10 Ways To Maintain Or Improve Your Home Value
We are always looking for ways to increase, or at the very minimum, maintain our home value ... a few days and do some ‘deep cleaning’ or call in a maid service. Clean out some of those closets ... the house. Although this is not necessarily all Green, they are important none the less. For the most [more...]
Date: 2008-12-30 22:00:50
Blog posts
(5) |
Catching Up...
We have a million and one things going on at the moment...I haven't had an ounce of free time in the last week! ... weekend"... I was prepared to come home and have tons of cleaning to do along with my laundry, but Brandon hired a maid service to come and clean the house before I got back!! So, I came home to a perfectly [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 19:32:27
Start the year clean: Engage the kids, repurpose old items
There’s something about the new year that brings on a cleaning frenzy in my life ... training with our kids will pay many dividends in getting the cleaning job done … together. Marlo ... this? I spoke with Amy Olson, spokesperson for THE MAIDS Home Services, to find some industry tips [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 18:04:09
Home cleaning service with natural products
Do you spend so much time on the computer blogging that you never seem to get around to some of your household chores? ... you're disabled and need a maid service to maintain your home. Or maybe you have extreme allergies or asthma and require a dust-free environment. Personally I would look for a home cleaning service [more...]
Date: 2008-11-04 20:11:32
Where is the balance in undercover reporting?
There’s a great new article in the Ryerson Review of Journalism (one of Canada’s best magazines, imho) ... her real name, for the record) joined a maid service and spent a month working as a maid in the homes ... company, and the cleaning service for invasion of privacy and deceit. The RRJ has an interesting [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 19:16:31