How To Clean Upholstery Without Causing Damage
by Chris Channing The upholstery one owns usually isn’t the target of a cleaning regimen- but sometimes even furniture gets dirty enough that a real ... in question. Before any cleaning is done, the first step is to maintain a logical composure and assess ... with some form of wet cleaning solution if it becomes a problem. For vacuum use, a brush [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 03:23:41
Blog posts
(839) |
What To Do When In Doubt Of Cleaning Upholstery Correctly
by Chris Channing The upholstery one owns usually isn’t the target of a cleaning regimen- but sometimes even furniture gets dirty enough that a real ... in question. The first step in cleaning upholstery is to do damage assessment. On average, a vacuum cleaner ... . Instructions on which cleaning solution to use should be on the upholstery tag. When [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 05:16:18
Think Positive
Well, at least that’s what I’m trying to do. Just got back to my apartment in Berkeley last night and I’m already missing the comfort of home, ... have it all cleaned by the end of today, I hope. In my cleaning spree, you know what happened? I realized ... hindering my cleaning spree because I’m no longer motivated to clean since I keep thinking the [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 20:25:45
The Basics of Cleaning Your Revolver
Several years ago my dad gave me my first handgun- a Smith & Wesson .357 magnum revolver ... to clean it well and have done so ever since. Any gun owner knows that properly cleaning and maintaining your equipment is not only key in increasing a weapon’s lifespan, but is necessary to ensure [more...]
Date: 2008-08-20 03:03:12
Cleaning Up After Your Pets
Cats and dogs are such adorable furry little things that you sometimes overlook it when their personal messes start piling up ... yourself with the necessary equipment to clean up after them. For instance, always have a bundle ... clean up the spots, or they’ll leave a lingering scent. Wet a rag, pour a few drops of diluted bleach [more...]
Date: 2008-07-20 01:08:40
Contagious Nesting
cleaning Nesting is said to set in within the 5th month of pregnancy ... ? I, on the other hand, seem to be cleaning all the time. I’m on that weekly cleaning schedule (which I’ll ... . This is a natural instinct that a mother is said to have where they end up cleaning a ton [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 18:15:17
Tips To Maintaining Your Garment Steamer
by Martha Serensford The cleaning procedure below is recommended as a regular maintenance measure to help your steamer maintain its maximum steaming ... it to be disassembled to properly clean and prolong the life span of the unit. It is recommended ... by sediment build up. This will remove any build up that occurred inside the hose. 3. Clean the [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 02:46:21
Cat Obesity - Causes and Treatment
At least 25 percent of cats are overweight. Obesity is defined as the accumulation of body fat in excess of not only what the cat needs to maintain ... need help cleaning themselves. Cats get so fat that they can’t reach parts of their body to keep it clean. Imagine being told you have the dubious honor of cleaning your not-so-frisky feline’s bottom [more...]
Date: 2008-07-17 02:30:23
30 Days to Natural
With the holidays coming up there will be lots of family parties and friends stopping by. This means a lot more cleaning around here ... to develop a new platform of natural cleaning products called Green Works. These products are made with natural, plant-based ingredients and clean as well as conventional cleaners on most soils. Green Works [more...]
Date: 2008-10-23 04:33:09
The big clean before Christmas
Tomorrow evening, my mom and stepdad will arrive from Denver to spend the Christmas holiday with our family ... now by blogging and weeding worthless cleaners out of my caddy of cleaning supplies. So here’s my thumbs-up, thumbs-down review of cleaning products and a recipe for an all-natural cleaner: (more…) [more...]
Date: 2008-12-20 22:58:23
Juice Feasting - Day 13
I had a bit of a rough patch there the past few days, but I’m feeling much better today ... house cleaning, clearing out years of stored toxins from my cells and organs. As this toxic debris ... as this cleaning process takes place. It’s like when you’re cleaning up your house, and it gets messier [more...]
Date: 2008-11-07 05:47:48
Britney Spears Loves To Clean Her House
Trickle. Trickle. Trickle. Here are a few more quotes from Britney Spears' mind numbing interview that is set to release this Fridday. This time the singer admits to her obsession with cleaning her house. "If she (her maid) takes it all into her own hands, well, what’s for me do? "I’m a cleaning fanatic. Dusting is my favorite [more...]
Date: 2008-08-14 13:25:00
The magical wonders of Household cleaning products
A new home smell is something that leaves a memory in your mind forever. Starting over in a new living environment is also a great experience ... cleaning products. Maybe Going Green strike your mind?the use of these products have made it safe ... these janitorial cleaning products. Could you believe that rust removers can get ris of rust [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 19:48:54
steam cleaners meant for household cleaning
steam cleaners are provided with some cleaning heads so the product provides superb results, cleaning carpets, fabrics, work surfaces,tiles etc.steam cleaners use a method of cleaning that is quick, hygienic, and doesn’t use household chemicals. read more [more...]
Date: 2008-06-19 04:21:32
SpearTalks: Method’s Danny Alexander
You can look at it one of two ways: Method was ahead of their time, or right on time ... obsessive attitude towards branding and design, the environmentally amicable cleaning products were ... leave ones cleaning products out, maybe in effort to say, “That’s right, I clean, and I’m so eco.” and “ [more...]
Date: 2008-07-18 19:20:33
Are we having refund yet?
By Kate Sheppard Renewable energy advocates are enthused by Barack Obama's call to double the production of clean, ... making money. Obama has said his stimulus plan would create nearly half a million jobs through clean ... $10 billion into a "National Clean Energy Lending Authority" that could lend to renewable projects [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 08:28:08
Window Cleaning Below 0
Mr Squeegee (aka Tony Evans) of New View Window Cleaning in Wellman, Iowa gives us a taste of the weather at the moment ... Coco!On the Window Cleaning Resource Forum there have been reports of temperatures as low as -39 ... . Here is a picture of Mike Draper of "Clearly Windows" in Illinois ermmm... not working! Second [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 18:55:00
Clean your Windows registry, speed up your PC
Let's start with a little quiz. I say, "Big, bloated, and full of errors." What do you say? Right, "Windows Registry ... around with your Windows Registry does involve some risk, cleaning it out can have an impact ... . That's because Windows doesn't efficiently clean up after itself as it goes about its daily business [more...]
Date: 2008-08-20 18:47:09
Winter Cleaning
Hey everyone…I have been doing a bit of winter cleaning around the house and took the time to purge my craft closet of patterns that I am very sure I ... Sampler.Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Exchanges and RRsTime for Spring Cleaning [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 22:51:29
Holy Smokes… someone recycled cigarette butts
i say its ingenious. incredible. amazing … but how.the creator, Chilean designer Alexandra Guerrero, ... did a lot of research including how to clean the butts, and how pure the product would be in the end 95% pure after a solvent cleaning process after she cleaned the filters they were shredded [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 17:17:37
Range Fuels Clinches $80M USDA Loan Guarantee
While all eyes are on the $54 billion for clean energy in the proposed stimulus package, ... financing for clean power projects the federal government is one of the better places to help ... crashed), from Passport Capital, BlueMountain, Khosla Ventures, Leaf Clean Energy Company and Pacific [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 17:35:33
Bright Side of the Clean Power Plunge: It’s Not the ’70s
Cleantech startups were a bright spot in terms of overall venture funding in 2008 ... Journal, the WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Index of clean energy stocks fell 66 percent ... from clean energy, you’re on your own.) With a bull’s-eye on freshly subsidized solar and good reason [more...]
Date: 2008-12-26 23:00:20
Laundry Room
You'd think after doing a man's laundry for almost nine months that I would've learned by now to check my husband's pockets. You'd be wrong ... have a house elf, as his undershirt drawer would "magically" refill, and there were always clean towels ... his life more difficult. I don't always remember that. But at least he always has clean shirts. I hope [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 23:02:00
My wait for Eclipse is up! Yay!
The library called this morning to let me know that I’m next in line to receive the Twilight series book “Eclipse” by Stephenie Meyer….YAY! ... if the New Year or what but I’ve been strangely obsessed with cleaning the house lately whenever ... least the house is squeaky clean! Speaking of wedding planning I checked off a few important things [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 22:42:36
Baby Doll Quilts
After seeing my pictures from Christmas, a friend on Facebook asked for a doll quilt for her little girl ... . What do you think - improvised?We've had a cleaning day around the house! Owen went down for a nap ... to have this incredible power over her sisters! She convinced them to help clean up - so they could surprise [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 22:03:00
I’m a Clean Freak… temporarily
After coming back home from our Christmas vacation, I have been miraculously moved to do some deep cleaning. After 3 weekends of vigorous scrubbing, I am running out of things to clean. The floors [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 21:51:40
Moving Days Dirty Little Secrets Revealed!
by The Affordable Storage Guy Preparing for moving day is more than just packing; theres all that cleaning to do too! ... . Finally, never mix cleaning products”many contain ammonia or bleach, and when combined the fumes ... . Common household items can be your best friends when dealing with unwanted marks and stains. Scuffed [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 22:04:57
Get Crafty: How green is your clean?
If I asked you how you know something is clean, what would you say? I have always judged cleanliness first and foremost by smell ... seemed to be making the switch to healthier, all-natural cleaners. Which usually, goes hand-in-hand ... was born, suddenly I found myself worrying and questioning all these cleansers, cleaners, detergents [more...]
Date: 2008-11-05 21:06:17
Fool me twice…
Lloyd’s a stinker. He outright lied to me again* and said that he didn’t have school but the teachers had a ‘workday’ ... all over. It’s so clean now, I am inspired to get the rest of the house in tip-top condition! Clean, yet blurry. Garrrrrrrr. As happy as it makes me, it pains me that he is so good [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 02:49:12
A tribute to my roommate.
Poor Jamie. You should all feel really sorry for her. I mean, not because there is something wrong with her, per say ... much constantly, my brain has had space for little else. Things like, oh I don’t know, cleaning ... s just that when I prioritize my time, a large amount of things come before cleaning. I’m really good at [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 22:57:53
commercial cleaning janitorial services-Toll free 877-880-4110 you need a commercial cleaning company & janitorial service providers in all of the United States,including major cities then we can help!. Find Several commercial cleaning and... read more [more...]
Date: 2008-10-30 10:19:49
Update: CleanAfterMe v1.16
New option: Remember Last Settings. New cleaning items: Recent files list of Microsoft Office and Windows Media Player, and .eml files cache of Windows Live Mail. New cleaning item: Clean Firefox 3 History (this option delete the moz_historyvisits table of places.sqlite, without affecting the bookmarks and other data [more...]
Date: 2008-07-23 22:42:17
On The Move Take 1
Well, if I have said it once I have said it a million times, we think we want to move this spring. Spring is quickly approaching ( ... another challence to an already overwhelming challenge! 2. Deep clean. After I get the entire house ... trying really hard to not keep things clean. 3. Have 2 agents come out and look at the house. Why [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 05:27:09
Unitasker Wednesday: Paw plunger
All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy! ... like a coffee mug that you fill with water. It also employs the help of soft deep-cleaning bristles to clean ... , you still have to wipe down your dog’s feet afterward to dry them. For all the times that [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 14:31:24
6 Tips to Maintain Your iPhone & Protecting It
by Dave Sanders You made a fairly substantial investment in your iphone now you want to preserve its newness by looking after its appearance and any ... of chemicals when cleaning it. Just plain water and a micro fiber cloth is all you require ... is just one more way that you provide proper iPhone Maintenance. Cleaning The Screen: This is one part [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 19:59:43
6 Tips to Maintain Your iPhone & Protecting It
by Dave Sanders You made a fairly substantial investment in your iphone now you want to preserve its newness by looking after its appearance and any ... of chemicals when cleaning it. Just plain water and a micro fiber cloth is all you require ... is just one more way that you provide proper iPhone Maintenance. Cleaning The Screen: This is one part [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 19:57:31
Get out of hot water!
Did you know that a full ninety percent of the energy you use when you’re washing clothes comes from heating up water? ... s right, FREE) copy of the book Naturally Clean, the Seventh Generation Guide to Safe and Healthy Non ... to detox your cleaning products and how the US government can’t be trusted to keep dangerous [more...]
Date: 2008-06-06 13:57:08
Carbon Capture Lite Could Cut Costs For “Clean Coal”
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology say a shorter-term solution, with cheaper start-up costs, ... amount of carbon dioxide. Although CCS has been touted as the answer to the problem of cleaning ... Hildebrand, a graduate student in chemical engineering at MIT and co-author of the study, said [more...]
Date: 2008-11-17 23:54:10
Household Stuff
I think it was last week when we had our internet provider changed! And guess what how fast is the new one? It’s That fast! ... we haven’t signed the paper that letting us allow the vent drainage cleaning this coming weekend ... to stay! Anyway, I’m just glad that there will be scheduled vent cleaning for the clothes dryer [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 01:37:42
Sunday miscellany open thread - plus a bizarre news story
I'd love to say that I spent the weekend doing something fun, but alas, Kate and I spent most of the time cleaning the house and running errands, etc. Did a massive dusting project (even the ceiling fans, argh), vacuuming, Swiffering, putting away ... , eh? If only our canines Chloe and Casey could be put on cleaning detail... Anyway, thanks [more...]
Date: 2008-11-23 23:44:19
MONDAY - PART 2 Canadian designes have decided to join the designer bandwagon and also give their input on what Michelle should wear ... but classy.” "She’s a very clean silhouette kind of person. I don’t see her in strapless ... The overall look: “Really clean. No accessories. A reflection, pretty much, on what I do.” Source [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 02:53:16
Bissell: We mean Clean (CONTEST, Canada included)
I have five cats. Five cats + 1 DH + 1 child = DISASTER for your carpet. If I told you how many times I steam clean a month, you wouldn’t believe me ... of innovative floor care products such as vacuums, carpet sweepers, carpet deep cleaners and bare floor ... and wear, our tan carpet can take a HUGE beating. I know personally, our stairs see the most [more...]
Date: 2008-10-09 22:44:21
altered composition books...
How do you spell exhausted? p-a-u-l-a! This week our shop is shut down on the production line. I am working for a few days to help my friend, {who is also the shop floor manager} clean. I like to clean, but I did spend a good portion of the work day on my hands and knees...with a vacuum hose in my hand. I can't believe how tired [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 01:54:43
Speedup Your Computer By Deleting Temporary Files
A computer can only run as fast as you let it run, and to do that you may apply several visual tweaks with the help of tweaking softwares that ... OS because this problem can happen on either Windows or Linux based system. Cleaning Up Regularly ... CCleaner which is the best one of its lot and supports cleaning up of temp files generated by Windows [more...]
Date: 2008-09-01 04:59:00
Skydivers Know Duke, UNC Look Same at 10k Ft.
The University of North Carolina signed up a skydiving duo to drop from the sky before Saturday night’s home opener for the football squad. (After all, no one’s coming out to see McNeese State. Not even the McNeese family. They need to clean their gutters. You know. Gutter-cleaning season. That’s it.) Unfortunately, the weather [more...]
Date: 2008-08-31 14:00:13
Sunshine Monday
We enjoyed a beautiful sunshiny day here in northern Michigan. Neighbor and friend Sue Jordan enjoyed a drive and shared her pictures with me (and now you!) The sunshine motivated us as we were cleaning rooms. Well, okay not really. .. rooms had to be cleaned sunshine or not! We did enjoy a quick ride along trail 7 and 774. Mike got [more...]
Date: 2009-01-20 03:25:31
Moving From Rhetoric to Reality: Clean, Green Jobs
This article was written by Joel Makower in March 2008. We're republishing it here as part of our month-long editorial retrospective. The promise of the green economy and the clean-tech revolution is that they will bring a new wave of job opportunities — productive and respectable jobs at every part of the economic spectrum, [more...]
Date: 2008-09-30 17:48:20
Catching Up...
We have a million and one things going on at the moment...I haven't had an ounce of free time in the last week! ... weekend"... I was prepared to come home and have tons of cleaning to do along with my laundry, but Brandon hired a maid service to come and clean the house before I got back!! So, I came home to a perfectly [more...]
Date: 2009-01-19 19:32:27
5 Organic Childrens Products for the Fall
Image Source: Egg Baby Just in time for the Holiday Season, several childrens clothing outfits offer cute new choices ... clothier even allows you to purchase carbon offsets and a cleaning company adds toy cleaning products ... . While its easy to deny buying products for grownups, its hard to make a kid go through life [more...]
Date: 2008-11-11 19:48:00
Are Dirty Solar Panels a Big Problem?
Solar’s got a few dark secrets: Sometimes toxic materials are used in panels and sometimes chemicals get dumped in the manufacturing process ... and dampen its energy output. OCS Energy’s answer is an automated cleaning system, dubbed SolarWash ... the first commercially available automated photovoltaic panel cleaning system.” It uses nozzles [more...]
Date: 2008-11-03 17:36:48
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