McCulloch MC-1275 Heavy Duty Steam Cleaner
About a year ago I moved into an apartment in SF that has some problems ... Heavy Duty Steam Cleaner is a major part of my plan to fix up the apartment. I’d used steam cleaners before, but nothing of this size and power. FOr those of you who don’t know, a steam cleaner [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 16:39:12
Blog posts
(3) |
Looking Over Steam Cleaners
One of my least favorite chores has to be mopping. In part, it’s a pain to do with kids around ... you give. Not to mention the immediate increase in sticky spills once the floor dries. How do kids do that anyhow? For Christmas, my husband said he was going to get me a steam mop. I’ve been hearing [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 16:15:16
Coughing, steam cleaners, and snow
January 19, 2009 in Family All of these things are part of my day today…well the snow is still to be seen, but we are supposed to get some ... . Avery has a terrible cough too.This morning, I decided to steam clean the carpet. The water [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 18:35:46