Half-Off Housecleaning
Deal available in Philly, NJ, Chicago, DC, NYC and LA : BidMyCleaning is a Web site that allows individuals to solicit bids from multiple maid, carpet cleaning and window cleaning companies. Through Halloween (i.e. THIS FRIDAY), you can get $50 off a... [more...]
Date: 2008-10-28 16:10:27
Blog posts
(4) |
Where is the balance in undercover reporting?
There’s a great new article in the Ryerson Review of Journalism (one of Canada’s best magazines, imho) ... her real name, for the record) joined a maid service and spent a month working as a maid in the homes ... company, and the cleaning service for invasion of privacy and deceit. The RRJ has an interesting [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 19:16:31
Trailer: ‘Sunshine Cleaning,’ Which We've Have Been Looking Forward To Since Forever But Seemed To Have Fallen Off The Face Of The Earth
"Sunshine Cleaning" is a dramedy starring Amy Adams, Emily Blunt, ... , and fell off the theatrical radar all together. It tells the story about a 30-something maid Rose (Adams ... , and she recruits her sister Norah (Blunt) to create their very own cleaning company, “Sunshine Cleaning.” [more...]
Date: 2008-10-03 21:36:18
Nikitas Magel of Vinikitas ~ Wine Country Interviewer ~ An Addition to Wine-Blog
Where would I be today if it weren’t for my three wine industry mentors, Lavonne Homes, then Katrina Walker Commesso, and finally Corinne Reichel… All at Belvedere Winery? Probably still on my knees cleaning more toilet bowls for Merry Maids… Yes, I did that so that I wouldn’t have to bother any company [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 09:51:07