A Perfect Day
When I was gone for a week, and got out of the rhythm of blogging, I kind of forgot our last sibling assignment, ... . We are here to help you," he said."Help me?""Yes. We are the cleaning elves. We travel around the world searching for people in need of a good house cleaning and some organization help," he said.The red [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 05:33:00
Blog posts
(44) |
Quick (?) note re my recovery progress
I've been hesitant to blog too much about my 2 broken wrists for fear of boring everyone & because it seems a low priority with a war going on ... with assorted idiots, I finally got a home health aide yesterday. She'll be cleaning house & helping me shower ... when sleeping or out of the apartment, for protection). I have a gorgeous "Frankenstein [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 22:38:00
Clean House
With Eid just a few days away, my cousin-brothers in Karachi, aged 19 and 22, decided to help out their mom by cleaning the house ... to both of them that the bag in the machine is already full and the filter needed cleaning. The older ... . My aunt is very particular when it comes to cleaning, and despite having a full time job [more...]
Date: 2008-12-06 14:43:07
Running For Peace
There are ten things that I am good at… unfortunately just because I am good at them does not mean that I like them or that they are necessarily ... , The running for peace club, The amateur baker’s group, House maids 101, The Shopaholics, Helping Hands ... compulsive clean freak, I am good at cleaning too. I have a job at Smoothie King in Kingwood [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 23:44:12
Tips For Selling Your Home
by johnmce Whatever the housing market is doing, there are a number of tips that will always help your house appeal to potential buyers ... , clean Your home must sparkle and smell clean! Getting professional cleaners in can be money well-spent. Have the carpets, curtains, sofa covers and oven cleaned. Make sure your windows are clean inside [more...]
Date: 2008-12-07 16:08:43
Let Your Kids Clean: BasicH2 Organic Concentrate
Young children like to be helpful, and I don’t want to discourage their desire to imitate my house cleaning ( ... . Related posts on green cleaning: Charlie’s Soap is the Non-Toxic Cleaning Miracle Make Your Own ... disclosure of ingredients because, “We do not list the specific ingredients for all of the cleaners [more...]
Date: 2008-07-10 15:09:26
My Guilty Secret
Well, as many of my sweet readers remember, I was going to use a maid service to help me with the housework. I wrote about it in this post.They cleaned my house ONE time.Call me a control freak, but Ladies - I just couldn't stand the thought that these women were coming in to clean my house. They were touching those priceless items [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 17:40:00
Barbie Collector Dolls
Barbie Collector Dolls I spent all weekend helping my mom clean out her house. She’s something of a pack rat (to put it mildly), so there was quite a lot of junk to go through in her basement. As we were cleaning, I found ... get the exact same products at much lower prices — all without [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 08:45:03
That's my new word for 2009. I'm determined to start allowing others to do some of the work. I've hired a cleaning service to help with the house, since domesticity is not one of my strong suits. As much as I would like to think that I'm SuperWoman, I'm just not, and attempting [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 17:42:00
5 Tips For a Frugal Clean House
It’s nearing finals time here at the Almost Frugal household ... of finance, accounting and economics. Gah! So what am I doing? Cleaning my house until it shines, of course. I am a terrible procrastinator, and along with killing time, cleaning helps me to kill stress [more...]
Date: 2008-11-28 11:00:08
[E] Weekend Update
I did my monthly spring cleaning with the help of my mighty-mop. 80% of the ‘outcomes’ were my hair! i need help~ and oh, i won’t be needing a big house. to clean a small apartment has already gave ... apartment to a double-storey house in Kajang. Know what? The new house’s rental fee is RM350 per month! it’ [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 04:02:05
The keep-it-clean plan for open houses
Here are some really helpful tips that will help you to maintain a sparkling, show-ready house in just 19 minutes a day ... and this should take you approximately 2 minutes. Make cleaning the basin as routine as washing [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 04:04:06
A Triumphant Weekend
Travis and I had a pretty successful weekend. Saturday, he worked and I helped Rachel move apartments after her foreclosure fiasco ... and cleaning the house. I was mad to find that part of that cleaning involved wiping up a puddle of cat piss ... done it yet. Rachel recommended throwing away the rug on which Bella keeps eliminating waste [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 16:56:00
Ten on Tuesday
10 Things You Want for the Holiday Here are some materialistic stuff for the holiday! 1. I want a 24″ iMac! 2 ... 7. A whole body massage and spa would really be nice. 8. Someone to help me around the house..A cleaning lady is nice! 9. A cook! Ha!~ 10. And more money for shopping spree!!! Need I say [more...]
Date: 2008-11-25 15:01:47
Learn How to Keep Your House Look and Smell Clean With Green Cleaning Products
Are you on the search for natural cleaners? Read on to find out some of the most common fixes for house problems. 1 ... in removing residue as it also helps to disinfect the place. 5.Dirty Carpet- this is not a problem if you only follow the right steps written here. What you need to do is to sprinkle baking soda on the carpet [more...]
Date: 2008-12-15 23:29:38
Baby Doll Quilts
After seeing my pictures from Christmas, a friend on Facebook asked for a doll quilt for her little girl ... . What do you think - improvised?We've had a cleaning day around the house! Owen went down for a nap ... to have this incredible power over her sisters! She convinced them to help clean up - so they could surprise [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 22:03:00
Working with the Cocoa Bean
Posted by: Tara on: Monday, January 5, 2009 In: Jobs I've Had So FarComment! ... from work, sometimes my mom would pay me to help her around the house. Actually she didn’t really have to pay me, I loved cleaning the house. To her horror, and while I was in my first year of college [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 03:36:07
Stinky stuff
Thank goodness for Carpet Fresh Super Pet. (No, I don’t work for the company ~ nor is this an advertisement.) ... on our upstairs carpeting instead of inside her litter box, and steam cleaning the carpet has only helped ... . :( Yesterday I vacuumed, steam cleaned, and then sprayed on some of the Carpet Fresh today. Our house smells [more...]
Date: 2008-08-19 19:30:05
Handy Cleaners
It’s one of our family traditions that we have a general cleaning of the entire house after Christmas and before the New Year ... thing we have a house help and thank goodness for the handy machines such as vacuums and steam cleaners, it made our lives so easy. [more...]
Date: 2008-12-21 06:19:22
17th Jan Lavendar Visit
Posted by: doris1810 on: January 18, 2009 In: Fun MusingsComment! Yesterday was an eventful day, there’s a total of 3 events falling on the same day. ... into the house and uncle told us to help him with the cleaning, and we have to leave by 1115am, cos ... , so all of us started with the cleaning in an organized manner *grinz*.. Zhi Xian: Toilet Jian Cheng [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 16:29:03
Save Your Marriage With A Live In Domestic Help or Housekeeper
by Alice Sy Plenty of couples are struggling to save their marriage, ... do some cooking, if you are comfortable with that. Cleaning the entire house on a daily basis ... does so many things in the house. She cleans, washes the dishes and the clothes; she also cooks [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 00:23:05
LIttle Helpers
Friday we were preparing for house showings on Saturday, and while I was cleaning, I tried to find little projects Caleb and Titus could "help" me with. Cleaning the windows was one, though I noticed when they were done the windows looked worse than when they started! [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 22:45:00
my menu and binder
monday - tacostuesday - turkey and noodleswednesday - bbq turkey burgersthursday - seasoned hamburger patties with veggiesfriday - turkey and bean ... at walmart. i am also using coupons for campbells creamed soups. remember when all the bloggers ... for cleaning each room of your house. i find these lists and plans help the kids especially [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 18:13:00
Good help is hard to find
Every other Friday brings drama to our household. Because every other Friday is house cleaning day ... . That kind of thing. So after each cleaning, I would re-arrange the pictures and dust behind ... started going downhill fast. First I came home after cleaning day and found a broken faucet [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 17:11:00
Sunday cat blogging
I can’t help it! Amber was being so weird that I had to share. Plus I am a little distracted this weekend with SportsBoy in a baseball tournament (local thank heavens) so I am trying to catch up on yard work and house cleaning between his game schedule and also catch some of the events in DC. Several of my friends are out there and it is really [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 13:38:41
Look what I do with MY TIME
OK so this is my life. I get LOTS of requests asking how I do what I do ... that helps. I take one afternoon a week and give the house a full cleaning. By staying on top [more...]
Date: 2008-10-27 13:50:39
A New Beginning - January 2, 2009
(Photo from www.fairfaxcounty.gov) “I can honestly say that I was never affected by the question of the success of an undertaking ... few years. Her problem is that she is a compulsive hoarder. My father and I used to help her keep ... in my home. My father worked outside the home, sometimes 7 days a week, so the house cleaning was my mom’ [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 10:00:48
Schmancy needs our help
Times is hard, especially for small business owners here in Seattle who missed out on getting a lot of the holiday gift buying traffic because of the ... around but I will be doing one of my own. I am cleaning house. I will be collecting a lot of toys ... ) in the same building as the Moore Theater, just down the block from the Moore's main entrance. It's [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 14:42:49
Pledge Furniture Polish Review & Giveaway
Dust - ugh - it is not something I like, but judging by things in my house you would think I was a major collector and treasured it like fine art! Cleaning has never been high on my list of things I want to do, but it's just something you have to force yourself to do. Luckily, Hubby doesn't seem to have a problem with cleaning and helps [more...]
Date: 2008-12-16 18:14:00
How to succeed at being yourself
How To Succeed at Being Yourselfby Joyce MeyerIt’s tough to enjoy life when you don’t like yourself ... you can do this while you're driving to work or cleaning house. I also encourage you to look in the mirror and say ... , and your relationships will thrive. Here are a few tips I believe will help you succeed at being yourself. 1. Never [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 08:18:00
Happy 2009!
I haven't done any sewing this past week. With Christmas and my hubby home, it's hard to get much done besides playing "maid" around the house cleaning up after everyone. I did get a few goodies in the mail tho which is always so very fun.I had planned to do a post on my sewing of 2008, but I need hubby's help to make [more...]
Date: 2009-01-01 03:43:00
Toddler chore ideas? Talk amongst yourselves.
SE asks: My son is two and a half and we are expecting another baby in a few months. I would like to start my son on doing some small chores around the house to help him develop ... have mentioned two popular tools: the spray bottle and rag (good for "cleaning" the table or dishwasher [more...]
Date: 2008-10-21 16:45:50
So tired
So tired December 21, 2008 Filed in: Life In General I have been going full steam since Friday ... (arthritis) didn’t help at all either. Then this morning I decided to give the house a light cleaning [more...]
Date: 2008-12-22 04:56:39
Ask Umbra: On bedbugs
Dear Umbra, I desperately need your help. My house has become infested with bedbugs! I'm trying to find an environmentally friendly way to get rid of them. I've tried a thorough cleaning and tried using diatomaceous earth (fossil shell flour) to no avail. The local exterminator [more...]
Date: 2008-09-08 11:09:18
Re: Rep. Saunders' work helps lobbyist Saunders
http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/?p=1967#more-1967 http://bluenc ... of taking on the hard work of cleaning house and hiring capable leaders, they circle the wagons hoping ... one iota's worth of difference. The entire Electricities board should resign. The contract [more...]
Date: 2008-11-13 16:11:52
Happy New Year To All
Happy New Year to all! We’re up for the big moment in about half an hour ... ! Cleaning House: William Jefferson, Ted Stevens, Rod Blagojevich. Two will be gone from political ... . All will rightfully be outsted from their offices. Clearing out the corrupt ones only helps. So, those [more...]
Date: 2009-01-01 04:52:20
busy weekend
Our weekend was spent helping the stepdaughter move to her new house ... in the inside. It was not really that bad but there was not harm in cleaning it some more. And yesterday ... have to get it tonight because I need to clean our carpet. It looks nasty. But it can wait a little :) [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 14:21:51
News Fix: The Good the Bad, and The Ugly for January 16, 2009
PM promises to stimulate economy, help vulnerable and middle class in January 27th budget. CBC Methane plume on Mars could be a sign of life ... deal to block Gaza weapons smuggling. CBC Bush White House staff cleaning out their desks today [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 11:15:13
Dryer Vent Cleaning to Prevent Dryer Fires
by Gina Fazil Most people do their part to keep their house, and all their appliances, in working order. Most people schedule a regular professional furnace cleaning, but few think ... from your home. The moisture helps the lint stick to the sides of the dryer ducts instead of making its way [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 09:35:09
I Love it When The Lord Points the Way!
If there's one thing I know, it's that The Lord sent me here to help others. I know I mentioned that I was going to surprise William by cleaning his apartment for him. While he does have a house cleaner come in every two weeks, there is no way a man can pay for a woman's [more...]
Date: 2009-01-10 00:02:00
Kyle’s Coupons: I Need Some Frugal Help, Please!
My wife and I are having some problems around the house and my “honey-do” list is getting really long ... this Fall. At my local home improvement store, I have seen a bunch of different gutter guards ... up in the rain gutters? After all, I don’t want to be out on my ladder cleaning the gutters every Sunday once [more...]
Date: 2008-08-20 11:00:00
Maid Cleaning Agency - How to Choose the Right One
by Alice Sy If you need to hire a maid in Hong Kong from a maid cleaning agency, ... cleaning agency before. You may also ask some maids around where they came from and what agency helped ... who would like to have someone responsible, dependable and hard working to entrust the house with while [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 08:15:47
House Update
I'm feeling pretty blessed because tomorrow some friends & family are driving down here to help us get our new home ready ... , if possibleSeal kitchen countersWeatherstrippingReplace furnace filterPainting is the big one. We're having ... I hope to head over before anyone arrives so I can take over cleaning & painting supplies, Pat [more...]
Date: 2009-01-03 03:14:00
Helping to Clean House
Traditionally, Chinese families will clean up their entire house in the days before Chinese New Year. We had cleaned up our house last Sunday. We started cleaning about 10am and finished it at 5pm. I tried my best to help my family ... old newspapers that used for covering furniture while cleaning ceiling and wall. I would walk or crawl [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 07:45:00