Half-Off Housecleaning
Deal available in Philly, NJ, Chicago, DC, NYC and LA : BidMyCleaning is a Web site that allows individuals to solicit bids from multiple maid, carpet cleaning and window cleaning companies. Through Halloween (i.e. THIS FRIDAY), you can get $50 off a... [more...]
Date: 2008-10-28 16:10:27
Blog posts
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Netcraft Jan 2009 survey shows a drop of 1M sites
According to Netcraft, their January 2009 survey showed an uncharacteristic drop of 1.23 Million active web sites ... . Then again, it could just be Google cleaning up spam sites in its Blogger platform as they dropped ... . That could be a more solid indicator of the performance of the dismal economy as companies switch [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 18:38:03