13 Snapshots
1. When it comes to the school of life I don’t do a lot of homework but I pay attention in class. 2 ... butterfly since I left. 5. I bought one of those shark steam floor cleaners after watching the infomercial on TV. I’m here to report that it works great on an already clean floor, which is another way [more...]
Date: 2008-08-28 04:03:17
Blog posts
(3) |
This message brought to you by the You Know You're Old When.... network
I finally used my exciting, new cleaning apparatus today:Yes, that's right, my life today has been made complete by the Shark Steam Mop. ( ... cleaners in the bathrooms with no problem, but the floor cleaning gives me issues, maybe it's too much ... with my kitchen floor because it's ugly grey linoleum (it's true, I only live large in my mind). Quite [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 21:20:00
Pink Steam Mops, Take 2
It might help if I tell you where to buy it right? Duh. Euro Pro Shark Steam Mop from Target. It was on sale at our local target, not sure if it will be for you but it does an amazing job. I don’t have to mess with cleaners and smelly stuff… just pure water. Glorious! [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 03:27:51