The Weekend
We have been taking it pretty easy around our house most of this week. I can't think of a single thing that we did on Friday. I'm sure we did something, but I don't know what. On Saturday we cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. I did my twice annual cleaning of the bathrooms. I seriously hate cleaning them, so they are pretty [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 04:03:00
Blog posts
(107) |
Decor - Easy, Eco-Friendly Bathroom Cleaning
You know how after you clean your bathroom with harsh chemical products it reeks for days? ... your tub fresh, the Green Mandarin and Leaf shower cleaner by Seventh Generation is non-toxic ... Enzymes’ natural drain opener. This eco-alternative is a non-caustic, non-toxic and biodegradable way [more...]
Date: 2008-07-28 16:37:00
Zit Cream Master Bedroom
I know.. weird title. But every time I go into our new master bedroom addition it reminds me of 15 year old girl going to bed with zit cream spotted ... are getting done before schedule because we decided to hire the drywall mudding out. Darin was going ... has HATED to clean it. Mildew galore. Great.. cleaning bathrooms is my most favorite thing to do [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 23:24:00
Mandy Running the Disney Marathon and Our Funny Marthon Signs
Well for the past 6 months Mandy has been waking up between 4:30am and 6:30am to run from 3-22 miles, ... . I had the house to myself to prepare for whatever came, with Saturday cleaning the house top to bottom; bathrooms, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning the kitchen, unloading dishwasher, cleaning dog slobber [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 08:50:20
Bathroom cleaning Tips
Going home after a hard day's work makes you want to relax and take a good hot bath ... away.The first thing you should notice when cleaning the bathroom tiles is tile grout. Most of use ... are damaged form the inside, acids and tile cleaners will not be able to help a lot.The next thing which [more...]
Date: 2008-12-15 11:49:00
Really bothering
I’m trying to get motivated to start cleaning again, and I thought the best way to do that would be to stop cleaning and start writing aimlessly ... on the cleaning schedule: The bathroom! Now, I know you’re thinking that I probably haven’t cleaned ... ? Mmmm, is that food? What’s this strange little house with food in the middle of it? (munching [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 00:31:13
Home Made Simple, Part Two
Welcome to the second installment of my thoughts on the exciting new home care products now available on store shelves from Procter and Gamble. ( ... . My absolute favourite use for the magic eraser is cleaning stains/drawings off of walls, they’ll also ... and bathroom cleaning erasers and the new Extra Power Magic Eraser. At 50% stronger than [more...]
Date: 2008-12-25 06:26:49
Basic Housekeeping – Cleaning Tile & Grout
Time to clean the bathroom? Perhaps not your favorite chore, but a necessary one ... process. Using a specially developed tile and grout cleaning solution and high-pressure, hot water ... . Call today to schedule a Free, in home, no-obligation tile and grout cleaning consultation: (706 [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 16:57:06
House Work
The Pioneer Woman has a list of her 5 least favorite home-related chores on the right side bar of this page.Mine are:1. Putting away laundry ... has chipped out and is funky.4. Cleaning out the refrigerator. I used to actually ... to finish first.But! There are things I like doing. They are:1. Cleaning the bathroom. I hate a dirty [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 18:52:00
Nine Frugal Suggestions for a Humble Bar of Soap
By Myscha Theriault Need to squeak by for a few days until pay day? Are groceries having to take priority over basic cleaning mediums? ... household cleaning product. Who knew? OK, somebody probably did. But it wasn't me. That is, until ... where my bathroom cleaning caddy and homemade spray cleaner are stored. The sink and counter area were [more...]
Date: 2009-01-10 21:51:57
Miserable child, sick dog
Oh yeah. It’s going to be a great day. Up at 4:35am to clean up after the dog. He got into something (again) and is sick ... likely end up cleaning the damn bathroom again today. I’d better stock up on cleaners, paper towels ... , scrub bathrooms, and vacuum when I wake up later. I have minimal energy right now… It’s ok to wait [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 14:47:03
modern bathroom reno
There were two big dollar rooms that were not included in the cost of our addition, the kitchen and the bathroom ... cleaning easier we had a suspended walnut vanity with a concrete countertop that I made, as well ... when possible. Our white subway tile was from Home Depot and was way more affordable than a lot of other [more...]
Date: 2008-11-06 17:00:48
Postcard from London continued . Day Two
Sometimes people ask why we like to come to London so much. Today was the perfect answer to that question ... downstairs to a hotel breakfast. We are out by ten heading to the Royal Academy on the top deck ... to have arrived with the toothbrush I normally use at home for cleaning the bathroom sink). Also popped [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 17:41:00
How I Clean a Bathroom
Now that's an eye catching title isn't it? LOLOh well, I would be interested in how others do this disgusting job so I thought I'd post mine ... ! These are the cleaning supplies I used:1. Spray Cleaner, Any Brand2. Powdered Cleanser, Comet or Ajax (store ... .My life in the cleaning area of my home was changed forever when I read this book:SPEED CLEANING [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 11:21:00
Coming Your Way: Too Good by Jenny
Bedding, apparel, feeding products, toys/activity sets, cleaning products, bathroom textiles, gluten-free food and beverages, and all non-toxic, ... a lifestyle brand called Too Good by Jenny, which will be positioned as providing safe, non-toxic surroundings for children.” Sounds very “green”—-will “non-toxic vaccines” be on the list of future “Too [more...]
Date: 2008-09-09 00:01:38
kooky week
I'm glad this week is finally ending. My hope is that this post comes off as a recap and not a series of complaints ... . A thousand things went through my mind. I had been cleaning the upstairs bathroom...had he ingested one of the ten products I use to scour and sanitize up there? Mitchell agreed something was NOT RIGHT [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 01:07:51
3 for me, 3 for you
Oh man. What a great weekend. I am in complete and utter denial that its all over, as sitting, eating, crocheting, playing, talking, laughing, ... in the middle of a cold night after (yet another) bathroom trip, only to snuggle ... and cleaning up her mess with some lovely dishtowels. Send me an email with your address, to claim [more...]
Date: 2008-12-02 17:31:00
Boy Germs
Outside of the suite of faculty offices sit two bathrooms, side by side. Women. Men ... are not responsible for cleaning this bathroom! No, there is a very fine team of Janitorial staff [more...]
Date: 2008-11-17 22:28:00
A buncha stuff
I’m sorry about yesterday’s lame photo post. We were out and about for a good part of the day, mostly to get away from the house ... business. She seems to maybe have a touch of a sore throat and a cough to go with it and her nose ... both bathrooms were closed for cleaning. Isn’t that against the rules or something?? And I don’ [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 02:27:00
Glamour Reel Moments--A Final Recap
I'm afraid there are really only two events in my life right now--the remodel on the house and my recent Hollywood adventures. I'm afraid the rest is just macaroni and cheese and cleaning bathrooms so if you'll forgive ... us on the red carpet--or rather what it all looked like from behind the photographers. Our driver [more...]
Date: 2008-10-21 08:00:00
Hardanger heart
Look at this wonderful hardanger heart my niece have made for me. It is so beautiful made and she also have sewed tiny pink beads on it ... ago. Thank you Linda :) I am now cleaning the house for the christmas holidays. My DD surprised me when I came home yesterday. She had cleaned the bathroom all over from floor to roof. I am so happy [more...]
Date: 2008-12-17 10:12:00
Tips on Renting an Apartment
If you’re a student who’s living on your own, you know that being away from the rest of the family can either be pleasant or impossible ... -reliant - from scrubbing the bathroom floor to cleaning the kitchen sink, everything ... if the plumbing and electrical is fully functional, and check if the windows, the doors, and the floor [more...]
Date: 2008-07-24 20:13:21
Make the Most of Small Spaces
I’ve been thinking a great deal about small spaces lately. That surprises me given that I’ve made most of my living by making houses larger![ ... of the world today and the impact it has on remodeling and construction work in general. I wrote a short ... trying to squeeze space. Here are a few principles to follow: Keep It Clean! The small bathroom [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 02:33:39
How to save money with coupons
I started a poll in the forums asking if any of the readers actually save money by cutting coupons ... for a certain product go to the website of that product many times they have coupons you can print off ... by categories that work for me: Bathroom, Cleaning, Meat/Dairy, Condiment, Canned, Pasta/Rice, Beverage [more...]
Date: 2009-01-18 14:23:24
STREAK FREE Glass Cleaner
Hi this is Dan Dillon talking to you today about Streak Free isn’t your ordinary glass cleaner that you’ll find on the store shelves or at the ... Fresheners Facility Maintenance & Safety Supply Floor and Carpet Care Green Cleaning Products & ... the name Streak Free. So Streak Free is great for numerous amounts of tasks such as cleaning bathrooms [more...]
Date: 2008-12-15 18:01:53
Simple Home Improvement Ideas
Are you tired of going home to the same house? You don’t have to move out to experience a new home ambiance! ... about re-installing new tiles. But replacements can cost a bit, so try cleaning up the bathroom first. Don’t think you need to spend big because sometimes it only needs major cleaning for it to look new [more...]
Date: 2008-07-09 21:11:43
Mr. Kenju's Family Photos
Top: We don't know who these women are, but it is obvious they are sisters. The resemblance is striking and even the hairdo is the same ... about this photo is the art deco border. ___________________________On the home cleaning front: my guest bathroom ... bibelots on the window sills! I also washed windows and the curtain panels on the front doors [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 05:01:00
If I only had a brain
Have you ever told yourself several times that you needed to NOT FORGET something, and then forgotten it? I did that today ... month lease.) Instead of the elliptical, I think we'll save our money and buy a nice steam cleaner for cleaning the kitchens and bathrooms. [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 04:36:00
Celebrity Sexy White Teeth? My Non-Celebrity, Unsexy, Yellow Teeth Wish
The five hours that I spent cleaning my mom's bedroom and bathroom two weeks ago inspired me to do a little pre-spring cleaning in my home when I got ... were starting to get a little overcrowded. Some products needed to be transferred to the hair product ... that are a little more budget-friendly. One such teeth whitening product is called Celebrity Sexy [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 19:26:43
Every Day in Basic Was a Story
/danielmode on In Air Force basic training, there are many roles and responsibilities for the trainees ... he was so good at it, the LQ offered to let him out of cleaning his assigned stall if he polished the LQ’s boots. Natch, he took the trade. Eventually, the Boot Polisher did no bathroom cleaning, no bed making [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 15:25:48
Frugal tip: Google Calendar
Who doesn’t like free stuff? Google offers lots of free goodies ... to the Internet. Since it is browser-based, it’s cross-platform. You can use any flavor of Windows ... in Decorating (3) Quick Bathroom Cleaning Tips (7) Pantry Purging and Cool Containers (0) Outdoor Toys [more...]
Date: 2008-10-11 18:00:42
Review Week: Accucharge Cordless Vaccuum by Dirt Devil
I have a secret. I hate vacuuming ... it on bare floors much, but it does a great job on carpet. Not exactly a deep cleaning, but for everyday ... . It is easily one of my least-favorite chores, second only to cleaning the bathroom. I do both [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 01:35:44
The Big Clean
I’m not a bad housekeeper. I keep the important things clean enough so that there isn’t really any visible crud to make us–or pop-in visitors–uncomfortable. But, you know, the out-of-the-ordinary gets neglected. The things that are aside from the vacuuming, bathroom cleaning, kitchen scouring, living area dusting [more...]
Date: 2008-06-27 18:36:05
NBC News Chicago: Singing the Praises of Drew Peterson?
NBC 5 News Chicago is broadcasting a "Day in the life of "Drew Peterson tonight on their news broadcast ... as he parades or floates across a room in the kitchen or bathroom cleaning toilet bowels or operating a vacuum ... his children's meals, doing domestic duty around the house, folding laundry, making beds, oh and smiling [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 05:01:00
Edition 47: Fashion Friday
Y’all. If ever a week was about to do me in, this would be that week ... to Target is a bad idea. It is evident that someone who puts off cleaning the bathrooms until ... , went to the grocery store, came home and started painting the house, went inside to make Rice Krispy [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 08:51:39
When Certain Stars Align, We Know The End Is Near
Oh no no no no no no no no. Now hold up just a goddamn second here. This isn’t supposed to happen! These two fub-faces aren’t supposed to be in the same photo. I demand an explanation, Satan! You know how when you’re cleaning the bathroom you’re not supposed to mix different types of cleaners [more...]
Date: 2008-12-11 22:15:04
The LA Guide to Beach Bumming
Now that we've been over where to drink and sleep at the beach, it's time to talk about Los Angeles beaches themselves. The pounding waves! The sweeping vistas! The old men in neon thongs! Each of LA's beaches has something a little different to offer, and only one of them has clean public bathrooms. Just in time [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 16:28:07
Clean Up Time Already?
It's very quiet today. Ben is home sick, lying like the dead on the couch with a high fever. Yesterday it was Zachary ... you in the face with their germ filled fingers. Now, I'm just cleaning up buckets of... um... well, you know. I don't think Ben is ever going to learn to hit the bathroom until he has to clean [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 23:00:00
The enviro issue
Ever since I learned about purchasing carbon offset credits (Team ClifBar & their biodiesel bus), I didn't understand the point ... their lifestyle as it is. For example, in the bathroom is where the household cleaning supplies stay ... w/ Bleach 2 Glazed Tile & Grout cleaner 2 Ammonia 1 windex institutional size [more...]
Date: 2008-12-17 22:50:57
What I Want This Year
Yayy, list! I love lists, though I'm not very good at making them. This is the list of the things I want this year.1 ... at all. I have seen some women cleaning bathrooms, that's all.17. I wish that Sarah Palin of ours puts nets outside the windows, so that birds don't disturb us. I don't care if she has to sell her torn wig, peach [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 11:46:00
6 Steps to Prevent Mould in Your Bathroom
Despite regular cleaning mould can always occur in areas of high humidity around the home ... of the house. Mould will not grow on a dry surface so ensure you have an extractor fan fitted ... carpet when getting out of the bath or shower can lead to it getting wet, which will keep the humidity [more...]
Date: 2008-11-21 08:27:13
One of those NeverRest days
So here I sit on the Uncomfiest Sofa, avoiding the laundry basket full of my clothes (to be folded and put away) the boxes from Mama’s decluttering (which moved the clutter from one room to another) the desk that needs to be emptied and donated the bathroom that needs to be cleaned attacked with cleaners [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 01:39:41
Ready to Launch?
There's a movie made sometime in the last 5 years called Failure to Launch ... " their adult sons out from under their roof. Sometimes the grown men are practically dragged kicking ... of that on a hundred fronts.Yesterday, I spent a good two hours cleaning out a closet in our bathroom [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 00:10:00
Life’s Rich Tapestry
How about that for a positive spin on the concept that modern life’s too busy? ... about this little lot? Tidy the house, clean the bathroom, scrub the kitchen, vacuum the carpets, sweep ... for the next version of HTML, what PHP skills do you need to brush up on, how’s your MySQL, any [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 14:22:04
Why Do People Try to Scare Parents-to-Be?
Why Do People Try to Scare Parents-to-Be? By Lisa Belkin ... and excitement) and another, who when cleaning her bathroom earlier in the evening, thought, I wonder if Amy knows about all the pee she’s going to be cleaning up for the next 18 years. Gee. Thanks. I take [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 21:42:59
This message brought to you by the You Know You're Old When.... network
I finally used my exciting, new cleaning apparatus today:Yes, that's right, my life today has been made complete by the Shark Steam Mop. ( ... cleaners in the bathrooms with no problem, but the floor cleaning gives me issues, maybe it's too much ... with my kitchen floor because it's ugly grey linoleum (it's true, I only live large in my mind). Quite [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 21:20:00
E&P will return shortly
I'm spending much of the next couple of days cleaning the Happy Kitten Cottage, in anticipation of my sister's visit ... Shark steamer and the Little Green Machine carpet shampooer to try and make a little headway. The biggest cleaning tasks will be the bathroom and kitchen. Better go find my hazmat suit. The good news [more...]
Date: 2008-12-23 10:03:00
Beautiful Decorative Ceramic Vessels From Etsy
This decorative vessel features an incised stylized lotus design ... and Art Toilet Seat Pictures - Toilet Seats Cleaning Kitchen Exhaust Hoods Kids Bedroom or Bathroom ... fired for color and design. It has been surface-treated for ease of cleaning. It is - like all modern [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 05:51:18
Thanksgiving Prep Vacation: Day 1
Plan: (updates as of 8:50 PM) 1. Clean master bathroom. - All that is left is to dust the baseboards, which I’ll do after the carpet cleaners leave ... -up the day of. 3. Carpet cleaners here sometime between 11 and 2. - Carpets are now clean. NO ONE WALK [more...]
Date: 2008-11-24 14:43:41
Wino Weasel
Yep, even the pets get driven to drink around here! 001 ... yet and the only weekend cleaning I've got left is the bathroom. Rock on! I do have some work I've ... like we hardly ever get snow anymore. Whenever the temps are really cold, our air is totally dry [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 16:35:11
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