16:33
Carpet Cleaning Jamesburg NJ
Carpet Cleaning Jamesburg NJ All Natural Carpet Cleaning Jamesburg NJ When you have your carpet cleaned, ... managers would prefer to avoid harsh chemicals, cleaners, abrasives, or fumes in their home and office. We are a reputable carpet cleaning company which takes great pride in using non-toxic cleaning [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 00:15:53
I think that Mrs Pico lays awake at nights thinking of ways to make me work
I think that Mrs Pico lays awake at nights thinking of ways to make me work November 30th, 2008 by Dana Pico Or so I have accused her in the past ... ! So, I replaced the entire mechanism, and rented a steam-cleaner for the carpet. That room is small, but, naturally, Mrs Pico figured that, as long as we had it, it was time to steam clean other carp [more...]
Date: 2008-11-30 22:45:00
Sucky Lungs, or, Why I Must Watch
November 22, 2008 in Mama Musings (Double-posted at MMW) The boys are out raking the yard with their dad ... bodies help dad clean up the mess of autumn leaves. I watch from behind the French doors ... Albuterol? Are there clean filters and a power cord? Check, check, check… One of the reasons [more...]
Date: 2008-11-23 05:20:08
101 GREEN Things in 1001 Days
List two of two. This is our 101 GREEN Things in 1001 Days list. The Husband and I are going to working on this one together. It is not only a personal list but a family list. I originally got this idea from Amy when she posted her list. I checked out Day Zero and read more about the project and decided to make my own list [more...]
Date: 2008-11-13 04:41:00
101 GREEN Things in 1001 Days
List two of two. This is our 101 GREEN Things in 1001 Days list. The Husband and I are going to working on this one together. It is not only a personal list but a family list. I originally got this idea from Amy when she posted her list. I checked out Day Zero and read more about the project and decided to make my own list [more...]
Date: 2008-11-13 04:41:00
Carpet Cleaning Repair Tips and Tricks
by Nikki Rowd Cleaning carpets can be hard and rigorous both for the carpet cleaner and the carpet itself ... of cleaning, most carpets found in ordinary homes are of average quality. It is not surprising therefore that after only a few cleaning, these carpets can look as though it has been around for centuries [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 22:48:45
Selling? Need to Create Some Buyer Interest?
Selling? Need to Create Some Buyer Interest? Posted by Jeff Adie under For Realty Professionals, For Sellers, ... looking over their shoulder. Open up the drapes and shades and let the sunshine in! Scrub and clean- steam clean carpets, kitchen and baths clean and de-clutter, paint walls that are marked up. Lawn [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 17:53:49
All Natural Carpet Cleaning NJ
When your family needs carpet cleaning in NJ you can Call Powerpro Carpet cleaning in New Jersey to clean your rugs and carpets ... it could be dangerous when they are integrated in air. Steam cleaning your carpet with the use ... . People have a very busy lifestyle and the carpets get very soiled in the home. Professional [more...]
Date: 2008-11-27 19:57:28
Sisal Carpet Cleaning
Sisal Carpet Cleaning Sisal carpet cleaning is only possible with the method below and our “Carpet Cleaning Network” can provide you with this sisal carpet cleaning service. Call Tina Kimmens Our Carpet Cleaning Network PA 0800 883 0454 anytime up to ten at night any day (UK) FAQ About Sisal How do I care for my natural fibre carpet [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 10:25:28
All Natural Carpet Cleaning Bucks County PA
When choosing a carpet cleaner for your home, Please keep your families Health in mind ... from food-grade ingredients, and in combination with steam cleaning machines and safe carbonation ... power of oxygen, steam, and food-grade cleansing solutions to brighten and clean your carpets [more...]
Date: 2008-12-02 18:25:43
The Steam Cleaning Demon
So a month or so before Christmas I called my mom and told her that if she wondered what to get us for Christmas, she could get us a steam cleaner for our carpets. We only have two rooms with wall-to-wall ... that she had a steam cleaner that she never used and now that she had mostly hardwood floors had no need [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 00:56:40
You Cannot Beat Bissell Carpet Cleaning Products
The origins of the Bissell Carpet Cleaning Products are in a family shop, and the need to solve a problem ... by word of mouth, and carpet vacuum cleaners were born. The modern Bissell upright vacuum cleaners ... . Most of these carpet vacuum cleaners also have cunning designs to cope with stairs and other hard [more...]
Date: 2009-01-11 18:05:49
You Cannot Beat Bissell Carpet Cleaning Products
The origins of the Bissell Carpet Cleaning Products are in a family shop, and the need to solve a problem ... by word of mouth, and carpet vacuum cleaners were born. The modern Bissell upright vacuum cleaners ... . Most of these carpet vacuum cleaners also have cunning designs to cope with stairs and other hard [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 14:10:23
Carpet Cleaning Repair Tips and Tricks
Carpet Cleaning Repair Tips and Tricks By Nikki Rowd | January 15, 2009 by Nikki Rowd Carpet cleaning is quite a rigorous activity; ... . There are some people who make it a practice to clean their carpets as often as they possibly can even ... not for the person cleaning but for the carpet itself. Some carpets are of high quality [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 19:39:09
Taking a Look at Carpet Cleaning Supply for Your Needs
Taking a Look at Carpet Cleaning Supply for Your Needs By Anthony Galz | November 22, 2008 by Nikki Rowd Unknown to most people who own them, ... cleaning supply items that you need to invest in to keep your rugs and carpets clean and germ-free ... cleaning supply. Vacuum Although carpets may be cleaned using a broom, it is easier [more...]
Date: 2008-11-22 12:30:37
Carpet Cleaning Company in NYC
Carpet Cleaning Company in NYC you can trust a comapny that has been cleaning for over 20 years I would like to take a moment to tell you about myself and my dedication to the industry of carpet cleaning. My name is Rich Moore and I am the owner of PowerPro Carpet Cleaning in NYC. I have been cleaning carpets and upholstery for over 20 [more...]
Date: 2008-11-29 04:31:09
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