Spring cleaning takes a modern twist
When the Lunar New Year approaches, there’s loads to do (especially when you don’t have a maid):1. Spring clean the house For the tenth time, I question the rationale behind spring-cleaning the apartment/house a week before CNY. Why do we only take down those curtains, remove ‘em sofa covers [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 07:13:53
Blog posts
(25) |
Top 6 Clean Green Cleaning Tips - Cleaning Your House The Natural Way
Six Tips from The Chicago Tribune for cleaning your home the green, natural way: Baking soda, borax, white vinegar and lemons. That’s all you need to start “green cleaning” this spring, a cheap, healthy and environmentally ... that do not contain chlorine or phosphates. Products include Bioshield Dishwasher Concentrate, Earth Friendly [more...]
Date: 2009-01-10 08:34:02
Windows & Doors...
Ohhh~ It's a busy busy day for me today, woke up at ard 1pm, which is EARLY since it's a Saturday, to do my laundry and had to wake Dillie up to go lunch and do spring cleaning ... for cleaning those nooks & corners of the house and those uneven surfaces, I am so going to use it again [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 16:39:00
A Toast To Another Good Year
Today is the eighth day of 2009 already. Another 2 more weeks the Chinese all over the world will be ushering in Chinese New Year of Ox.Most Chinese homes have started their normal yearly house spring cleaning again. I went through ... , had it once when I was invited to a friend's house in Kuching where the friend got it on the way back [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 00:40:00
January 18
We spent all day spring cleaning the house (vacuuming up dog hair, steam cleaning a few old random pee spots, etc). Naturally, I still see Maggie's spirit running through the house, taking naps [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 02:04:00
Kent Avenue Power Plant Destructoporn: Massive Shrinkage
2008_12_Powerplant%20Desctructoporn.jpg Remember the old Kent Avenue BMT Power House that Con Ed said it was just doing some "spring cleaning" ... , complaints of toxic clouds of asbestos wafting into residential neighborhoods and the like, the spring cleaning is so complete that the building is nearly gone. A tipster sent this pic showing what [more...]
Date: 2008-12-11 18:51:27
Early Spring Cleaning
Well, it’s January in California, and to all you people in the Midwest and East Coast, that usually means lots of cursing or dreaming of our weather ... s to mid 80’s all this week. Since we only have two seasons (fire and rain), spring cleaning can happen ... the ultimate goal is to reduce the clutter in the house [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 05:45:34
On The Move Take 1
Well, if I have said it once I have said it a million times, we think we want to move this spring. Spring is quickly approaching ( ... another challence to an already overwhelming challenge! 2. Deep clean. After I get the entire house ... trying really hard to not keep things clean. 3. Have 2 agents come out and look at the house. Why [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 05:27:09
More Spring Cleaning
2009 is already shaping up to be a massive house cleaning for me. I've let go of so many things. Tangible and intangible. Feels good ... on Windows, AD and virtualization already. Sold off some hardware too. Lean and mean. [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 03:03:00
i'm in the process of spring-cleaning my entire house now.mum has been anticipating my return back to JB,not because she misses me..but because she needs me to do HOUSECHORES.like, wth rite [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 09:24:00
Gadgets - Those were the years 2:32 PM / Posted by Paddy Tan /
Last week, Izel and I were spring cleaning the house and we discovered some of the gadgets in the heap of stuff lying around ... series (They dont see wifi as a must then). Only to later adopt Windows Mobile instead of extending [more...]
Date: 2009-01-01 06:32:00
Winter Cleaning
Hey everyone…I have been doing a bit of winter cleaning around the house and took the time to purge my craft closet of patterns that I am very sure I ... Sampler.Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Exchanges and RRsTime for Spring Cleaning [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 22:51:29
[E] Weekend Update
I did my monthly spring cleaning with the help of my mighty-mop. 80% of the ‘outcomes’ were my hair! i need help~ and oh, i won’t be needing a big house. to clean a small apartment has already gave ... apartment to a double-storey house in Kajang. Know what? The new house’s rental fee is RM350 per month! it’ [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 04:02:05
cleaning house
If you are like me, right about now you are tearing down the decorations and scrubbing everything. I always get that spring cleaning itch right after Christmas. I scrapped my tree yesterday ... for my friends, I went a little crunchy. I put together little cleaning kits for my friends. Crunchy [more...]
Date: 2008-12-29 16:16:34
I haven't had very much to blog about lately. Election is over, work is going alright, marriage is great ... for 20 people in a house of 5. This January we plan on cleaning out the back yard, this spring ... the carpet for a week to get cat smell out of it. I really hate the smell of cats. Festivus is on it's way [more...]
Date: 2008-12-04 22:47:00
Things You Find in Your House While Cleaning–Part I
I found these odd drawings while cleaning up the house–we’re doing a vigorous spring cleaning, early. I have a vague memory of my mom drawing them–her vision of me, I guess, as some kind [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 19:34:28
Crafty Closet Cleanin’ Give Away #1
Thanks! That was fun! Blogless Kelly won the bag! I’ve posted all my other stuff in the next post…*********************************What a relief to put away all the Christmas stuff! I really enjoy Christmas, but all the decorations start making the house feel crowded and cluttered. As a result, I start my spring cleaning early - and it’ [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 19:02:10
Spring Cleaning Journal #4
I grew up in an era of radio and cassettes. There were no MTV or Astro back then, and our major source of music was basically the radio ... for the family, as they brought in popular series such as Full House, ALF, Small Wonder, Out of this World ... made its presence. While it was definitely better and longer lasting, it was expensive too. Prices [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 01:21:00
A House Frau's Simple Joys in Life
When the mid-day sun comes out in full force...and the laundry dries really nicely and quicklyespecially the thick mattress protector that has been ... cleaners are here and the nice smell of fresh minty disinfectant/cleaner fills the air. My sofa and mattress spring cleaning plans are falling very nicely in place. Happiness! (despite the nasty eye [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 06:11:00
Friday Linkfest: Moving Edition
Living Room In Progress We’re making progress on the house. At this point the carpets are ripped up and the walls are primed ... called Spring Cleaning for Normal People. I skimmed through it quickly last night, and it’s really [more...]
Date: 2008-08-29 11:00:39
A House Frau's Simple Joys In Life (Part II)
My mattress and pillows smell so so nice!*deep breath**deep deep breath*Smells so good! ... spring cleaning will more or less be complete. *deep breath*Smells so good!But dunno why my sofa doesn't smell so good leh! Maybe cuz its a lot dirtier? They completed the steam cleaning job (which cost [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 07:17:00
Why does 17 degrees F feel like spring?
What a boring day! But I have managed to read two books today while curled up under an afghan I crocheted probably 15 years ago ... the house cleaning. Heaven knows I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. Plus, I was a bit puny [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 23:32:00
Republicans Miss Opportunity to Take Lead in Fight Against Corruption...Again
by Cal Skinner What can you say about Illinois House Republicans that none have filed an impeachment resolution against Governor Rod Blagojevich? ... . But, any rational person can see Democrats are going now going to get the credit for cleaning their own ... of impeachment hearings in 1974. This year Madigan could have ignored a spring impeachment [more...]
Date: 2008-12-10 23:53:25
Spring Cooking Program
La Tavola Marche has created a deliciously unforgettable holiday! ... , tile floors, exposed stone & cozy fireplaces!Includes~Dinners (at La Tavola Marche with house wine ... !~ Aperitivo served in every evening in the garden~Apartment rental for 7 nights accomodations (cleaning [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 12:51:00
Spring Cleaning Tasks
When I woke up this morning, I suddenly realized that Chinese New Year is only around 7 days away! ... on me that I haven’t been doing house cleaning for a long time. Spring Cleaning Time Spring Cleaning Time This weekend and even weekdays are going to be challenging to me. I seriously hope [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 01:51:38